I've almost had it with this game.

Every business is about making money!
But the financial consequence is the result of a good or a bad product.
They have to finish the game to get better reviews. This will take more money at the moment but they will generate a bigger profit with ongoing sales and later dlc sales.
If they're stopping now they probably won't get back the development costs because they won't get more customers to buy a "bad" game.

It's like a new car model which isn't working properly. If they don't spend more time/money to fix the issues, nobody will buy it after the first bad reviews...
This is of course most subjective: But this game is far from an 'unfinished' and not playable release. The game is playable, but certainly lacks a bit of polish in some areas, but this polish will come.

I think many people (as i said in other threads) are blindsided by the state of Games Frontier have know. RCT 3 nor PC 1, and from what i hear Zoo too, was a good and polished game from the start. So the good will was a bit misplaced from the start. This is the foundation Frontier build on and they do it over 20 years with that exact model. So saying it sours the Franchise is a bit early and not true so far.

If you want to have your fully fledged PC 2 experience, you should buy this game on a sale in 2 years (with some bundled DLC), but expecting the full base game + free update + DLCs from the get go, maybe a little misplaced trust in a company, that made fantastic coaster sims, but all of them took some time to 'get there'
Not what I said nor what I expect. I didn't ask for a 'full fledged PC2 experience" - I expected a game without the problems this one clearly has. It's perfectly fine if YOU are satisfied with the state of the game, but please respect the fact that others of us aren't and it's not due to unrealistic expectations.

I've been playing and in this community since RCT1 was first on the shelf, I know full well what usually makes up a game upon release, and quite frankly in my view this version is not up to par with previous versions. No, the game isn't 'finished' - I'm talking about the state of the game to function properly when it is released, not that I expect 100% of everything that's come before. I'm talking about a wonky Workshop, I'm talking about horrible textures on some rides, I'm talking about fundamental things that should have been tested and fixed before release. I'm not the kind of member just whining that his favorite coaster wasn't included or that a specific theme wasn't there.

I am quite aware that improvements and things are added to the game as we go along. And I fully expect that to continue here. But there is also a base expectation for the general state of a games readiness for the public, and that expectation hasn't been met for many of us with this one. And yes, for some of us that HAS soured the franchise whether you personally agree or not. As I said, if you find the game fills your own expectations, then that's absolutely, positively great. Please, sing it's praises to the heavens, but there's no need to jump to disagree with those of us who are of a different opinion. I've been around long enough that this isn't my first rodeo and I've seen the fan-types jumping to dismiss any differing opinions before with other developers of the type of game. Let's not go there.
I'm talking about a wonky Workshop, I'm talking about horrible textures on some rides, I'm talking about fundamental things that should have been tested and fixed before release. I'm not the kind of member just whining that his favorite coaster wasn't included or that a specific theme wasn't there.

So you are talking about good and nice stuff ;)

Do you remember RCT 3 pre-soaked? Yeah, of course the guest AI was so bad they got lost after 10m and didn't know what they were supposed to do, you needed to make a one path labyrinth for guests, so they would advance further than the two rides on the entrance.

Or do you mean Planet Slideshow uhm Coaster. - A game that melted every midclass PC and just got playable after 2-3 Updates, that had a real unresponsive game system and wasn't smooth out on any kind of performance? Most of the campaign was unplayable, even on good machines you had serious performance issues.

So this is the better release than an overloaded ui and some bad textures and wonky workshop? I mean of course, you couldn't see if the workshop was good, since 4k pieces would give you 2 fps while a 15 minute loading when you start the game.

I am not defending the game, neither I am bashing it, but i am not serenading the old base games, like they were the second coming of Christ, while the actual PC2 is unloved offspring, cause this is just nostalgia. And saying you lost trust in a company, who have a recorded history of bugridden releases (and put in great effort to fix most of their games, so that the final product after a few years is superb), cause they didn't polish another a game, makes me think you either trying to gaslight yourself or other users.

