RCT 3 PC Installing flumes in RCT3 Soaked

Hi, this is probably a dumb question but I'm trying to install a flume into my park and I can't open it because I get the message "Can't be opened as no station is joined to a pool complex" and I don't know what this means or how to fix it. I've run a pool path up to the start platform but it didn't help. I can't find anything in the tutorials about installing flumes. Can someone please help an RCT3 newbie as this is driving me a little nuts!

Hi, thanks for the response.

Yes, I do have a changing room connected. The pool already has people swimming in it.

I cannot figure how these flumes are supposed to correspond to pools. You can't locate them wholly or partially inside pools even though the outlet needs to be over water. I guess I must be missing something simple here. Is there an idiots guide on how to install and use flumes?

Ok, I think I figured out that connecting a pool path or spiral staircase to the flume platform isn't the right thing to do. Question is, what do I use to get the people to the starting platform? Doesn't seem to be a normal entrance path or pathway so I'm a bit stuck.

Finally figured it out. It is a pool path or staircase you need to use but connected to the side of the platform and not the end as I was trying to do.


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