Large Habitats - Unsustainable

The main issue I see with large exhibits is only one zookeeper can feed at a time and it just doesn’t work.. the animals eat the food too quickly and then there’s still some left starving they need to make it so all zookeepers can come feed at once
didnt read every post but it seems to me that every animal needs his own enrichment food item. so in case you got 40 animals in there you gotta need 40 food items
And that's a really dumb mechanic, as if an animal is using an item 100% of its time, and as if keepers will fill all enrichment items if we put that much. And with so many items in an habitat it's not an habitat anymore but an enrichment item exhibition...

The number of enrichment items required is insane...
For me one of the biggest issues is that once a certain amount of animals in one habitat is reached, one keeper just isn't enough to keep all of them fed.

I have like 15 pronghorns and 8 bisons in one enclosure and almost every time some of my pronghorns are starving before the keeper refills their stuff.
Also I have multiple troughs in the habitat, only one gets filled with food for the pronghorns and one for the bisons, but after all the food is gone from the pronghorns one, some pronghorns are still hungry! But keeper doesn't refill until after they're starving again. Urgh... it is annoying as hell
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