If i compare RTC3/PC1 and PC2, i say PC2 is by far their best release, simply cause they game runs smooth and is playable to a certain degree, something neither RCT3 nor PC1 achieved on their release. (Besides it has by far the most content for the base game)
So you are talking about good and nice stuff ;)

Do you remember RCT 3 pre-soaked? Yeah, of course the guest AI was so bad they got lost after 10m and didn't know what they were supposed to do, you needed to make a one path labyrinth for guests, so they would advance further than the two rides on the entrance.

Or do you mean Planet Slideshow uhm Coaster. - A game that melted every midclass PC and just got playable after 2-3 Updates, that had a real unresponsive game system and wasn't smooth out on any kind of performance? Most of the campaign was unplayable, even on good machines you had serious performance issues.

So this is the better release than an overloaded ui and some bad textures and wonky workshop? I mean of course, you couldn't see if the workshop was good, since 4k pieces would give you 2 fps while a 15 minute loading when you start the game.

I am not defending the game, neither I am bashing it, but i am not serenading the old base games, like they were the second coming of Christ, while the actual PC2 is unloved offspring, cause this is just nostalgia. And saying you lost trust in a company, who have a recorded history of bugridden releases (and put in great effort to fix most of their games, so that the final product after a few years is superb), cause they didn't polish another a game, makes me think you either trying to gaslight yourself or other users.

If i compare RTC3/PC1 and PC2, i say PC2 is by far their best release, simply cause they game runs smooth and is playable to a certain degree, something neither RCT3 nor PC1 achieved on their release. (Besides it has by far the most content for the base game)
Sorry, but every of these points you're considering to be better in PC2 don't feel like a real plus to me.
Actually PC2 is that limited and needs a super computer (min. specs) compared to PC1 (or RCT3) even just to start the empty game, that you won't reach the limits of used hardware.
Sorry, but every of these points you're considering to be better in PC2 don't feel like a real plus to me.
Actually PC2 is that limited and needs a super computer (min. specs) compared to PC1 (or RCT3) even just to start the empty game, that you won't reach the limits of used hardware.

This depends on how you define hardware: if you see it absolutly you are totally right, then RCT 1 was probably the best, but if you are compare it relatively i still feel PC2 is better than PC1 (compared to their gaming generation), so yeah PC2 runs smooth on your standard run of the mill gaming pc for the current gen, that you also use for the likes of Cyberpunk, Elden Ring and so on.

While the PC is used for the Witcher 3, MGS V was not running PC smoothly.

Hell, even now PC 1 gets laggy compared to PC 2. (similar park (itemcount acounting to buildings etc), 4,5k guests in pc2, 3,8k in pc1 and PC2 loads faster and better with stable FPS
I have also been playing since RCT1, RCT2, RCT3, PC1 and now also PC2 and although it's true PC1 wasn't 100% perfect from the start, there was also not a single game you could compare it to. It was really next-gen. PC1 was THE update after RCT3 that we've all been waiting for years for. But now PC1 has set the bar, and if you compare PC2 to PC1, then unfortunately it just simply is lacking. And no i'm also not talking about a certain ride or coaster or material missing (although it's strange that they keep out assets that we've already had in the first game, it wouldn't take them more than a few minutes of work to add it in). I'm talking about the overall experience. Honestly as soon as I heard Steam Workshop was missing, I already should have known I was gonna get disappointed and some very bad corporate decisions have been made. But I had some hope because PC1 was a game I have hundreds of hours in and loved so I know Frontier can create good games. So yes sure, if you compare PC2 to RCT3, it is a good game, but if you compare PC2 to PC1, it is just lacking and does not feel like an upgrade because so much stuff is missing and is a step backwards. I think this is what most criticism is about. We didn't expect them to reïnvent the wheel, we just wanted them to better it, yet they tried the reinvent the wheel anyway and now we are all paying the price. This is for me just unacceptable. The straight oblivious from whoever was in charge of quality control. How can you release PC2, which has a lot of assets from PC1, but then decide to keep out certain assets? Release the panel materials, and keeping certain scenery pieces out of it. And so on. There have just been made so many choices where you literally think "What the hell have they've been thinking?". That is what most criticism is about.
The stuff you're asking for would always come out in expansion packs just like in PC1. No sequel management game comes out with everything. It's a base game. For me I'm far more interested in a playable game before they add more content.
The stuff you're asking for would always come out in expansion packs just like in PC1. No sequel management game comes out with everything. It's a base game. For me I'm far more interested in a playable game before they add more content.
Who the last person you responded to (me) or OP?

