I think the only thing FDev did do wrong was post that GalNet Article early and I hope lessons have been learnt.
I hope lessons have been learnt too, but I disagree that the premature posting of the GalNet article was their only mistake.
Canonn is a research group. While their
about us page doesn't rule out combat, they do state that "anything that distracts from our research is to be avoided." And Frontier thought that a combat focus replacement for an exploration focused mission was a good idea. One has to ask: how out of touch with a significant portion of their player base are they? The number of posts that I've seen on this thread attest to that.
I had no problem with Frontier releasing the game to mark the 30th anniversary of Elite. As a developer "release early,
release often" is a valid approach to software development. We've all had a little chuckle, I'm sure, at Star Citizens delays, but "develop, develop, develop until it's ready" is also a valid software development approach, especially if one deliverers a very playable game at the end.
Releasing early, however, does mean that you don't have a very playable game at the start. Either parts of the game haven't been started, or there is placeholder code in place. Mining is a good example of this. When mining got it first buff it was admitted that what was there at launch was the bare minimum, the first buff added prospector and collector limpets and greatly improved the game play. Adding content this way is a good way to develop software, I've worked on a number of products that do just that.
But one of the hard parts of an early and frequent release cycle is that, from time to time, you have to rip out the placeholder code and replace it with something with more depth. Exploration falls in to this category; there is no real penalty for travelling far from civilisation, there is no wear and tear mechanic, and it needs it. Cmdr Zulu Romeo, who got to Sag A first, admitted that he left on a whim. Would you expect to circumnavigate the world in a yacht that was prepared to just cross The Channel?
What worries me is that Frontier team do not appear to have the will to make those hard decisions when it comes to replacing those part of the game where the game play is weak. It is almost as if those in charge are fearful of adverse reactions in the forums that would be the inevitable result of removing a easy mechanic and replacing it with a harder one. But that is what the game, any game needs. Those old games of yesteryear, that are still popular today, work because the game play is there, the crappy graphics just don't detract.
My hope is that in Q4 that new exploration, in particular, will see some kind of difficult increase, that the further you go from civilisation the hard exploration will be. Because this game is at its best when players play together. Look at the awesome game play that resulted when they added refuelling limpets: The Fuel Rats!