is it possible to copy old controls to new file?

it's been a while but I am back in the cockpit

I have 2 profiles one using a hots with x56 stick and one using a twin stick (x55 and x56 stick)

these are supplemented with an Xbox pad for on foot and SRV stuff.

the problem is since last I played I have replaced my Xbox 1 pad with an Xbox 1 elite pad.
as it registers as new hardware I can't select it in the controls menu. the files are still in the directory and sure enough if turn my knackered old Xbox 1 pad and turn that on I can load the profile .

is it possible to migrate the old control files over so it works with my elite pad without going back to the drawing board? thanks.
This. Essentially, "all" you need to do is to open the binds files in a text editor (e.g. notepad++) and replace all the occurrences of your old controller's ID with your new controller's ID. I'd recommend to read @STRONTIUM DOG 's guide first - and only work on copies of the backups of your files.

I'd probably create some dummy binds files in order to get the respective controller's IDs - because that's something I could do quickly without having to search the web for instructions on how and where to find those IDs elsewise.
ya notepad ++ find and replace function is the ticket for the device id if different
oddly on my pc's the xbox pad always shows up as "gamepad" in the bind file 🤷‍♂️
and like the cat said dummy binding fiolder creation using the nb method in guide after you have backed up can find the new device id to copy back into the old pc bind file
as long as you make backups first and store them elsewhere you cant really go wrong
all of which is kinda covered in the locked 3 page bind guide thread
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I recently moved ED to a new computer and I copied the .binds files over without editing and they worked fine. 🤷‍♂️

Edit: disregard. I didn’t read the OP well enough
oddly on my pc's the xbox pad always shows up as "gamepad" in the bind file 🤷‍♂️
During the later season of Horizons i used steam big picture mode in order to have access to the advanced menus and media controls.
-this added the HWID from steam to the bindings file, and when moving to Odyssey i only had to replace the string with "gamepad" which worked.

I later lost the file during the switch from Odyssey beta but i of course had it backed up so was no issue when i went back to standalone.
(i'm back on steam install again now (not using big picture mode) due to a finicky controller issue i never could seem to sort however x)
i dont use steam with ED you can disable\enable its steam controller settings in big picture mode that should leave your binds file id alone i would have thought
like i said i dont use it?
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ya notepad ++ find and replace function is the ticket for the device id if different
oddly on my pc's the xbox pad always shows up as "gamepad" in the bind file 🤷‍♂️
and like the cat said dummy binding fiolder creation using the nb method in guide after you have backed up can find the new device id to copy back into the old pc bind file
as long as you make backups first and store them elsewhere you cant really go wrong
all of which is kinda covered in the locked 3 page bind guide thread
thanks I didn't know there was such a thread (and didn't think to search sorry).
i dont use steam with ED you can disable\enable its steam controller settings in big picture mode that should leave your binds file id alone i would have thought
like i said i dont use it?
No it was meant more as a general statement and information as the below.

In any case, there is an issue with steam input where it can prevent some controllers and even keyboards from being recognised by elite, so i am fairly certain steam input does still change the HWID of peripherals. (it also happens with other games) -for that reason i have it turned off and also most often recommend disabling it when using steam.
(the only exception is the genuine steam gamepad which per their own statement can't even disable steam input when connected)

maybe uninstalling that(if installed) will prevent any kinda device recog problems 🤷‍♂️
i use the stand alone launcher thus negating any steam shenanigans
even when playing my steam games i have everything switched off in there
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On a related note, does the Xbox vibration feature work when playing ED on PC? It was a feature in ED on Xbox. My controller vibrates for other PC games, but not ED.

I wondered if it might be due to Steam Input Translation - but when I disable that, the game does not pick up by custom keybinds file - and I don't have the patience to re-bind everything manually. Any suggestions?
On a related note, does the Xbox vibration feature work when playing ED on PC?
(i'm guessing it would be possible to add a custom API handler but that is extreme)

No. Elite on PC does not have it enabled so there is nothing for steam to translate.
Been using an xbox360 controller since 2015 and rumble was never enabled.

At this point i do not expect it to ever be added. (would be nice ofc =)

Wrt your custom keybind not being picked up after disabling steam input, i answered that in an earlier post.

In any case, if it works don't change it. :D
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