KI Asp takes down a full moddet Corvett ?!!!^^

I think I'm getting it:
...I took a 1.5 yr break from the game, and 3/4 of the game is broken on x-box...
Still don't know what a "ki asp" is, though.
Suppoort can parse your logs if you really want to know what happened

KI is the common German abbreviation for "AI". (Meaning "künstliche intelligenz", which, unsurprisingly, translates into "artificial intelligence".)
Since the OP has already come out as being from Germany, I think we can safely assume this is what it means in this context.
Thus, (and rather obviously), "ki asp" should mean "AI Asp".
I let it sink down 4 info i play over 36 jears c games so i think i know when i post an issure ^^

oh sorry 4 a code i forgot 1 : 1^^
and u can read cods always 2 ways just a hint lol (has nothing to do with the thread) just a tip when u grow up

Sometimes I laugh so hard I cry. Never change DD.
I would like to know what “all upgrades” means.
I assumed he meant engineered, but he started talking about his pilot rank, so I’m not even sure.

I saw a video of reverb torps taking out a vette pretty darn quick.

So it’s possible.

Wouldn’t have thought a Spec Ops Asp would be geared up this way, it’s kind of a one trick pony type build.
Obviously not an Asp, but the engineering principle applies.

I’m hungry for one of these load outs in a stealth Krait
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KI is the common German abbreviation for "AI". (Meaning "künstliche intelligenz", which, unsurprisingly, translates into "artificial intelligence".)
Since the OP has already come out as being from Germany, I think we can safely assume this is what it means in this context.
Thus, (and rather obviously), "ki asp" should mean "AI Asp".
Very good!
Could you please decipher the rest for us?
stats : 30 days 2700 kills owning 27 ships net provit 3,7 billion u can look up x-box prov started playing elite 1 lol on c64 but off tpic and the genaral question was why the cooders dont fix the game on x-box in sted of trashing it down to a alpha version of a game that is all no less no more ^^
I play on xbox and no npc messes with Porkchop*
*my annie
I think I'm getting it:
...I took a 1.5 yr break from the game, and 3/4 of the game is broken on x-box...
Still don't know what a "ki asp" is, though.
Suppoort can parse your logs if you really want to know what happened
KI is German for AI. Künstliche Intelligenz.

I believe OP is an AI prototype chat bot by the way.

Talking about bots, has anyone seen Stigbob?!
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If PvP an asp can be deadly. I’ve taken down modded vetts in a sidewinder more than once. If pve then you need to practice more.
I love how everyone and their mom plays out the wise old man card. "I been playing video games since 1899 so when I speak you young uns better listen" when based on the forum age polls, just being over 40 gives you absolutely zero extra credibility around here.

I will name one of my next ships "KI ASP THE CRAB" in honor of this thread.
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