Leaving Frontier, A New Adventure, and the Best Community Ever

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It was a pleasure talking to you and drinking beer at the Frontier Meet at Gamescom in recent years. I wish you all the best!
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Ed.. It's kinda a bitter sweet feeling on reading this.

I have so many great memories of you being CM here.. From meeting you at lavecon the first time, navigating you across the void from 65,000 LY away and using trig to determine your jumps and ending up laughing my head off at Ed Noelmonds…

It's been a pleasure and an honour to know you personally and your Anti-suit mentality was and is breath of fresh air in a gaming culture where CM's are seen and act like corporate messengers and care little about the community they are supposed to represent. Your example proves, beyond doubt that you can be an effective CM and still care about the players and people you meet.

I sincerely hope your last words as you run out of the office is "LOOK AT ME NOW Brenda"


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It was a privilege to meet you at LaveCon; this year will be a little sad without you if you're not there.

All the best Ed' and good luck to you in your future endeavours.
It’s with my head held high, and a heart absolutely crammed full of love, that I have to tell you that January will be my last month at Frontier Developments. The last four years have been incredible, and now it’s time for me to embark on a new adventure!


Thank you so much for four great years!

You've been absolutely awesome, and it was truly a pleasure to meet you (and Will, and Brett) at the last two PAXEast meetups!

I want to wish you all the best on your future, and I really hope you manage a community for games I play!

You really did "Crush It" at FDev, and I hope you continue to be the same awesome community manager we all came to know and love!

Peace out Ed,



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Volunteer Moderator
This is sad day for the community, genuinely sorry to see you go Ed. All the best and good luck wherever you're going sir! Lots of love!
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Ian Phillips

Volunteer Moderator
Hi Ed,

like T.j I still remember the early days - were they really over 4 years ago?

Seeing you grow into the function and then grow and expand the function has been a rare privilege. Actually meeting up at various Lavecons and meetings in Cologne was always an experience worth having and I enjoyed them immensely.

Good luck in your new endevours, you leave us with a terrific heritage to carry on into the future.


I'd like to think that Frontier step up and place a small spaceport in some quiet corner of the universe, as a little reminder of your drive and enthusiasm. Travel well on your journey, the end is far from nigh.
It's sad to here you're leaving but like they say all things must end, so I wish you the best in your next endeavour and thank you for everything. o7
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Oh man, sorry to see you go! You've been an integral part of this community. I'm sure I speak for many when I say that you will be missed.
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