July Monthly Catch-Up!

Eltanin Casciani

Community Manager
Hey there PlanCo Fam!

It’s early August, which counts as the end of July, right? We’ve been really busy over here at Frontier so this is a few days late (whoops!), but it’s time for another Monthly Catch-Up!

Take a look below to get up to speed on all the latest happenings from Planet Coaster in the past month.

Community Creations
As always, we featured some absolutely amazing community creations on our socials. Let’s have a look at some of our favourites from July:


Built by Woutgames & MoltoKing for Wikz’ Duo Content, this incredible Biocentre! Featuring 6 different biomes and “Climate Emergency: The Ride”, an interactive experience about Global Warning, your guests are sure to enjoy this educational extravaganza.


Fish are friends, not food! But, this time, fish are friends who serve food! Add this Sea Food shop by Quikiscope8YT on console to your parks to really complete any pirate-themed builds.


Fulfil your wanderlust dreams by visiting the Travelers Kingdom by feliciano.gabriel! Stroll down the alleys of 1900’s Paris, hit the hay in the peak of Western America, become king of the jungle in Alajuela, and get a glimpse of what’s to come in the wonders of Futur Town.


Paging all agents: we need you! Join the secret spy agency, Hot Dog Squad, and help beat the Villainous Doctor Broccoli in this rollercoaster adventure. Grab Code-name: Hot Dog Squad by Starship Rad over on Steam.


Challenge your guests to face their fears with this GHOSTHOUSE – Ghost Train by Michel on Steam. With spooky lighting, it’s best viewed at night, and is sure to complete any funfair area!

Creator Spotlight
This month we’re going to shine the spotlight on Jurre! They’re currently working on a Dark Ride Park series, so head on over to check it out and see how their build is progressing. You can find the first video in this series here:

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QRSYHrpbHL0

And with that, that’s another month done! We hope you’ve enjoyed this July Catch-Up, we know we did. See you again in August!
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