It all begins to make sense now - RE: The current state of things

With the recent bugged release, the lack of VR support, other issues, and the resulting outcry/hostility.. it got me thinking about FDev and what could have changed from the recently posted old video of DB and his vision. It's like they are actively trying to honk-off the loyal fan base or possibly suffering from multi-personality disorder. They say/promise one thing, and then do another. How many times have we heard "It's like they don't even play their own game" ? Well, "gamers" are gonna game.. and if people ( especially public facing ones ) can't even play their own game, they aren't. And if they're not, what are they ? What has FDev become ?

I've known a few people ( 3 ) who took their companies 'public'.. and when I looked at FDev this way, it all began to make sense. People who loved Elite, and the lore, and the history of the game, they aren't in positions of power within FDev. The people in charge of FDev are the 'suits', the 'Board'. And these nameless cretins must always answer to the 'shareholders'. Decisions aren't being made with respect to gameplay or what looks/feels right for the game. A visionary can't properly create in a business environment, unless the vision is passed thru the corporate gauntlet of committees, focus groups, budget proposals, ROI analysis, and Board votes of approval. Granted, it can swing a bit too much the other way if you put a 'creative' in charge..<cough cough>.. [REDACTED] is a good example, but it's an outlier for AAA games.

DB isn't in charge anymore. He's chained to the board of directors, who in turn are slaves to profit/loss statements generated in the depths of Finance ( the last layer of Hell, into which even Dante dared not venture ).

And when you take this into account, it all begins to make sense.

Staff Turnover ( or Churn ) : Many of the original programmers, and other names, we've known over the years are gone ( or have been muzzled ). Sure, you get some movement, but usually not well known members of the team. This typically happens with "creative differences". Otherwise known as "Management has decided to dumb things down, and you don't have a say anymore". The gaming industry is rife with tales of programmers leaving over creative differences, and it's usually a BAD thing for the game, and even the franchise.

Odyssey Release Date : Was it rushed ? Hell yes. We all know it. The idea that it was pushed to meet a specific financial deadline has been floated. And with a nameless/faceless/soul-less group of suits trying to meet next quarters earnings schedule.. Well.. sure, there you go. FDev was bleeding cash developing the new release, a new earning statement was coming due, and it was 'good enough'. THERE was the decision.

Why an FPS : Again, what's popular ? To people who don't play games, The FPS genre. Therefore, Elite needed an FPS so it could 'compete' and 'expand it's market share'. Plus, [REDACTED] was doing one, so FDev needed one too. This was a 'suit' decision. Discussions about 'space-legs' have been going on for years.. but most of them concerned being able to explore your ship, the station, or the local planet flora/fauna. An FPS was NOT the primary purpose for 'space legs'.

CM Ghosting ( Unicorn sighting ) : Again, when viewed from a corporate perspective, CM's can't speak openly. They have to tout the company line. Can they give answers ? Real ones ? Not without approval from 'higher up'. But ( I can hear the 'buts' already ), they've been much better recently.. of course they have.. Share Price Drop = Projected Earnings Threat = Board Alarm = Suit Panic = Shuffling a corporate mouth piece out there to spin it and mollify the plebes. Of course it will be 'better' now.. but for how long ? Only until the current crisis is over, then it's back to BAU.

MVP and Bug Fixing/ignoring : If you're making money, it isn't broken, therefore you don't need to fix it. Sure, you've got egregious bugs that have to be fixed. But beyond that it goes to the 'maintenance team' that is only responsible for keeping it running. Changing things ? Improving things ? No no no... that has to got thru change management, get approvals and a budget.. that goes into next quarter, to be discussed at the department budget meeting.

ARX : Micro-transactions. Customers who have already bought the game are useless ( they are last quarters/years profits ) You need more sales, and what better way then to put a STORE in the game, to encourage micro-transactions. Suits/Skins/Colors... it's all shiny stuff that takes minor ( very very minor ) coding.

And the list goes on. FDev is corporate now. It's been consumed by Pod People, who look and talk like gamers, but are in reality soul-less minions who'd prefer to curl up with a good spreadsheet and review deferred tax annuity regulations.

CMDRs.. We've been sold out.

I present to you the TRUE masters at FDev :
A great post that is well thought out!

(Shame about the typical forumite replies though).

EDIT: A few further thoughts. The CM Team are doing an awesome job with communications this past week or two. I hope that a similar "restructuring" of approach towards Elite is also happening inside of Frontier. As the OP illustrates very well, it's clear at this point that there's too many strings being pulled in too many different directions.
I don't mind
EDIT: A few further thoughts. The CM Team are doing an awesome job with communications this past week or two. I hope that a similar "restructuring" of approach towards Elite is also happening inside of Frontier. As the OP illustrates very well, it's clear at this point that there's too many strings being pulled in too many different directions.
Its a shame that it took such a massive disaster to prompt FD into action though.

