For whatever reason my wand has stopped working on some objects (specifically on main street) as well as the treasure chests of fantasyland have completely disappeared and a few on main street have as well. I know where they should be as I have opened them prior to this a couple times and now no longer show up even if I leave the areas to reset it.

Also is there any way to get a checklist on the game? The system is keeping score of the items I interact with and the best I can find is the really vague percentage tally.
Then I have one of two problems with my game.

1. That after I interact with an object in the game that they should be disabled for the rest of the game regardless of me turning off the game, as if it is permanently saved that way and for whatever reason it is not doing that on my game.

2. That it is not supposed to do that but only record that I have interacted with the objects and is now shutting down random objects in the game not allowing me to interact with them again.

Also again, the checklist like rockstar games does for their games (gta, rdr, la noir) for the interactive objects would be great in a patch update. obviously the game is keeping record, it would just be nice to see it rather than frustratingly running around looking for the preverbal needle in a haystack.

Michael Brookes

Game Director
I can't help you with a list of secrets and there's no plans to add one, in the same way GTA doesn't give you list of the pidgeon locations.

However, looking on GameFAQ's, you might find this guide useful:

You should only be able to use the treasure chests once. For wand-able items, you can wand them again, but they should lose their sparkle. However you need to activate the whole group for that group to be considdered 'done'.

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