Maybe if this gets some attention something will be done. I heard about the fleet carrier sale on the last night of the promo. I stayed up most of the night and headed from the the bubble to Colonia on a non stop trip in order to take advantage of the sale on carriers. My squadmate met me out there in the days following and we then proceeded to spend another half Billion Crs on Tritium, as it was very limited, and made our way on the carrier back to the bubble. HERE"S THE PROBLEM!!! Because of the mess that is Console Vs Odyssey I HAVE to sell my carrier for the copy over to PC. I only get the sale price back and will then be UNABLE to re purchase my carrier at the non sale price on both console and PC. It's bad enough what has happened to the console edition of the game and while I am glad there is a solution with copying my account this is still making me lose assets CRs & time. I think we should be compensated and any carriers sold on console that were purchased at the sale price should be sold at full price. I wouldn't sell it if I didn't HAVE TO!!! Blow this up and maybe just maybe the group of Cmdrs that are in the same boat can catch a break.
*Repost from Console thread for visibility
You can keep the FC on console and not get the extra credits on the PC cmdr...
You double your credits when migrating.. That will help you finance the carrier for the pc cmdr

You do sound entitled. I paid 5 billion for my FC
It's the principle of it all I shouldn't have to to be pushed to PC or sell anything but here we are...
You can stay on console exactly as you already are.

You are being given the option to move to PC, with a free copy of the game.

(Not quite sure why you went all the way to Colonia to buy a fleet carrier on sale when you could have done the same at any vendor location in the bubble... must have cost a lot of credits in tritium to bring it home that you could have saved, nearly enough to buy a carrier at full price instead...)
It's not about the free copy I already have 2 PC accounts its about the time and grind in the account. It's being forced to move platforms to continue the adventure. My friends that play are all on PS4 and it's really only a matter of time before console servers are shut down when ppl stop playing a dead console game.

And the info I had was they were only on sale in Colonia and was the last day so ya away I went.

Don't get me wrong Im glad there's an option to cont my account on pc just think it's pretty bad that I have to give up PS4 stuff / carrier to continue. And by doubling your money in on place you still lose it in the other
It's being forced to move platforms to continue the adventure
^This sounds like the real crux of your feelings, not having to potentially pay a little more for a new carrier, and that's totally fair--but nothing else you say is very logical
I have to give up PS4 stuff / carrier
Other than the PS4 account / couch itself and the discounted carrier price (sad day), what else do you think you'll 'lose?'
by doubling your money in on place you still lose it in the other
This is a problem created only by you, it seems. I did the transfer from PS4 as soon as it went live and 1) didn't lose anything, I only gained legs and some new bugs, and 2) I haven't touched the PS4 version of that character since. Unless you have unlimited time and desire to play both versions, one of which as you yourself said is on a dying console client cut off from new content.... so ....????
Cry me a river. Console exclusives, funny games with time limited availability say hello. With MS and Sony buying up game houses like hotcakes soon half the game world will be exclusive to the other and PCs will be left in the lurch. Consoles are "good" for gaming. My butt.
I understand have to admit it was rather funny though!
as for off topic it was in regards to tritium which =energy prices but maybe that flew over ya heads
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It seems i did something wrong...

I also bought my FC at Colonia, at the same event. At that time i wasn't really familiar with CGs and if the goal in the bubble will be reached. Also i had no idea how fast i can travel to Colonia in my 56-ly-DBX. So i decided, as Colonia CG made it quite fast to final and i was never there, to start my voyage and buy it there. In fact it wasn't so hard, so i had a lot of time for sightseeing and exploring between.
After buying FC, installing some services, i also bought an Anaconda, Python and T-9 for hauling and mining. After that i was almost bankrupt (at least felt like), Inara says i had roundabout 6.8 billion in assets, 747 mio in Credits (iirc the liquid was lower). Then i started mining Tritium. There are several hotspots in Colonia, one of the rings, where i also mined, got 14 (!) Tritium-Hotspots (pristine of course!). Took me roundabout 2-3 weeks to get 5.000 tons Tritium into my carrier, but i also mined a lot of other valuable stuff that i could sell.
I did some of the usual stuff in Colonia, some missions, unlocking engineers, then started my way back on the same route where i had marked some systems worth a mapping. Somewhere between Bubble and Sag-A (iirc roundabout 8.000 ly from Sag-A) i left my FC behind and made a tour to the centre and around. While my FC was parked it even earned some credits! I had Universal Cartographics installed and some commanders sold there data out in the void - some 100 mio credits more earned. The whole journey i also did some mining for Tritium and of course collected some other ore, with result that roundabout 1.000 ly from bubble another FC-owner dropped in and left 1 billion Credits.
To cut a long story short - i came back after maybe 3 months with a carrier, a reserve of some thousand tons Tritium and enough credits to compensate the "loss" of credits for the FC. I could have been much faster without exploring, but that also earned me some money too.

And today, almost exactly one year later? I could buy three carriers, just from free credits, not to talk about assets. A lot of that was just possible earning with the fleet carrier. So, if someone didn't managed to gain at least the 1,5 billion to compensate the original price for a FC, it's maybe just not his gameplay to own a FC and it's maybe not worth holding one.
If anything isn't fair @OP, it is that some commanders get their credits doubled, while others not (wait a second... i just talked to a friendly math genius, he told me 3,5 billion x2 is 7 billions! Crazy this math thing... it's magic... that is 2 billion more, than a FC costs! So you can buy a FC and have 2 billion credits more than before!).
It's not fair that you and me could buy that wonderful piece of gameplay (i really won't miss it anymore :D) for 30% discount, while other commanders before and after didn't had that chance.
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