Is Chelsea Heslop Still Alive?!?

Sorry, Chelsea Heslop did some of my favorite work in Planet Coaster (CBR is still my fave for sheer beauty), but the last of her I've seen is from 2019 (P-Zoo credits, artstation, twitter). Did she survive COVID? Anybody here know?


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Leaving a message on one of her blueprints in Steam would be a good option, or twitter which you mentioned. I don't know if anyone here can say if someone is Alive or not.
Leaving a message on one of her blueprints in Steam . . .

Her Artstation bio includes an email address -- my latest attempt there was a week ago, still no response. And I haven't been able to find anything of hers in the Steam Workshop, I'd still appreciate a link.
If she's the same as this one . . .

“Chelsea Heslop” isn't the most common name on the planet, but I'm pretty sure there's more than one. More than one in the UK? Chelsea Heslop the artdev lived in Oxford, this one's in London. That's not too far, could be. I emailed her a few weeks ago asking if she's the same one, no reply so far.

To be clear -- I'm not trying to pin down an exact physical location or anything like that, don't wanna get stalkery here. I'm just trying to find out if an artist whose work I enjoy is still alive.
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