Let the Fighter Pilot crew survive wehen the ship gets destroyed

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Losing a trained-up one is one thing.

Losing one you found that actually looks attractive is devastating.

Seriously. There are some homely pilots out there for hire.

I have lost two such NPC's... that sucks big time.. I am still looking for my 3rd... And what is worse, is that both times I had forgot I had them onboard... I only remembered on the rebuy screen, that hurt way more than any rebuy costs... I would literally have paid billions to have either of them back. My second one went with me all the way to beagle point and beyond and then back again.
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Thread #167 for this same request.

True but since the request hasn't been answered yet, one can go on asking ;)
I absolutely concur with the OP for several reasons which I won't take the time to state now again.
It's about consequences for ship destruction so I'd suggest a crew member adds a significant amount to the ship's rebuy. Also, when losing a ship with crew on board, reduce their experience level a bit, for all I care, and explain it with a dent in their self-confidence...

And while we're at it, let us order our crew from within the ship, not just in stations, just like we're able to invite pilots in multi-crew. Add a little consistency...
SLFs should be AI controlled. The cpus available in grades just like modules and capable of learning past A grade. When a fighter is destroyed, the module persists for some time in the debris so that the cmdr can retreive it.
I used to pine for the same thing, but gave up. NPC pilots are abandonware, just like Multicrew.
How about escape pods?

They are already in the game, and I'm assuming every time we "die" and respawn we are picked up in an escape pod by some NPC and hauled back to a station.

It would be cool imo if we could go to the location where our ship was destroyed and pick up our crew in an escape pod. We could have a time limit maybe? Like a number of minutes or hours until they died of starvation or no oxygen due to life support running out in the pod.
How about escape pods?

They are already in the game, and I'm assuming every time we "die" and respawn we are picked up in an escape pod by some NPC and hauled back to a station.

It would be cool imo if we could go to the location where our ship was destroyed and pick up our crew in an escape pod. We could have a time limit maybe? Like a number of minutes or hours until they died of starvation or no oxygen due to life support running out in the pod.

yup there are definite this kind of gameplay to be had... and now it would be up to the player if it is worth the effort or not. but it would alleviate the issue FDev had pointed out as one of the reasons why the mechanics is like it curtently is, and that is the "permanent" NPCs, you trian once and then keep forever, or until you dismiss them...
As with all the other threads on the topic, this one will come to the same conclusion: it’s a very sensible suggestion met with approval of all but the masochists, but FDev doesn’t really do sensible so they ignore it.
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