
With current railguns, the class 2 have a slightly longer spin up time than class 1. Maybe if they used the same mechanic for the larger sizes to make them progressively harder to use?

Sounds good till you go through the perceived performance.

Variant 1: harder to handle, moderate increase in damage.
1A: Player uses these railguns, considers the result lacking for the extra effort.
1B: NPC uses these railguns, people don't notice a problem.

Result: People will ask for the railguns to be buffed.

Variant 2: harder to handle, significant increase in dmage.
2A: Player uses these railguns, is happy with what it does.
2B: NPC uses these railguns, people get shredded.

Result: players will start to complain about "unfair" NPCs and broken stuff again. Support will be busy restoring ships, which were destroyed by "bugged" NPCs. [Hard to ignore: NPCs actually do have better railgun control the players. The NPC can see that it's 0.02 ms before the gun would fire but is not on target, so it releases the fire button, saving heat and ammo. Even without latency (hardware, internet) i'd doubt that any player constantly could have that accurate timing. ]

We've been through that many times already on these forums on other things. Which had less impact than class 3/4 railguns would have. It's a no-win szenario for FD
Seriously, rails are already OP. There's a reason nobody uses lasers in pvp; it's because rails are outright superior in virtually every context. They've got better damage, range, DPE, armor damage, and module damage.

The reason C3 and C4 rails would be OP is because C2 rails are ALSO OP. A C2 rail is equivalent or better than a C3 laser. A C3 rail would be better than a C4 laser, and a C4 rail would be like having a C5 slot, whatever the heck that even means. Capital Class? I don't even know.

Rails seriously need a massive balancing pass. They can't be good at EVERYTHING.

At the very least, they should be changed to pure kinetic or pure thermal; they're not supposed to be good at killing both armor AND shields. I'd also like to see their breach chance reduced dramatically, from the current 40%-80%, down to something more like 10%-60%.

Even then, they very well may need a damage nerf, too. They do about twice the DPS of a C2 fixed multicannon or cannon.

So yeah. Nerf their damage by about 50%. Change their damage type from thermal/kinetic to just kinetic. Reduce their Breach Chance from 40-80%, down to 10%-60%. At that point they MIGHT ALMOST be balanced.

Hopefully that gives some concept of just how absurdly OP they are right now.
Class 4 Railguns would be stupidly broken, that's why. They would basically be a Plasma Accelerator with no projectile aiming skill needed, and would shrek modules even more already. This is just a problematic idea on so many levels.
Better than the other rail thread lol
They’d be borked that big
After spending countless hours doing massacre and assasination missions, I really want to get C3 or C4 railguns for my Corvette. Deep inside I know it will wreck PvP even more, but damn, would I kill for those guns!
After spending countless hours doing massacre and assasination missions, I really want to get C3 or C4 railguns for my Corvette. Deep inside I know it will wreck PvP even more, but damn, would I kill for those guns!

Give them to NPCs first. Wait a month. Then check if players still want them, or rather have them removed immediately... :D

Whatever you ask for in a game, always consider that the other side might also get that.

And even more: NPCs will use them more agressively, too. They don't care of they boil their intenrnals. For an NPC the one fight they are in usually is he first, last and only fight they ever are in. They don't need to care for rebuy or plan for the future.
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