Community Event / Creation LAVE RADIO - A podcast about Elite Dangerous

1) On Salome ... why is nobody (and I don't mean just your show) talking about the distinct possibility that Cmdr Salome is going to get killed by Cmdr H P with no RP whatsoever? I saw Drew's post about the ransom situation and just thought - surely the odds of Salome being caught by role players with the wit to do something interesting with the situation must be tiny! I really hope I'm wrong.

2) On how to have significant story that more than one player can participate in ... the Warcraft virus springs to mind. Basically there was a contagious virus that spread from one player to another. Ok so it went horribly wrong (basically going exponential and infecting EVERYONE) but for a while there, everyone that got it was part of the chain. You could do something like have Salome carry data that be scanned. Once you've scanned it your ship shows on the galaxy map for everyone to see. If someone scans your ship then they get it too. Perhaps the data can only be sold after 10hrs (in-game time) with it's value being divided by the number of players that manage to survive and turn it in! So it becomes an intergalactic game of hunt and survival. Waddya reckon?

Well (1) Is a distinct possibility, unless Drew has thouth about it and uses a ship as just a broadcast beason and she is somewhere else. Kill the messenger not the message.

(2) The reason why I quoted you - never played Wow, bu the plague meta-story in Wow actually prodcued some academic research into behaviour. Some stayed despite the risk to help, many fled etc. Apparently, statistically it modelled the real world in such crisis.

The real reason I posted - hey was there an epsidoe 18/04 - if so when it it going up?

Well (1) Is a distinct possibility, unless Drew has thouth about it and uses a ship as just a broadcast beason and she is somewhere else. Kill the messenger not the message.

(2) The reason why I quoted you - never played Wow, bu the plague meta-story in Wow actually prodcued some academic research into behaviour. Some stayed despite the risk to help, many fled etc. Apparently, statistically it modelled the real world in such crisis.

The real reason I posted - hey was there an epsidoe 18/04 - if so when it it going up?


I'm afraid those are questions that only Drew can answer. There are a lot of players on the The Forge/Myrididon Task Force discord server (I've got to find the address) who are worried about this, especially being 'back stabbed' by the Code and the SDC.
I'm half way through the podcast at the moment. I didn't realise I could sign up someplace to defend Kahina Loren. Where do I sign up? Or is signing up only for player groups?
Backer (and Other Long-Term Player) Bickering about "Value"

PREFACE: I travel quite a bit due to work (have for most of the last 15 years), and try to do stairs and inclines mid-day when at work, so LAVE Radio is a great listen while I'm doing either. I usually don't post on the forum much at all, but I want to on this, one topic that is coming up regularly in the show.

The last few LAVE Radio episodes have noted the regular comments about people on the Forum, especially early and original "Backers," and other, long-term players, bickering about the game, it's evolution, it's rate of development, etc..., especially for all that 'upfront funding' and resulting 'ROI' ... that 'value' they don't feel they're getting.

So I just want to add my $0.02 on this ...

Take any on-line MMORPG, short of Guild Wars or a few others, including ones like Eve on-line, and you're playing US$10, 15 even US$20/month. That's easily >US$100/year. Sure, there are options in-game to cut costs, like in Eve, to 'pay' in-game money for your monthly fees, but ... ED literally doesn't play that at all. It doesn't put you in that position. It doesn't change gameplay with money, it doesn't charge you every month, it makes extra money with customizations that are non-gameplay impacting.

Again, just over 2+ years, with any other MMORPG, that would be a minimum of US$250 ... easily!!!

Now I fully admit I didn't come into ED until April 2015. Being in the US, and only a casual gamer, I was wholly ignorant of the Kickstarter. I missed out on the early options, even though I had played Frontier II and even First Encounters. In fact, I only found out about it because I saw it on-sale on Steam. So I've only spent US$80 on the game itself, putting aside the added US$50-75 on paintjobs and non-gameplay items (plus my wife has spent another US$100 at the Frontier Store on things not in-game for me for birthdays and Christmas). I really have only spent US$80 on the gameplay, nothing else required.

I know some people put 2-3x as much up than I, so I'm not trying to speak for them. But at the same time ... I still don't understand it.

So what is it that is causing people to complain about ... "Value"?

From my vantage point, I'm still playing a game that I paid a whole US$80 for, let alone I would have likely backed for US$200+ had I known about it before 2015! So ... what gives? Really, I don't understand it. Can someone explain it to me? I buy some add-ons from Frontier and ... I feel really good about it! I really do! Especially since I bought my game from Steam first, so there was that amount that was 'cut out' of Frontier's profit, that I didn't realize about until later as well. And that's not even my 'real cost.'

