Jailed for self-defence during reactivation mission... what gives

OK, so I suck at EDO.
But some seriously puzzling stuff is happening, and in the last 5 minutes something I just don't understand...
I went to a base for a reactivation. Arrived in the dark to find some folk with torches wandering around, who shot at my ship before I landed. So I moved back a bit, jumped in the SRV and shot them up. Got the usual blue text on screen as each of them went down, and assumed it was me collecting bounties. My journal seems to say the same thing.
1,850 cr, Target: $LightAssaultSuitAI_Class1_Name;, Victim faction: Pirates
Faction: Pixel Bandits Security Force, 1,850 cr

Then I decide to take some of the last ones out on foot, and at one point I make my usual mistake of forgetting to raise the shield after being in the SRV.
Dead, but not just dead - at Mercy's Hammer with 14,000 in bounties on ME (edit: no, sorry, that 14,000 was lost bounties I collected from killing pirates. So how in hell did I get jailed...)
I either made some crucial mistake (but my journal disagrees) or the game is kinda broken...
This has serious potential for not being fun any more.
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Confusing, since scavengers aren't supposed to do that and even if it was a valid bounty, you would've had to pay it before respawning. Pixel Bandits Security Force is a Democracy faction though, so it's probably safe to assume the game bugged out. I wouldn't let it ruin your enjoyment too much unless it's daily occurence.
Confusing, since scavengers aren't supposed to do that and even if it was a valid bounty, you would've had to pay it before respawning. Pixel Bandits Security Force is a Democracy faction though, so it's probably safe to assume the game bugged out. I wouldn't let it ruin your enjoyment too much unless it's daily occurence.
Thanks, and yeah the bounty was me misreading the screen while I was freaking out at being in jail.
What the post above says : You failed the mission, hence you got a fine, hence you went to prison (and if you happened to be carrying the power generator, then you lost it too !)
OK, so I suck at EDO.
But some seriously puzzling stuff is happening, and in the last 5 minutes something I just don't understand...
I went to a base for a reactivation. Arrived in the dark to find some folk with torches wandering around, who shot at my ship before I landed. So I moved back a bit, jumped in the SRV and shot them up. Got the usual blue text on screen as each of them went down, and assumed it was me collecting bounties. My journal seems to say the same thing.
1,850 cr, Target: $LightAssaultSuitAI_Class1_Name;, Victim faction: Pirates
Faction: Pixel Bandits Security Force, 1,850 cr

Then I decide to take some of the last ones out on foot, and at one point I make my usual mistake of forgetting to raise the shield after being in the SRV.
Dead, but not just dead - at Mercy's Hammer with 14,000 in bounties on ME (edit: no, sorry, that 14,000 was lost bounties I collected from killing pirates. So how in hell did I get jailed...)
I either made some crucial mistake (but my journal disagrees) or the game is kinda broken...
This has serious potential for not being fun any more.

In which settlement you were when you got killed?

As been posted above - you either got fined for failing the missions and got thrown to jail
you managed to damage some settlement assets in the process of fighting the scavs and the owners of the settlement were miffed at you.

The value seems to be a bounty, and usually failing a mission incurs a fine not a bounty.
For example, taking a restore mission and abandoning it will incur a 100k fine (but you get to keep the power regulator). Not a bounty
I've had this happen, died to pirates during an activation mission, got a 100k fine and had to pay a fuirther 75k to get back tot he system I was in, and lost another 26k replacing the SRV I lost.
One possibility that has happened before with someone else that posted here on the forums is shooting an explosive barrel or shooting a defense turret on the settlement by accident, and that gives you a bounty by the settlement faction. Since the settlement is off, you don't get a red blip from the turrets/defenses on the radar indicating they became hostile.
It's tricky, because it's kinda fair ("check your fire for friendlies"), but there is little leeway for forgiveness (one single bullet and you get a bounty), so it can lead to a situation like this.

Hopefully, this may be patched in the future to give more leeway and visual/audio warnings on damage done before a bounty. The new defense type missions on-foot kinda have this, since you can end up shooting a friendly (since they can walk into your line of fire), which makes them hostile towards you, and when that happens the game despawns them. But you still have to run like crazy after the mission ends, because the whole settlement WILL turn hostile towards you as soon as the mission ends.

