It's good to be back!


It's been a very long time since I logged into the galaxy. Starfield actually pushed me back to playing E:D. I used to play on PC, but my computer suffered a seizure and now ceases to exist. So, I started over on Xbox.

Being stuck on Horizons legacy is still a blast though. I've missed this game so much. I do miss having a green HUD though. I'm enjoying manipulating the Power play and I never really got into Engineers. So, I'm looking forward to working towards that.

I'm many still play on console? I've mostly been on Solo and not ventured into Open yet.

Feels fresh and fun to play after so long. Hope you're all still having fun.

o7 CMDRs
Thought I'd reply here and not start a new thread;
How many people have started playing starfield, found it wasn't for them and it reignited their love of ED?
I harboured hopes that SF would let me RP my old times in Traveller rpg, I found it was an amazing game but not for me. It's not a zero sum choice, SF can't replace ED as it's so different, so I climbed back into my old keelback and started plying the star lanes again.

Why does it have to be one or the other? Me, I had an Elite break of about four weeks to play Starfield. But it wasn't "found it wasn't for them", I knew beforehand that I'd play SF, and at some point, I'd be finished with it and return to my regular Elite schedule. People, especially the content creators who hyped it like that, were very foolish to believe a Bethesda action RPG could in any way replace or "kill" a game like Elite. It was never going to be that way.
If you upgrade to PC, get Odyssey when it's on sale.

I've already got 2 cmdrs in odyssey that I play through GFN. Still prefer xbox though. I haven't logged into odyssey for weeks, I have spells where I play odyssey for a while but then lose interest in all things legs. So then it's hopping back into legacy on the xbox, I prefer the UI and other bits and pieces.
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