While I still haven't upgraded my base Ivy Bridge system (Mini-ITX so limited form-factor, with a i7-4790K, 16GiB RAM, SSD + 9TiB usable RAID-5), I did add an Oculus Rift CV1 for US$600, and upgraded my GTX 970 to a US$500 980 Ti and eventually a US$500 GTX 1080, as well as a Saitek X-55. So I've dropped a lot of money into things just to play, largely, one, single game. But it's so worth the experience! I have a real, true, AAA-rated VR game.

The game it cost me US$80, and I've gotten nearly 600 hours out of it ... me, a 'casual gamer' who rarely spent more than 8-10 hours/month, on average, gaming ... in 2 years. I would be so impressed as even an original backer who spent US$200+!!! I guess that's why I kept spending a few bucks here, a few buck there, to buy in-game additives that are, essentially, non-game impacting.

Latest case-in-point: In my view, the whole, alleged 'charging for ship ID/name issue' was just argumentative non-sense in the end, for what Frontier actually did do, and a 'wake up call' in how petty consumers we can be.

A few bucks/quid to actually see it in external views, just like anything else aesthetic. They did it right. Why can't we trust Frontier to do their best and keep us in mind? They aren't trying to 'squeeze out a few more bucks out of us.' They really have our best interests in mind! Why can't people see that? Are we really at the point we're making those arguments?

Sorry ... just wanted to get that off my chest, instead of playing tonight. Appreciate anyone who read it and also agrees. If not, feel free to post, I'll try to read and consider it, although I probably won't respond.

DISCLAIMER: For most of the last dozen years, I've worked at or in large, Free, Libre and Open Source Software (FLOSS) entities or divisions, as well as contributed (even if only a small value in patches and documentation) to hundreds of software projects, so my views may be skewed from others by my understanding of what it takes to maintain a codebase and, more importantly, community.
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PREFACE: I travel quite a bit due to work (have for most of the last 15 years), and try to do stairs and inclines mid-day when at work, so LAVE Radio is a great listen while I'm doing either. I usually don't post on the forum much at all, but I want to on this, one topic that is coming up regularly in the show.

The last few LAVE Radio episodes have noted the regular comments about people on the Forum, especially early and original "Backers," and other, long-term players, bickering about the game, it's evolution, it's rate of development, etc..., especially for all that 'upfront funding' and resulting 'ROI' ... that 'value' they don't feel they're getting.

So I just want to add my $0.02 on this ...

Take any on-line MMORPG, short of Guild Wars or a few others, including ones like Eve on-line, and you're playing US$10, 15 even US$20/month. That's easily >US$100/year. Sure, there are options in-game to cut costs, like in Eve, to 'pay' in-game money for your monthly fees, but ... ED literally doesn't play that at all. It doesn't put you in that position. It doesn't change gameplay with money, it doesn't charge you every month, it makes extra money with customizations that are non-gameplay impacting.

Again, just over 2+ years, with any other MMORPG, that would be a minimum of US$250 ... easily!!!

Now I fully admit I didn't come into ED until April 2015. Being in the US, and only a casual gamer, I was wholly ignorant of the Kickstarter. I missed out on the early options, even though I had played Frontier II and even First Encounters. In fact, I only found out about it because I saw it on-sale on Steam. So I've only spent US$80 on the game itself, putting aside the added US$50-75 on paintjobs and non-gameplay items (plus my wife has spent another US$100 at the Frontier Store on things not in-game for me for birthdays and Christmas). I really have only spent US$80 on the gameplay, nothing else required.

I know some people put 2-3x as much up than I, so I'm not trying to speak for them. But at the same time ... I still don't understand it.

So what is it that is causing people to complain about ... "Value"?

From my vantage point, I'm still playing a game that I paid a whole US$80 for, let alone I would have likely backed for US$200+ had I known about it before 2015! So ... what gives? Really, I don't understand it. Can someone explain it to me? I buy some add-ons from Frontier and ... I feel really good about it! I really do! Especially since I bought my game from Steam first, so there was that amount that was 'cut out' of Frontier's profit, that I didn't realize about until later as well. And that's not even my 'real cost.'

