I would like that. What is really needed is a definite starting point, like a Galnet article saying "Go to [System Name] for interesting content". I check it regularly but never seem to notice anything apart from CGs.
I think that's one of the failings of ED to be honest. You need to basically be involved in a ton of out-of-game discussions to get the most out of the game if you're looking for something a bit deeper. While I think that's great for extending the gameplay into other areas, and I really enjoy taking part in the discussions etc. It's annoying that there's very, very little in-game, as you say, that lets you know what's going on.
Hopefully the Beyond Updates next year (specifically the Galnet, exploration and associated updates) will wrap more of the out-of-game stuff into the game.
If you're looking for some mysteries to get stuck into (and haven't already seen these!) right now, these two topics are the areas to watch (until something else happens):
https://forums.frontier.co.uk/showthread.php/383412-INRA-Base-Discoveries - Trying to figure out how to find the 7th INRA base location.
https://forums.frontier.co.uk/showthread.php/380519-Guardians-Discussions - There's a lot of new Guardian ruins being found, this is reshaping what we know about them, and while there's nothing ground-breakingly new right now it seems like identifying the new ruin locations is giving us more bits of the puzzle. There's also questions about the audio recordings (what do they mean?) and the connection between the Guardians and the Brain Trees is puzzling but apparently significant.
Also good (always) is the Canonn site, which has a lot of great stuff to get your teeth into: https://canonn.science/
If you want to help gather research data there's an ongoing project collecting info on Thargoid interactions to try and figure out what's going on there. https://forums.frontier.co.uk/showthread.php/381230-Thargoid-Data-Gathering-Effort-We-need-your-help!
Never know when the next Rift Mystery is just around the corner