Yeah same I think.
My single button maps on the X52Pro are all taken really.
So I wanted to map to the pinkie trigger + (c) button to toggle tracking + center view simultaneously.
It seems to work once maybe twice then stops working like the tracking has toggled off and is stuck there.
I'm using an X52 Pro with the tobii. You don't need centering or to use the tobii toggle. Just have a button that maps your head look on and off in the game. That is it. push the button and you'll have eye looking. Push it again and it will snap back to centre and stay there.
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Yup have that set and in the ISE config its set to the same button. Both set to toggle. (see the post you replied to).
It would be nice if Tobii would publish the settings needed on the page that advertises it supports ED. Seems like alot of us are struggling to get this to work - when they claim it does.
Update - I have tried every combo I could think of between the HD and ISE config - no matter what I set it to in either one its using Push to Enable AND I have to click it first. So Click E the Click and HOLD E to get it to work. Is our Tobii rep still floating around?
There was some talk further back about editing the .bind files. Which one EXACTLY needs to be reviewed? There are a whole bunch that look like the templates - I use a custom one, where is that stored?
Forget the tobii toggles. Just use the in game head look one. I just played EDH for an hour and it worked fine with an X52 Pro.