Journey to Sagittarius A*

Well, no sign of Dark Skyline

I am currently 41 jumps in, in Col Sector 359.

Scooping every 5 jumps is working and gives me a chance to rest and surface scan the star.


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Cmdrs Log: Day 2

I am 4926LY from Sol. 202 jumps in with 42 fuel scoops undertaken.

I am happy to report all systems are operating at 100%.

My position is in the Taikaae sector approximately level with the Lagoon Nebula.

I am north (above) the galactic plane and have successfully traversed the relative void between our own spiral arm and the next one. Progress here is more efficient as the plotted route is a straighter one here, although the jumps are a tad longer due to the increased star density.

The straighter path has afforded me a number of opportunities for a HAHSTFS - or High Altitude High Speed Transient Fuel Scoop. Skimming the upper corona at full throttle in the alignment of the next jump. this lasts only a few seconds, but is a good way to pass the time as the FSD cools down.

Signing off.
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Cdrs Log: Day 3
6223LY from Sol.
The solitude is beginning to get to me.
Continuing to head in and up. A plethora of range limit jumps today saw me scooping more often. Strange constellations have emerged and old familiar ones have disappeared. The sky is not mine anymore. It is someone else's......
....... Who are they?
Cmdrs log: day 4
8157LY from Sol.
The HAHSTFS continue, but I cannot help but think the Imperial designation for this activity is a bit punchier (RFS - Relativistic Fuel Scooping) even though it is quite inaccurate since the FSD negates any relativistic effects.
The Prialea sector has begun, and a rather nice new nebula is growing in my cockpit window. For a moment I consider a detour to have a closer look, but it would be a huge addition to the trip. Maybe on the way back.
All systems at 100%. I have changed my fuel scooping routine though. Now, if I pass a scoopable star, I continue so long as I can afford the next jump twice. If the next star isn't scoopable I resolve to head back to refuel. No backtracking yet.
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Hi I am about 8000ly out heading for the core.
Look me up as I would love to see other players, it gets a bit boring.

CMDR J Stompmaster
CMDRs Log : Day 12
15158Ly from Sol

The ship has suffered some damage. I got distracted and strayed too close to a star coming out of a jump. The Nav computer dropped me out of FSD just in time, but my velocity was well above the safe limit.I have repaired the key systems back to full working order but some of the secondary systems still have work to be done. Since they aren't necessary for the mission I will leave them for now. The repairs took several days to complete and I am now behind schedule.

I have resolved to be more careful in future.


I have received the firmware update for my ships systems via subspace communications. So far no glitches in the ship, but I swear the hull has started groaning since I applied the patch.
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CMDRs Log : Day 13
18562Ly from Sol
The galaxy map is really thick with fusion balls. I have continued my assent to try to get above the core, but I am still seeing most of my jumps be greater than 29LY. This is great for progress (1000LY is now sometimes as low as 31 jumps) but really bad for fuel consumption - I am now scooping about every 4th jump.
No further 'incidents'.
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CMDRs Log : Day 14
22085LY from Sol, or as seems more appropriate 4485 from Sagittarius A*
I long shift today. This better be worth it.
Cmdr Log : Day 16
I have recovered from my 4 hour flight into the core, taken as many scans as felt reasonable and headed on down.
I am now about 1000LY below the Core and will begin my search for the neutron star fields tomorrow. I was a little disappointed not to bump into anyone else at Sag A*, but ho hum.
Wish I had brought a bigger fuel scoop.
The A6 Auto field repair module is beginning to look a tad overkill.

Navigating around the galactic core is a pain.
Cmdrs Log : Day 24
I am deep into a Neutron Star field. This is very risky. One system had a Neutron Star and two red dwarfs orbiting it in close proximity. Within seconds of me entering the system my temp rose above 90%. Needless to say a sharp exit was called for, but some further damage was accrued. The Hull and some other non key systems are down to 96%. Repairs have been made where prudent.
I am consulting the galaxy map to avoid any further surprises and slowly plotting a route home.
I estimate 1 out of every 4 jumps is a Neutron star with the occasional Black Hole thrown in for good measure.
I have also decided that if my hull drops to 90% I shall exit the zone ASAP and head straight back.
I have also decided that if my hull drops to 90% I shall exit the zone ASAP and head straight back.

Just as an FYI your hull can go to 25% or less before you need to head back in my opinion. The main kickers are AFMU ammo, powerplant status and cockpit canopy.

On both my long trips I came back with 70% and 89% hull. The 70% one I actually finished my trip but powerplant was at 65% so if I'd have continued that would be the first to go.
The 89% one had very little canopy health left and the cracks forced me to head back :p
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Just as an FYI your hull can go to 25% or less before you need to head back in my opinion. The main kickers are AFMU ammo, powerplant status and cockpit canopy.

On both my long trips I came back with 70% and 89% hull. The 70% one I actually finished my trip but powerplant was at 65% so if I'd have continued that would be the first to go.
The 89% one had very little canopy health left and the cracks forced me to head back :p

You have a bigger pair than me commander

Cmdrs log : Day 27

I am almost exclusively scanning Neutron Stars now. The main exceptions are black holes. I am doing jumps in the 2 to 12Ly range and doing an hour of scanning then finding a convenient scoopable star to replenish my tanks. In an hour I am doing around 30 jumps.
By my calculations this is as profitable as rares trading.
I am inching my way back home. I suspect I will grow tired of the monotony eventually. But not yet.
Cmdrs Log : Day 32

Bored! That's it I have had enough. I am heading back. Or I would be if I didn't keep getting these blasted software glitches. Apparently my Nav computer cannot communicate with the transaction server. I am going to try a full shutdown and re-boot It may take several hours but seems better than risking a sudden FSD malfunction.
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