Newcomer / Intro Is there any advice from any commanders on joining/forming squadrons?

Depends on what you want from it.
Example: I've a small group of gamers who play elite and we coop up for mission stacking and pvp pve.
There are huge groups of players in player factions who manipulate the bgs/pp aspect of elite.
So ask yourself what your wanting from being in a group.

They can be found in discord
Drop in on a few that look like "maybes" and observe. They probably have a lobby or couple of guest rooms and you can ask questions or observe if they seem active

And you might consider where their home territory is, if you like that area. And what superpower they ascribe to if any (of course, you want Alliance :p hehe). And whether they like to use the voice comms a lot versus whether you do. And whether they play in open mode or hide away. And any rules

There are adverts in this newcomer forum under "Groups, Squadrons, and Factions", also on the reddit "r/EliteDangerous" in the Community Bookmarks section <try this link>

Good luck CMDR
Also consider whether the majority of them are in a convenient time zone to you, might not be as much fun if they play 12 hours after you do.
"Everyone else" is forging their own path ;).
Nah, seriously - try it. It depends on wahet you want from them. In-game (cooperative) interactions with individual players or working on a common goal? Squadrons are one specific in-game tool, which is rather restrictive (or was - can you still only join one squadron at any given time?). Most pplayer groups I know organize themselves through Discord.
Depends on what you want from it.
Example: I've a small group of gamers who play elite and we coop up for mission stacking and pvp pve.
There are huge groups of players in player factions who manipulate the bgs/pp aspect of elite.
So ask yourself what your wanting from being in a group.

They can be found in discord
Thank you. o7
Drop in on a few that look like "maybes" and observe. They probably have a lobby or couple of guest rooms and you can ask questions or observe if they seem active

And you might consider where their home territory is, if you like that area. And what superpower they ascribe to if any (of course, you want Alliance :p hehe). And whether they like to use the voice comms a lot versus whether you do. And whether they play in open mode or hide away. And any rules

There are adverts in this newcomer forum under "Groups, Squadrons, and Factions", also on the reddit "r/EliteDangerous" in the Community Bookmarks section <try this link>

Good luck CMDR
Thank you.
Also Inara lists them, by criteria like if they are more competitive vs casual, their size, their affiliations, language, timezone and so on. May be outdated for some not active anymore, but you should find there how to contact them and ask your questions to find a match.
Advantages are you can access to some good advises and specific training with someone experienced directly on the mic or travelling with you, make friends, team up for events, and for solo casual business, you can do so with the private server instead of solo, there is often one or two random teammate around doing the same.
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