General Gameplay JP Japan or JP China

Your Feature Request / Idea
different country, new islands, new maps, new dig sites, new dinos, new missisons, new unlocks...maybe different vegetation and fences

..notice how the park announcer speaks in japanese and chinese, it only makes sense there should be a jurassic park in Asia

She also speaks in French, German and many other languages. That in itself is no indication for future content, it's merely there to show a bit of immersion as to the supposed international audience that would come to Jurassic World.

As for the future content, i dont really mind where it's located, so long as we just get new islands and so on.
She also speaks in French, German and many other languages. That in itself is no indication for future content, it's merely there to show a bit of immersion as to the supposed international audience that would come to Jurassic World.

As for the future content, i dont really mind where it's located, so long as we just get new islands and so on.

yea but more dinosaurs have been discovered in Asia than in any other continent, also there are more islands in you can't have a jurassic park in Paris or Berlin.... it needs to be on some small islands that's why i think it would be more appropriate for another park to be in Asia
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Azores/Canary Island type resorts would be kind of location for JP Europe I imagine. Lots of placed in Asia though I agree. Hopefully some more fictional locations with distinct/diverse environments will appear.
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