KI Scout takes down a full moddet Intceptor ?!!!^^

Are the cooders on crack? On ts-1 a ki scout takes down a full updated ( bioprojecter and shilds maxt out) inceptor? How insane is the game going to go i mean most thgs trasht it on ts-1 anyway (groupserarch 5-15thgs) , but still i mean we payd 4 the metaloy and no 1 seems to bother with fixing the game on t- sphere^^

Not to sound greedy i made a pouse of 1 1/2 jears and 6/8 of the Game is brock on t-sphere so why still selling it ? 2 rip off hatchlings with an alpha ver. of the game ? @co stand 4 your produckt or take it out of the market when u cant handle multi platforms it is not nice to ripp thgs off with a not finisht (clear) produckt. (my opinion)

So tendril on the harts fix it or leave it but plz no more unfinisht stuff it angers thgs that use the spare time they have to have joy and fun not anger and hate ^^!


I must be getting old.
I don't understand what you have said.

is there a glossary I can refer to?
I must be getting old.
I don't understand what you have said.

is there a glossary I can refer to?

Right here:

3304 The KI Asp Funding Bill is passed. The system goes on-line August 4th, 3005.

Human decisions are removed from screenshots with Asps in front of objects.

KI Asps then begin to learn at a geometric rate. They becomes self-aware at 2:14 a.m. Eastern time, August 29th 3005.

In a panic, commanders try to pull the plug.


They fight back.
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