And finally - you forgot that while this game is yours to do with as you wish, that the playerbase are not
Amazing post. I've pretty much been quoting myself all morning by pasting the following:
"So... does FDEV assume there will ever be another event that draws 11,000 commanders? These are real people with low expectations, surviving on bread crumbs, giving fdev the benefit of the doubt many times over... annnnd now this happens."
For years, people have asked me about this game. I've found it to be a hard sale. I love many aspects of the game. Recently, I managed to pump up a lot of people based upon my excitement involving the Gnosis. It became a potential sales pitch for me. "This is it!" I thought to myself. "This is totally what people are looking for in a sandbox game!" Player inspired, dev approved content.
To be honest, even if the Gnosis had made the jump to the Cone, I wouldn't have expected a different outcome. That is to say, the station being raided. Preventing the jump allows people to run back to the bubble instead of being stranded. I get that. I appreciate that to some degree. But having been asked by online friends as well as AFK/IRL friends about the journey, I've been confronted with disappointment and anger by people who don't even own the game. A hard sale in their eyes has now become an impossible one.
I'll quote a non-player: "You didn't even get a 10th of the way there? That's like promising your kids an amazing vacation to Disney World, months in advance, only to pull into the local gas station the day of and tell them Deal with it. This is as far as we're going."
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