Because neither asks for extras. We are asking for base game stuff.
I like your points, since you are pointing one thing out:

Reinventing the wheel. This where the expectations differ: I feel a lot of people were expecting a Planet Coaster 1 with new graphics and this is something i can get behind, why people are disappointed.
I was expecting more a Planet Coaster 2 as in RCT 3 to RCT 2. Not a PC 1 to RCT 3 (almost a complete new game), nor a RCT 2 to RCT 1 ( copy all the old things and make them better). A lot of Features that were cut for the game, i didn't like how they were done in PC 1.
Restaurants is my fav. example: Why should i want to let my guests travel into a cube and eat there, when i can build a food court, where i can design and watch how they eat. And i feel it really doesn't mix well with the PC2 approach of 'customize everything', so give them time to overthink and maybe re add that feature with a new approach.

And I agree that they done a bad job at build pieces, but i am being honest here, that was also an issue of PC1. The world fairs DLC is of today still lacking many pieces for walls and roof design. It was rushed game and if we talk about lacking polish, this what I am talking about, the menus are a mess, the UI is not the best and so on, but this are things I feel are mostly signs of the industry, where I look left and right and I must say, there are worse and better developers that do the same in their genres. Maybe since i work in quality management in a media company I can see more behind the curtain and have more empathy for the decisions they did, since i faced similar situations.

Frontier, though I love their Coaster Sim games, was never an industry leader to me, when it comes to innovation or giving that 100% bug free experience. What i give them credit for is the post release support, where they have a great record of fixing things down the road.

I never said that this game is perfect, but for me: the game is far from unplayable, cause bad water ride textures, missing pieces, don't break the main gameplay loop for me. For me it is always the Idea to build a theme park out of my own creativity and watch it come together and on this part PC 2 really excels from the first game, since i love the little features of scaling, multiselect paths and so on.

What I also agree on is that Frontier does a bad job at communicating these features and all the things they changed/refined, so we all got the feeling we got PC 1 with better graphics, but no from guest AI to building some cogs has changed on a grassroot level, which you don't detect/understand unless you sink a lot of time in it.

Since there are also a lot of comments about the workshop: This is nothing i can say about, i didn't use the workshop on steam (except TMTK parts) nor frontiers, so there is not a lot i can say about.
We all know they've done a bad job releasing the game as it actually is! You can work with it but the unfinished development is taking a huge impact in playing the game.
We know they can do better and PC2 will be a nice game some day (beside the horrible idea to use the same ui for pc and consoles)...

If (some) people are happy with what they actually got, then enjoy it!

But I'm sure even completely new players to this franchise will notice that this game isn't working properly.

They have done some great new things for PC2 but they haven't tested if the basic stuff is working fine or not...
I would never expect all dlcs from PC1 included in PC2 (they need to earn money).
But... I expect that PC2 is an evolution of PC1 (otherwise they shouldn't name it PC2). And if things were working (fine) in PC1 why aren't they working any longer in PC2? It is obviously that PC2 is meant to be a better PC1 and not a new game at all. There are many things they haven't even touched and just imported it as (ugly as) they were in PC1.

If you think about what they already had developed from PC1 to PZ and in PZ (and yes we can expect these inventions for new games in the Planet series!) nearly everyone would expect to keep those good ideas (or even better versions) in a new game.

We just can think of a deadline for release and somebody didn't care about if it's working well or not... We don't know where those bad decisions were made but those people really don't care about customers reviews or haven't knowledge about how to do that job right (except quick money grabbing)..

Next time please finish a product before planning the release date!

And get this game finished quickly!
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The fact that previous games had problems doesn't excuse the fact that this one has it's own.

