Is it worth having your ship open to players and enabling restock and other things, and does the carrier therefore pay for it's own weekly fees?

Since day one I have had mine set for only myself with nothing available to other players.

I assume that even though I am PVE and in solo mode that players see my FC and if there are public services they can use them whether I am in solo or in open?

I do not want to add a bunch of extra services if the ship cannot make some profit, because I am doing just fine having it for my own private use.

If adding services and opening the FC up to other players can make a profit, what services (Legal only, I do not want to get a crime status because of others) would make a profit?

MOST IMPPORTANTLY: If I am out on a trip (or anywhere I guess) and I have tritium fuel to cover my trip and get me home, can I block players from being able to use my tritium fuel for themselves? I assume that anything in my hold is off limits to them and if they can use the marketplace that my belongings and stored tritium is not available to them?

Thank you.
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Farming high end on foot mats and selling them at a huge profit. Be warned...time consuming.
Mining ores and selling them including tritium. However you'll be competing with galaxywide npc prices.
Example: tritium generally sells for about 45 to 50+k per Ton so if u mine it and sell cheaper..
Farming stuff ingame that engineers require to unlock them. Meta alloys for example.
That's just a few ways.
That's what most of us do.
There was a brief time when fleet carriers were introduced. Where buying and selling was lucrative.
But its long gone
What about store services, do they make money, or lose money? Shipyard and clothing and supplies and such.
The only time I have bought from FC's is in the engineer systems, if they have the mats needed to unlock the engineers. And judging by the prices I paid, it must take awhile to farm the mats needed.

I agree with 'Not Worth' the time. Just play to make the upkeep millions per week, which should also get you the 400 arx weekly as well.
I assume that even though I am PVE and in solo mode that players see my FC and if there are public services they can use them whether I am in solo or in open?
you control docking access on your carrier and 'only me' is an option
I do not want to add a bunch of extra services if the ship cannot make some profit, because I am doing just fine having it for my own private use.
If adding services and opening the FC up to other players can make a profit, what services (Legal only, I do not want to get a crime status because of others) would make a profit?
trying to make profit with carrier is imo too much hussle. services are mainly for your convenience. pick what you want to use. optionally you can temporarily disable any service to lower your upkeep (or fuel spent on jump). this can be done at any time, any place.
MOST IMPPORTANTLY: If I am out on a trip (or anywhere I guess) and I have tritium fuel to cover my trip and get me home, can I block players from being able to use my tritium fuel for themselves? I assume that anything in my hold is off limits to them and if they can use the marketplace that my belongings and stored tritium is not available to them?
tritium in fuel tank is only accessible to you. tritium, as well as all other cargo, can be traded from cargo hold only if you set up order for it.

this might help
If making credits is your aim.
Out in the black in undiscovered systems. Pays really well. Kinda meta atm. That and laser mining. But deep core mining is more fun.
Oh I forgot stacking massacres. But that requires combat skills. Isn't difficult with a good ship with all beams so ammo isn't an issue. And you can farm mats destroyed ships drop.
Farming in haz res or High res etc are risky for new cmdrs so be warned.
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Since day one I have had mine set for only myself with nothing available to other players.

I assume that even though I am PVE and in solo mode that players see my FC and if there are public services they can use them whether I am in solo or in open?

I do not want to add a bunch of extra services if the ship cannot make some profit, because I am doing just fine having it for my own private use.

If adding services and opening the FC up to other players can make a profit, what services (Legal only, I do not want to get a crime status because of others) would make a profit?

MOST IMPPORTANTLY: If I am out on a trip (or anywhere I guess) and I have tritium fuel to cover my trip and get me home, can I block players from being able to use my tritium fuel for themselves? I assume that anything in my hold is off limits to them and if they can use the marketplace that my belongings and stored tritium is not available to them?

Thank you.

it's ok to leave your carrier dockable by everyone and offering repair refuel and restock services - even if you set a surcharge of 10-20% or even more
It doesnt cost you anything to do that and makes your carrier generally useful

If you want to go further and sell stuff on your market place - that's another thing and usually it can be a hassle, even tho it may be proffitable
I am 10.4k LYs out and exploring on my way back to Namnetes, then I will set it up for other commanders to land on, restock and refuel.
Repair, refuel, restock (RRR) is mostly for your own convenience and as a community service. The income from RRR tariff is IMO negligible (something like ~100 cr per refuel, a few thousand cr for repairs at a 10% tariff) so I set these services at 0% tariff as a goodwill for anyone who might dock and needs to service their ship.

Real money comes from trading hot commodities and engineering materials, though it's faster and more efficient to just do massacre missions or Orthrus hunting to fund your carrier. One Orthrus kill will fund more than a week of a fully equipped carrier or about two weeks if you don't have outfitting, shipyard and secure warehouse installed.
Farming high end on foot mats and selling them at a huge profit. Be warned...time consuming.

I easily support my FC doing this. I do not find it time consuming at all. Since I’m pretty much done with Ody engineering, there’s no reason not to gather these mats to sell. I also have given away tons to new players; I really enjoy showing new players the ropes in this game and I’m always friendly in game to meet new players.
Selling ships and modules is pretty much worhtless because of the way you need to stock your supply.

The only reason I run the carrier with a shipyard and outfitting is so my alt (and squadron members) can store their ships and modules aboard.
My FC has RRRR, Cartographics and Vista there is a 1% surcharge where I can set it everything else is standard and it is open to all apart from the Notorious, how else can people come and sell me Tritium.
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