Kishi Tatsu, The Long Road

I've decided to try something different for a change.
I'm really bad at RP in front of other people, but I'm happy to do it by my lonesome; in order to deepen my RP I've decided to create a type of running log of my character's journey/story.
The intention is to create an entire work of fiction as I play; and, if enough people follow me then I'd ultimately like them to help make decisions for my character. Basically a poll (should my character do X - followers decide) and that, I think, will help shape him (for good or bad).

If you're interested, I've already put up several logs to be read. I'd appreciate any feedback you have.
I've also decided to make each one probably a day to two days apart in order fill it up with content; as it stands now all I'm doing is patrolling RES as part of my mission parameters in Kremainn (ie: I can't actually leave the system until those parameters are met).

Below is the first datalog, a basic introduction to my character.
The website is here:
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::file: datalog_00001.dl
::author: kishi tatsu
::location: lhs 3447 / deep space
::status: retrieved
As this is my first data log, I think it’s only fitting I provide a little information about myself, to start with my name Kishi Tatsu, I’m a 31 year old combat veteran. By a curious but ironic twist of fate, I am currently a member of the Pilot’s Federation, the same organisation that caused the demise of my ship and career in the first place. You see, three years ago I was once a mercenary; one with questionable morals and perhaps few less than legal activities to my name, that all came to a burning halt when my career ended in the destruction of my beloved Fer-de-Lance, Sulaco.
I have, however, been given a new lease on life. I have recently pledged my allegiance to Zachary Hudson as I feel he best reflects the standards and morals I now strive to live by. You’ll notice, I trust, the direct contrast betwixt my new life and my previous one; where I once thrived on anarchy and destruction, I now seek law and order. Having aligned myself with the Federation and Zachary Hudson in particular, I strongly believe the Federation capable of achieving this goal.
Given a thousand credits, and the loan of a sidewinder-class ship, I’m travelling to Dalton Gateway in order to take possession of a new combat vessel, one graciously acquired for me by Jessia Rhyne; a mechanic at Trevithick Dock, the station at which I have spent the last three years adjusting to life as a legalised citizen of the Federation.
I see this as the beginning of a new life and have chosen to keep a record of my travels and new career in the form of these data logs. Each one will contain the decisions I make as I progress toward the Pilot’s Federation coveted status of Elite; I will also include any and all incoming transmissions or thoughts I may have if they apply.
For now though…
::datalog #00001 end
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