Only way to know for sure would be to check the journal for bounties you got on you. If it really was the "you stole the regulator because you died", that feels unfair because it's a "self-fulfilling prophecy" and that should be patched. It would be better to just fail the mission, remove the regulator from you (since you got rescued anyways), and spawn you at the station normally.
I've had this happen, died to pirates during an activation mission, got a 100k fine and had to pay a fuirther 75k to get back tot he system I was in, and lost another 26k replacing the SRV I lost.
Holy hell. My SRV replacement fees are normally just 1030 credits, if I remember correctly. Is that how much a Scorpion costs? That's almost as expensive as a fupping handgun! :oops:
Yeah, you got accused of stealing the Power Regulator when you failed that mission. It's a handy thing to know when you want power regulators and don't care whose Rep you are trashing, siriusly.
What the post above says : You failed the mission, hence you got a fine, hence you went to prison (and if you happened to be carrying the power generator, then you lost it too !)
These two are plausible except that I am pretty confident I've died on reactivate missions before without being jailed. Also, fines aren't bounties so don't equate to jail time. You can abandon a mission and just pay the fine in situ... I must double check what happens next time I fail a "power regulator provided" mission, because I had too many in my cargo (including some mission ones) to be sure if I lost one of them or not. (This means I need to count the darn things before starting the mission I guess.)
you managed to damage some settlement assets
One possibility that has happened before with someone else that posted here on the forums is shooting an explosive barrel or shooting a defense turret on the settlement by accident, and that gives you a bounty by the settlement faction.
Hmm, also somewhat plausible but if it would have shown up in my journal then I'm failing to find it and feeling almost certain it's not there. Anyone know the wording of how that would show up? My death was embarrassingly undramatic so I'd be impressed if I managed to do any damage.
The value seems to be a bounty, and usually failing a mission incurs a fine not a bounty.
For example, taking a restore mission and abandoning it will incur a 100k fine (but you get to keep the power regulator). Not a bounty
Yup, so it would be weird if attempting the mission and dying got you into worse trouble than a cynical insta-abandon :)
Only way to know for sure would be to check the journal for bounties you got on you. If it really was the "you stole the regulator because you died", that feels unfair because it's a "self-fulfilling prophecy" and that should be patched. It would be better to just fail the mission, remove the regulator from you (since you got rescued anyways), and spawn you at the station normally.
For sure. Like I say though, no sign in the journal but can't be totally certain it isn't lurking.
I had only just left an IF, for good measure, at which I had confirmed that there weren't any pre-existing fines/bounties on me... :unsure:

Thanks for the feedback folks!
I almost always end up having this happen when I drive the SRV into a settlement, because I suck out loud driving the SRV and invariably hit something I shouldn't. This damages the settlement and you end up on someone's list.
Had it happen again, I got jumped and forgot to put my shield on, 100k fine even though there's nothing in the log so have to respawn at a prison ship, without my ship so also have to pay for the trip back too.


No explination for the "fine". These missions are bugged AF
No explination for the "fine". These missions are bugged AF
If you bothered to read the rest of the thread, that fine is due to you "stealing" the power regulator when the mission failed.

Also, you got "jumped" while your SRV was being attacked and subsequently destroyed? Quite sure there are audio cues telling you as such.
If you bothered to read the rest of the thread, that fine is due to you "stealing" the power regulator when the mission failed.

Also, you got "jumped" while your SRV was being attacked and subsequently destroyed? Quite sure there are audio cues telling you as such.
Well I went outside to investigate why my SRV got destroyed as I was half-way through the power building and 3 of them were out the door and so I didn't respond quickly enough.

Plus I don't have the power regulator on me anymore, so what did I "steal" exactly?
These missions are bugged AF

Nah, but the game indeed is on the harsh side with the penalties.
Remember you get killed for loitering or for not clearing the station mailslot fast enough

Other then that, make sure you complete the mission, else be prepared to deal of the consequences of failing the mission (100k for wasted Power Regulator i would assume)
If you bothered to read the rest of the thread, that fine is due to you "stealing" the power regulator when the mission failed.
Very likely, but again we have the weirdness of being jailed when a fine doesn't convert to jail time.
My theory is because if you die with the power regulator on you, you lose your items on death so you lose the power regulator thus failing the mission.
Well, in my experience you fail the mission unless you both install the power regulator AND leave the base afterwards.
But like I say, getting a fine doesn't shouldn't put you in jail.
OK, so I suck at EDO.
But some seriously puzzling stuff is happening, and in the last 5 minutes something I just don't understand...
I went to a base for a reactivation. Arrived in the dark to find some folk with torches wandering around, who shot at my ship before I landed. So I moved back a bit, jumped in the SRV and shot them up. Got the usual blue text on screen as each of them went down, and assumed it was me collecting bounties. My journal seems to say the same thing.
1,850 cr, Target: $LightAssaultSuitAI_Class1_Name;, Victim faction: Pirates
Faction: Pixel Bandits Security Force, 1,850 cr

Then I decide to take some of the last ones out on foot, and at one point I make my usual mistake of forgetting to raise the shield after being in the SRV.
Dead, but not just dead - at Mercy's Hammer with 14,000 in bounties on ME (edit: no, sorry, that 14,000 was lost bounties I collected from killing pirates. So how in hell did I get jailed...)
I either made some crucial mistake (but my journal disagrees) or the game is kinda broken...
This has serious potential for not being fun any more.
This has happened to me, I died on a mission for restoring a settlement, I was "seriously wounded" and ended up on a pirson ship. Confused at first, but then realised I had no bounties to pay. Even the mission fine wasn't there. I didn't use my own ship I use an APEX shuttle and a friend told me that happens when you take a shuttle (cannot verify). Whether this is true or not I don't know. As for using your own ship I cannot say, I believe it should place you back into your ship when "seriously wounded".
It could be a way that the game deals with failing missions to on foot when you're "seriously wounded".
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