Initial Thargoid Interaction

I propose that those of us whose first reaction isn't "Blast the aliens because we want excitement" band together a bit to try and offer a more diplomatic approach to encountering a "new"-ish alien species. Yes, they were violent in the past, but they've not shown any proclivity of danger just yet. They interdict and scan. With the tech they have, and our inability to follow/interact with them, they could have blown our ships to tiny cinders at first contact. No comms would have been able to send to warn humanity they were here. They seem to be scouting us out...and we should respond in kind.If you're interested, throw me an invite in game and let me know. We'll come up with some sort of name for the group later, I suppose, but for now a group of like-minded people trying to avert an explosive and deadly first contact seems reasonable.

first interaction was with oresians not thargoids. oresians have a peace treaty with alliance. [message redacted by INRA operatives] so there's not much to worry about until after space starts to flood with [message redacted by INRA operatives]
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