Loss of framerate since the 1.9 update ?

It's so much worse !!!
Since the last update, now it's 3 FPS ingame AND in pause 😡
Have you also this problem ?? It's horrible...... Park with hundreds of hours is ruined 😨
I have find a "way" to gain fps in my games.

I have see one of my groups of objet is in case
He have plenty of the same objet and this objet is iuse for the frontier of an habitat.
after remove this 1000 woods elements and replace by wall I have no more trouble.

my ticket is always open with this analyse and I waiting the next answer of frontier team.

I replace the ticket for anyone interrested.

PS sorry for my english, I'm a french guy X) (enven have lived and work at lon,don during a year I wrtting as bad as before XD)
It's so much worse !!!
Since the last update, now it's 3 FPS ingame AND in pause 😡
Have you also this problem ?? It's horrible...... Park with hundreds of hours is ruined 😨

Maybe I could help you

this type of problem can come from GPUI, CPU ort disk saturation.

could you please check Which one is at 100% when you play ?

have you open a ticket to frontier ? they go check your save and more thing than anyone in this forum ^^
Have you up to date all your drivers (graphic, direct X etc...) sometims it could help.
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