Issue 6 - "Automated Accounts Influencing BGS and Powerplay": Omission from the Top 20 Issues Report

To give some important context on how the Issue Tracker works, when an issue is submitted it remains in the system for a certain amount of time before expiring. During this time, if it gains enough confirmed reproductions (to prove the issue is legitimate), it will remain on the tracker until it is closed. This is the “confirmed” state. Confirmed issues are investigated by our QA team, and if they are confirmed internally, they enter the “acknowledged” state.

Does this not impact platform-specific issues on platforms with lower player numbers, as they can't "win the popularity contest", or dont get confirmed: particularly for console issues where players may not have a PC to report issues from, or disincentivised to report by needing an external method (to the platform) to report things.

You're completely right, and we do prioritise issues according to our own assessments rather than peel off the top votes list. There are many issues outside of the top 20 list that are worked on and show up in each update. That said, it's still useful for us to have an idea of what the community generally considers to be the most pressing/current issues as a factor in that assessment.

Maybe if you could clarify for example:
  • do PSN submitted issues, which appear to go to Sony, get passed to Frontier Developments?
  • If there's any plans for a way to report issues natively / in-game?
  • are console-specific issues even being looked at?
  • note console-specific issues in the top 20? (suplemental top 5?)
  • lower requirements to confirm issues / increase time before expiring console-specific issues?

While it's good @sallymorganmoore sometimes pops into the xbox and playstation subforums, issue tracking is another thing where dis-engagment is perceived by players, and could be improved started as a CM exercise to enhance player confidence in the game.
Hmm.. maybe that could somehow be communicated more clearly then. (sorry, you probably hear this sort of thing a lot).

But then, i can also see people getting salty they their issue was highly voted for but then didn't get worked on, while something with less votes did get worked on.

Really, i see nothing good coming from a visible voting system at least.
Consider this, why is it so important to you that they communicate with us, and choose their bug fixing, based on your standards? You worked at a call center, great.
Consider this, why is it so important to you that they communicate with us, and choose their bug fixing, based on your standards? You worked at a call center, great.

Oh. I'm sorry for expressing my opinion. I didn't know the forum police were in town.
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