Italian language for Jurassic world evolution

Please, insert the italian language! Many italian people have problems with english and this could be a negative thing for the experience that this (fantastic) game wants offer to us. We need italian language
Hi guys, Italian language is important because there is a possibility to very enjoy when I'm playing videogames!
Frontier please insert italian support!!!!
Just an example, this is how a good label should work:
Remember that italian is he second most widely spoken mother tongue in Europe. In accordance with the EU population, the most widely spoken mother tongue is German (16%), followed by Italian and English (13% each), French (12%), then Spanish and Polish (8% each). For the majority of Europeans their mother tongue is one of the official languages of the country in which they reside.
Hi guys, Italian language is important because there is a possibility to very enjoy when I'm playing videogames!
Frontier please insert italian support!!!!

It seems there is many kids from Italy that want to play JWE. I enjoyed playing Day of the Tentacles, Red Alert and Civilization II before i learned to read English. But it would surely been easier for a 6-8 years old kids if the game were using their native language. Not sure if necessary to get Italian language as the game has a PG-13 rating.
I request the translation of Jurassic world evolution, in Italian.
Because I do not see the spending on the part of us Italians of 70 euros, for a game that then will not have the language and not even the subtitles in Italian.
You can say, learn English, I know, but I want to enjoy your game, being lover of the Jurassic world, in my language.
Thanks and best regards.

Poor Czech, Icelandic, Swedish, Bulgarians, Greeks, Turkish... people that pay the same amount and they never get games in their native language.

Just an example, this is how a good label should work:
Remember that italian is he second most widely spoken mother tongue in Europe. In accordance with the EU population, the most widely spoken mother tongue is German (16%), followed by Italian and English (13% each), French (12%), then Spanish and Polish (8% each). For the majority of Europeans their mother tongue is one of the official languages of the country in which they reside.

Remember that the game is not only launched in Europe. Globally, Italian is a secondary language. For that logic Arabic, turkish, korean or Malay would be much more important than Italian.
I've noticed something.

This isn't me pointing fingers, just merely an observation, but the Italians are particularly vocal about having their language included in the game. Which is fair, it would be great to have all the languages we could in JWE. It's just a curious thing to me that of the languages not included, there is a strong, vocal audience pushing for Italian's inclusion in particular.
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italian is important!

I request the translation of Jurassic world evolution, in Italian.
Because I don't spending 70 euros for a game that then will not have the language and not even the subtitles in Italian but in every other launguage in the world!
You can say, learn English?[down],
This game cost less than 50 euros... If you cant play a game because its in english then you are being childish
I've noticed something.

This isn't me pointing fingers, just merely an observation, but the Italians are particularly vocal about having their language included in the game. Which is fair, it would be great to have all the languages we could in JWE. It's just a curious thing to me that of the languages not included, there is a strong, vocal audience pushing for Italian's inclusion in particular.

Here are some numbers. Its these numbers marketing understand. Marketing drives the end product.

The Italian trade body AESVI has revealed the market statistics for the Italian games market for 2017.
The firm reveals that €1.05 billion was made from video game software, with a further €428 million from hardware and accessories.
The report utilises data from the new GSD charts project - which includes digital and retail data - plus figures from mobile data company AppAnnie.
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And they are only one that complains about not getting voiceover or subtitles.

See that's what trips me up. Voice over is one thing, but to not have at least subtitles feels off to me. I feel like that's the simpler part between translating a script and finding and directing a quality actor to perform. Maybe I'm wrong there, but that's still cutting out a significant amount of work.
[QUOTE = blubbit; 6685196] Cfr è questo che mi viaggi in su. Voice over è una cosa, ma di non avere almeno i sottotitoli si sente fuori di me. Mi sento come se questa è la parte più semplice tra traducendo uno script e di trovare e dirigere un attore di qualità da eseguire. Forse mi sbaglio lì, ma è ancora il taglio di una notevole quantità di lavoro. [/ QUOTE]

True in all but in my opinion we are losing sight of the real point .. that Frontier does not care! in these years he showed us that he will not listen and will never listen to user requests!
Yeah, we italians seem to be pretty vocal about this. But that's because we noticed lately that a lot of games are starting to ignore the italian language, bacause it's obviously not as important as french for example and it probably won't be a best seller in italy. But where i can forgive games like Pillars of Eternity, games with a smaller budget and made for a more niche group of players, this big budget games are harder to swallow, and most italians don't want this to becone a trend.
I don't have a problem myself. I know english pretty well and i would never replace mah Jeff Goldblum voice, but it's annoying to see your native language being so ignored lately.

Are you serious? Why? I should buy this game by paying it 70 euros in my country ( Italy ) and you didn't even put the subtitles in Italian? Why?! I find it unacceptable!!! I've waited so long for this game and now I'm not so sure I'll buy it. Please you put at least the subtitles for the Italian children, you do not destroy the dream they have to play with the dinosaurs. [mad]
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