Lave radio shows - get involved

now I can imagine what Lave Radio recordings are like (if this Conclave recording was anything to go by)

At one point I was reading a prepared answer from my notes, and I suspect it will sound exactly that way.
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now I can imagine what Lave Radio recordings are like (if this Conclave recording was anything to go by)

At one point I was reading a prepared answer from my notes, and I suspect it will sound exactly that way.

Ha Alien are you suggesting the main show has a script!?

Afraid not we don't need a script we got a John! He edits the random musing into something that is listenable.

I write show notes (none of the guys read em)
We do print out the ddf stuff and read through them to drive discussion.

Oh I do always write the intro section out because its always nice to at least start off on a proffesional footing.
(Although that did not work tonight. Something that look very innocent when written down turned out not to be so innocent when read out at speed :()
Does anyone else think that the hero of this video has been inspired by John Stabler?;):p:D

Awesome song .. didn't realise it was Daft Punk - I tend to hear songs, like them, but not know who the band was, which is a shame as I have heard some cracking songs over my time.

And no, I fail to see the connection.
And no, I fail to see the connection.

Where as I was peeing myself laughing.
The opening scene shows a cmd t cutting and polishing his space ship. This is something or own Mr Stabler would love to do in elite dangerous.

A couple of questions come to mind that I'd like to hear the writers answer (and not out of vanity!)

1. There's a lot of fiction being written. What do you think will be uniquely attractive about your work? What stands out that's different from everyone else? Why should readers leap on your story first?

2. Gollancz have purchased 3 writers packs but not announced what they'll be doing with them. What would you like to see? (Could be a question for the regular crew instead.)
A couple of questions come to mind that I'd like to hear the writers answer (and not out of vanity!)

1. There's a lot of fiction being written. What do you think will be uniquely attractive about your work? What stands out that's different from everyone else? Why should readers leap on your story first?

Ooh, interesting...
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