Nor does it mean that we supposedly have forgotten those previous problems and are unfairly complaining about the current ones.

It also doesn't mean that we don't also recognize that many of those previous problems were, in fact, corrected later. Just as some never were. However I think many people from back then would also be of the mind that without players pointing out those problems back then...often loudly and repeatedly...we couldn't assume that those problems would have been addressed. Back then there were other players who took great exception to anyone raising issues, dismissing their posts as mere 'whining' or being unfair. Some no doubt were exactly that, but most were not. Yet too often they were all lumped together as just 'complaining' and worthy of being dismissed, often vocally and repeatedly.

Things like poor quality textures should have been noted before release, surely their eyesight is just as good as ours. Things like problems with the Workshop should have been addressed before release - others have pointed out that some problems there have existed and aren't necessarily recent... This isn't about missing themes or rides. Many of those items have always come out after release. Most of us understand that. This is about issues that probably should have been noted and addressed before release. Just as there were numerous issues in previous games that should have been noted and addressed. Chalking it off as just being 'normal' doesn't make it right, it just excuses it and enables it.

Do I think many of the current problems will be noted and addressed? Yes, I think many certainly will be. But I''m not convinced that they would be noted and addressed even if players hadn't pointed them out and stated how important they are to them...
We just can think of a deadline for release and somebody didn't care about if it's working well or not... We don't know where those bad decisions were made but those people really don't care about customers reviews or haven't knowledge about how to do that job right (except quick money grabbing)..
I almost agree, but this is the Thing we don't know, maybe the decision was: either we release it in November, in whatever state or we need to lay off 50% of our devs. Out of this perspective the decision was good and the person did the job right.

I encountered such moments, where the company i worked for: either had a big release on that deadline or they couldn't afford to pay my job anymore. Of course out of consumer Point of View this is shi**y, but sometimes you need to save this jobs. Media is a risk business, where you pay most of the costs upfront.
So you are talking about good and nice stuff ;)

Do you remember RCT 3 pre-soaked? Yeah, of course the guest AI was so bad they got lost after 10m and didn't know what they were supposed to do, you needed to make a one path labyrinth for guests, so they would advance further than the two rides on the entrance.

Or do you mean Planet Slideshow uhm Coaster. - A game that melted every midclass PC and just got playable after 2-3 Updates, that had a real unresponsive game system and wasn't smooth out on any kind of performance? Most of the campaign was unplayable, even on good machines you had serious performance issues.

So this is the better release than an overloaded ui and some bad textures and wonky workshop? I mean of course, you couldn't see if the workshop was good, since 4k pieces would give you 2 fps while a 15 minute loading when you start the game.

I am not defending the game, neither I am bashing it, but i am not serenading the old base games, like they were the second coming of Christ, while the actual PC2 is unloved offspring, cause this is just nostalgia. And saying you lost trust in a company, who have a recorded history of bugridden releases (and put in great effort to fix most of their games, so that the final product after a few years is superb), cause they didn't polish another a game, makes me think you either trying to gaslight yourself or other users.

If i compare RTC3/PC1 and PC2, i say PC2 is by far their best release, simply cause they game runs smooth and is playable to a certain degree, something neither RCT3 nor PC1 achieved on their release. (Besides it has by far the most content for the base game)
I don't think the argument "Frontier games are always rubbish at launch" is as persuasive as you think. Also, literally no one used the word "playable" or "unplayable" in this thread prior to you - who are you arguing against? No one is saying that.
Would you like this thread posted in the Feedback section?
If not that's okay but you have some good Feedback
I don't mind, I'm just giving my honest oppinion, place it wherever you want.
In the mean time I'm going on with PART 2. (after (free) update)

Communication :
- Still cumbersome : the great community we had for PC is somewhat pushed away in my opinion. Even hardcore content creators were not even aware of the new 'pack' that was comming out. But maybe for the best cause wth Frontier?? 5 rides pack, no scenery at all...for the price we payed for DLC's in PC1 full of scenery, rides etc...
This pack should have been given for free, at least as some apology for everything that was messed up with this PC2 release...

