Inter-Sun [A Micro Jump Graphic Novel...]

Usually I don't like the idea of microjumps. Those long travel times between stars are part of the game for me and also absolutely optional.
The scientific approach though kinda gets me. You would only use it for really far away stars if there is a risk and it wouldn't be a sudden "poof you're there". I kinda like.

Cool :)

I tried to balance it so that it definitely wasn't a 'path of least resistance', but a choice with ramifications. And leveraging the Stellar Forge variety was important too. (I like the idea that systems might feel more 'personable' somehow. Say one that had a large gas giant with a particularly helpful braking zone aligned with the A-star, or with a set of three small moons you could 'skimming stone' your way through, but whose ordering was liable to change from day to day etc).

I'd actually love to see a broader toolset of repair options out in the black, allowing risky jumps like this to be something you could work you way back from if they went horribly. Like the AFMU staying as a patch up job, but fuller repairs with rare mats (or potentially via risky 'space walks' down the line), allowing for it to become a bit of a survival story :)
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