While I still haven't upgraded my base Ivy Bridge system (Mini-ITX so limited form-factor, with a i7-4790K, 16GiB RAM, SSD + 9TiB usable RAID-5), I did add an Oculus Rift CV1 for US$600, and upgraded my GTX 970 to a US$500 980 Ti and eventually a US$500 GTX 1080, as well as a Saitek X-55. So I've dropped a lot of money into things just to play, largely, one, single game. But it's so worth the experience! I have a real, true, AAA-rated VR game.

The game it cost me US$80, and I've gotten nearly 600 hours out of it ... me, a 'casual gamer' who rarely spent more than 8-10 hours/month, on average, gaming ... in 2 years. I would be so impressed as even an original backer who spent US$200+!!! I guess that's why I kept spending a few bucks here, a few buck there, to buy in-game additives that are, essentially, non-game impacting.

Latest case-in-point: In my view, the whole, alleged 'charging for ship ID/name issue' was just argumentative non-sense in the end, for what Frontier actually did do, and a 'wake up call' in how petty consumers we can be.

A few bucks/quid to actually see it in external views, just like anything else aesthetic. They did it right. Why can't we trust Frontier to do their best and keep us in mind? They aren't trying to 'squeeze out a few more bucks out of us.' They really have our best interests in mind! Why can't people see that? Are we really at the point we're making those arguments?

Sorry ... just wanted to get that off my chest, instead of playing tonight. Appreciate anyone who read it and also agrees. If not, feel free to post, I'll try to read and consider it, although I probably won't respond.

DISCLAIMER: For most of the last dozen years, I've worked at or in large, Free, Libre and Open Source Software (FLOSS) entities or divisions, as well as contributed (even if only a small value in patches and documentation) to hundreds of software projects, so my views may be skewed from others by my understanding of what it takes to maintain a codebase and, more importantly, community.

Translate the $ into £ and yeah - I totally agree. I bought into the game at beta but just AFTER the lifetime pass stage (so around £50 I think). I gladly bought Horizons (and I still say it was EASILY worth it for planetary landings alone). I've bought a fair few paintjobs, ship kits, etc. Plus an Oculus and a GTX 1080 - basically to play Elite. So let's call that £1500!

I play around 12hrs a week and have done so since launch - so that's about 28 months x 4.25 x 12 = 1,428hrs of utterly engrossing entertainment.

So, even with the Oculus and the GTX 1080 thrown in, that's almost exactly a pound an hour. I don't know what sort of rate you chaps drink at but for me, with London beer prices, that is an absolute bargain!

Oh, and I haven't even factored in the hours of entertainment I've derived from getting to Elite status here on the forum.
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Volunteer Moderator
Strong rumours Lave Radio is going live with an interview with COR about the Salome event right now 10pm UK time Monday
The Lave Radio Salome Special was done last night.

We'll be putting it up as soon as we get a chance. ;-)

Can't wait ... re: trusting Mr H P, please can we get Paroxsym back on a future show so we can throw biowaste at him? :D
P.S. I'm only jesting, it was cool of him to go on the show ... I would be curious to hear his views after the event tho.


Volunteer Moderator
Can't wait ... re: trusting Mr H P, please can we get Paroxsym back on a future show so we can throw biowaste at him? :D
P.S. I'm only jesting, it was cool of him to go on the show ... I would be curious to hear his views after the event tho.

I think he was there - at least someone from PAC was part of the panel - it might have been Baroness something or other though. There was also one of the folk who was actually in the VIP wing with Salomé - it was actually really good (after the usual trade mark technical issues and ropey start ;) )

The show went out live last night, but, I didn't actually see any publicity about it in advance other than one post on a random thread - I guess it must have been arranged at very short notice.

Edit - Oops, what I meant was, I heard it automatically because like most people, I have Lave Radio playing continuously 24/7 in my house. Honest!
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Yup, We decided First thing Monday morning and Ben managed to pull the show together in less than a day so Kudos to him. We had Parox (PAC fleet Admiral), CMR Baroness and Cmdr Eisen (Both who were escorting Salome's Ship at the time), explaining things from their point of view.
If you are still asking them questions could you get them to answer this one.. What exactly was it that the SDC said, that persuaded them that it was a good idea to let such a disreputable group defend Kahina Loren?
Yup, We decided First thing Monday morning and Ben managed to pull the show together in less than a day so Kudos to him. We had Parox (PAC fleet Admiral), CMR Baroness and Cmdr Eisen (Both who were escorting Salome's Ship at the time), explaining things from their point of view.

Can't wait to hear this then!

If you are still asking them questions could you get them to answer this one.. What exactly was it that the SDC said, that persuaded them that it was a good idea to let such a disreputable group defend Kahina Loren?

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