Paths :
  • Not much differnence there, damn difficult to go up/down, path tool goes al over the place. Certainly when you come out of a station.
  • 2 meter cueues still, 4 meter exits. WHY??? 4 meter staff paths are even more ridiculeous. Ok, you can figgle a bit around with the path edit tool, but again that's not realy up to par. Ecept for the plaza making I prefered the old tool in PC1.
  • Why exit paths for usage by technicians? Can't they just go up a queue and say 'pardon me'? Would eliminate the extra exit path needed on loading station...

Flat Rides :
  • Still not ok to have standard rides behind a paywall.
  • Still no adjustable heights for tower rides.
  • Some rides really lack diferent sequences.

Transport rides :
- Still no crossings.

Coasters :
  • Is it just me or doe supports realy look bad, it's like we are back to PC1 at the beginnig. Wooden coasters look 'way to skinny'. Big coasters lack way to many suports or just don't look sturdy enough.
  • Unload platform is a great addition, but there is no stafmember at that station to safely guide people to the exit or send the train thru to the next station.
  • No more synchronizing stations?
  • No friction slider per coaster anymore?

Staff :
  • Why only 1 technician per enginering post to do research?
  • Why still no security? cameras etc...
  • Where are the waypoints for the entertainers?

Scenery :
  • The moving platform thingies lack a sequencer, like pauses. These thing should have a like a sequence builder like some flat rides . Also they are moving sometimes way to fast.
  • Where did all the animatronics go? (Next paywall?)
  • Why do some benches attach to the moving platforms and others don't?
  • Peeps still clip thru scenery?

Again, with al due respect for the devs. There are many good things in this game but PC1 was almost a perfect product, why did so many things have to go?
And here all complaints are "just" for PC. Then try it on console and you can add to this with TONS of problems....Im struggeling badly with SO MANY bugs and limitations.. I just bought the game AGAIN for PC since its pretty useless on console with its BIG limitations. Im at 100% limit before evnen palcing a coasater on the map..
I consider myself as a rather patient person by now (the last year or so), but this game...

Why can I play PZ since release, was never lost there with anything, everythin needed a learning curve but was still rather intuitive and this game feels like I have to learn another game from another company but not a Planet game?

My game just crashed after under half an hour of playing and you know what my first thought was? "At least I don't need to feel bad for quitting it again after such a short time.... Do I need to restart now?"

You know what I would have thought with PZ? "Hopefully all progress was saved, lets fire the game up again and play until 3 AM in the morning."

The controls still feel like console. So many clicks.
The objects are not sorted logically
Why is a safety guard point a pool extra and not a staff building?
Why is the grid highlighted so much that I can hardly see what I build?

Why were things changed that were never a complain? Like ever? It feels like the people who build PC2 never played a Planet game themself in their entire life. And you know what that reminds me of? The change from Sims 3 to Sims 4. Exactly the same. When Devs looked at us puzzled when we asked why simple building features weren't there anymore and they never even knew they existed.

Long story short: Get back to your Planet Game roots, Frontier. The way PC2 is now, even I would hardly doubt I would even consider buying any more DLCs or a Planet Zoo 2, should it come out. This game is just not fun. It's frustrating to the core.
It feels like the people who build PC2 never played a Planet game themself in their entire life.
Yes this is the most perfect explanation as to how I feel. And for me it was not only for the sims but also for cities skylines. You get a successor to a great game, but it's like a step backwards in so many ways. Back in the day this never happened. And making games has never been easier in this day and age with all the new software available and information online, even on their own cobra engine. Yet it still feels like the games are getting worse? And i'm not even that spoiled. I just simply expect the same game + more which is very reasonable. I'm just so confused what has happened exactly at game studios that suddenly they cannot do this very basic thing of creating a successor thats actually a successor because this has never been a problem in the past. It only started like this in the last decade or so. Back in the days every new installment was a guaranteed improvement, but now a days every new installment is a guaranteed step backwards.
The only way they can redeem themselves is if they release more bug fixes and updates next year and polish the game some more and address complaints like the flat bottom water slides and slide physics.
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