Issue with extreme shadow flickering and shadow contrast on planet surfaces post patch 6, is it just me?

Just keep in mind that the more elongated the shadow is, the more prominent is the issue as well, a surefire way to notice it (and ruin you enjoyment of it for ever and ever as well 😅 ) is approaching near the terminator. Might as well be one never notices them as well, I admit I'm mostly a "visual" player so that's the kind of thing that immediately bugs me, even though I'm still fully realizing I'm playing a videogame so, at the end of the day, "eh, who cares". It makes up for the dozens of gameplay bugs I never notice simply because I hardly care about how I play and what happens when I do stuff.
Just keep in mind that the more elongated the shadow is, the more prominent is the issue as well, a surefire way to notice it (and ruin you enjoyment of it for ever and ever as well 😅 ) is approaching near the terminator. Might as well be one never notices them as well, I admit I'm mostly a "visual" player so that's the kind of thing that immediately bugs me, even though I'm still fully realizing I'm playing a videogame so, at the end of the day, "eh, who cares". It makes up for the dozens of gameplay bugs I never notice simply because I hardly care about how I play and what happens when I do stuff.
Well, I think you'll be pleased to know I found an instance. I had NOT seen it before, but it took some hunting for the right sort of terrain. Meanwhile having everything go black when it should not :p

As I moved around, the edges did the same sort of dance.

I am, actually, rather relieved, as it means it's more likely something can be done about it (though "will" is another matter).
Ah! Some very clear captures of shadowy situations in this video - very helpful with further investigations.
It'd be great to gather more contributions from Commanders who might be suffering shadow shuffles like this kind on the handy ticket there with examples! Thanks so, so much for making it.
I was flying down a canyon last night, and the shadow was continually being "drawn" just ahead of me. In other situations, (walking) I've noticed tthat the ambient lighting is seemngly a function of the player's location/position and not by prevailing (solar/planetary) conditions. The result is sometimes, if you move, the illumination moves with you.

p.s. is that last Supercruise News not on Youtube? :-(
Bother. You'd think they'd be able to upload it after the event. :-(
Yeah, I don't think they record them locally and instead rely on the streaming platforms to archive them. At least the there's the Twitch archive (probably complete with people complaining there are no Twitch Drops in chat, though I haven't checked)

Post patch 6 I'm still find extreme flickering of shadows on planetary surfaces. Wherever there is any contrast it has this issue. The higher the contrast the more extreme the flickering effect. Also additional problem of ice surfaces, specifically where you get the blue and purple planet tech .. the purple shadows pop in with extreme contrast lines between the purple and blue, then you have the flickering shadow issue present as well. I've put it here as a video as on the issue tracker I can only put screengrabs.

Just wondering if this is just an issue I have, or is anyone else seeing this?

Issue tracker here

and tagging @sallymorganmoore as well

thanks, o7 :)
When watching that video I thought youtube was streaming to me at low res - no - its just Odyssey's graphics are, erm.... Don't want to get my knuckles wrapped again... 🤐
Sorry to necro this. But I still have a similar problem with Odyssey. I also see moving shadows when I'm standing in the hangar.

However, I play under Proton (a compatibility layer for Linux/Steam Deck aka Steam Play).
I therefore thought that my problems were related to this. But apparently there are still open issues. See:

First of all, I would like to know if others have still such graphically disruptive effects. Do you use Windows or Linux? Which graphics card? I use an AMD RX 6600 XT.

Are there any settings that can help? Any start parameters for Proton? A special Proton version? I am currently using Proton 8.0-5.

Of course I don't know if I have the same problem as the people in this thread. But my problem looks very similar. Or is this somehow normal in the end? After all, I only know the lighting here on earth.

Thank you for your attention.
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AMD RX 7900 XTX / Arch Linux / Proton 8.05 / Open source AMDGPU driver.

Game runs flawlessly, except...shadows. Flickering shadows and insanely short draw distances are the two main issues I experience. I've gotten used to it but man would I be happy if it were fixed.

I've never posted a bug report because like you I am running in an unsupported configuration.
I've just recently bought myself a new PC (AMD 7800X3D CPU and RTX 4070 Ti Super GPU) which lets me turn everything up to Ultra so one would like to think I'm seeing the game at its best.

With apologies for the general video quality (I'm still working out the best settings for both recording and subsequent video editing) you can clearly see in the following that certain shadows are still basically turning themselves on and off as I move around.


Bleurgh! :sick:

I really REALLY hope someone at Frontier decides to take a look at this because I think it spoils not only the game while playing it but also the impression given to potential buyers when they're watching videos like this that haven't had these moments edited out because their creators don't want to put out stuff that looks ugly.
IMO shadows have been annoying for a long time and is one of the areas where they really have do some work.

But this issue we're seeing now is relatively new, I suppose they tried to fix something regarding the shadows but managed to mess it up even more. Hopefully for update 19!
I finally updated my computer and picked up the expansion and was met with this. Literally a shadow grid following my guy around. Really horrible looking.

You can sell every new ship from here on out, I don't care, but please fix some of the remaining bugs/issues with the game.

Screenshot 2024-04-30 1205372.jpg
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