The other test will be if this new found engagement flows into all parts of the game, and not just Odyssey.
What a coincidence. I've just read an article on the Factorio blog and how the team manages their code.
This is the beautiful thing about having a company that isn't on the stock market. Imagine you have a company that goes slower and slower every quarter, and then you confront the shareholders with the statement, that the way to solve it, is to do absolutely no new features for a quarter or two, refactor the code, learn new methodologies etc. I doubt that the shareholders would allow that. Luckily, we don't have any shareholders, and we understand the vital importance of this investment in the long run. Not only in the project, but also in our skill and knowledge, so we do better next time.
And they wrote something about UI as well.
They are on shortterm thinking schedules now. Currently they are bugfixing and optimizing for the console release because that is their next selling goal for ED. After that there will be not much time for substantial improvements either because their schedule is focused on short term profits.
E.g. dropping VR might look like a good idea first because the number of vr players is small. The longterm goal of having an outstanding and leading reference game for vr support is probably not recognized and valued because there are no immediate sales attached to it. But it would have a good marketing value for the game and the company. Like Formula 1 had for car companies. (Personally I have no interest in VR).
Shall we run a sweepstake for how soon communication dries up after the console release?
Part of me wants to think FD (having what, five CMs for ED?) has learnt the value of tight CM / player relations. FD used to do and be good at it (the Powerplay / dev forum on Discord was good when it was running) and slowly this drained away to nothing, just feeding the other half of me who feels a lot of this is cynical damage control from upper management.

For a lot of people (probably including me now, sadly) the damage has been done and EDs magic has truly died....which is sad. FD need to get out of this mindset of sugar rush gameplay that is already stale and fill in the six years of placeholder they themselves made. In the long run making the placeholders 'real' will do far more good, and can be done without massive upheaval.
With the recent bugged release, the lack of VR support, other issues, and the resulting outcry/hostility.. it got me thinking about FDev and what could have changed from the recently posted old video of DB and his vision. It's like they are actively trying to honk-off the loyal fan base or possibly suffering from multi-personality disorder. They say/promise one thing, and then do another. How many times have we heard "It's like they don't even play their own game" ? Well, "gamers" are gonna game.. and if people ( especially public facing ones ) can't even play their own game, they aren't. And if they're not, what are they ? What has FDev become ?

I've known a few people ( 3 ) who took their companies 'public'.. and when I looked at FDev this way, it all began to make sense. People who loved Elite, and the lore, and the history of the game, they aren't in positions of power within FDev. The people in charge of FDev are the 'suits', the 'Board'. And these nameless cretins must always answer to the 'shareholders'. Decisions aren't being made with respect to gameplay or what looks/feels right for the game. A visionary can't properly create in a business environment, unless the vision is passed thru the corporate gauntlet of committees, focus groups, budget proposals, ROI analysis, and Board votes of approval. Granted, it can swing a bit too much the other way if you put a 'creative' in charge..<cough cough>.. [REDACTED] is a good example, but it's an outlier for AAA games.

DB isn't in charge anymore. He's chained to the board of directors, who in turn are slaves to profit/loss statements generated in the depths of Finance ( the last layer of Hell, into which even Dante dared not venture ).

And when you take this into account, it all begins to make sense.

Staff Turnover ( or Churn ) : Many of the original programmers, and other names, we've known over the years are gone ( or have been muzzled ). Sure, you get some movement, but usually not well known members of the team. This typically happens with "creative differences". Otherwise known as "Management has decided to dumb things down, and you don't have a say anymore". The gaming industry is rife with tales of programmers leaving over creative differences, and it's usually a BAD thing for the game, and even the franchise.

Odyssey Release Date : Was it rushed ? Hell yes. We all know it. The idea that it was pushed to meet a specific financial deadline has been floated. And with a nameless/faceless/soul-less group of suits trying to meet next quarters earnings schedule.. Well.. sure, there you go. FDev was bleeding cash developing the new release, a new earning statement was coming due, and it was 'good enough'. THERE was the decision.

Why an FPS : Again, what's popular ? To people who don't play games, The FPS genre. Therefore, Elite needed an FPS so it could 'compete' and 'expand it's market share'. Plus, [REDACTED] was doing one, so FDev needed one too. This was a 'suit' decision. Discussions about 'space-legs' have been going on for years.. but most of them concerned being able to explore your ship, the station, or the local planet flora/fauna. An FPS was NOT the primary purpose for 'space legs'.

CM Ghosting ( Unicorn sighting ) : Again, when viewed from a corporate perspective, CM's can't speak openly. They have to tout the company line. Can they give answers ? Real ones ? Not without approval from 'higher up'. But ( I can hear the 'buts' already ), they've been much better recently.. of course they have.. Share Price Drop = Projected Earnings Threat = Board Alarm = Suit Panic = Shuffling a corporate mouth piece out there to spin it and mollify the plebes. Of course it will be 'better' now.. but for how long ? Only until the current crisis is over, then it's back to BAU.

MVP and Bug Fixing/ignoring : If you're making money, it isn't broken, therefore you don't need to fix it. Sure, you've got egregious bugs that have to be fixed. But beyond that it goes to the 'maintenance team' that is only responsible for keeping it running. Changing things ? Improving things ? No no no... that has to got thru change management, get approvals and a budget.. that goes into next quarter, to be discussed at the department budget meeting.

ARX : Micro-transactions. Customers who have already bought the game are useless ( they are last quarters/years profits ) You need more sales, and what better way then to put a STORE in the game, to encourage micro-transactions. Suits/Skins/Colors... it's all shiny stuff that takes minor ( very very minor ) coding.

And the list goes on. FDev is corporate now. It's been consumed by Pod People, who look and talk like gamers, but are in reality soul-less minions who'd prefer to curl up with a good spreadsheet and review deferred tax annuity regulations.

CMDRs.. We've been sold out.

I present to you the TRUE masters at FDev :
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But is it really the suits' fault? During the period between the alpha and the release people in this forum lectured me that internal QA got all the bases covered and that I was basically a fool for suggesting that Odyssey might need a period in open beta.

And now we're blaming the execs for being too optimistic? The irony is palpable.
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