Make an Animal Pack for that Country!

I eventually settled on Greece... it doesn't seem to be on the list above (which appears to have Turkey listed twice).
Turkey among other countries are listed twice due to continent overlaps on advice from others, but yeah thinking about it it could be confusing for others
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Meh... I prefer mine...
  • American Black Bear
  • Wolverine
  • Virginia Opposum
  • Wild Turkey
  • North American River Otter
  • Roosevelt Elk
  • Mexican Wolf
  • Not the Alligator Snapping Turtle...
Which I originally posted before I knew this was some game...
Replace Mexican wolf with red wolf, and it's better. And I omitted the bear because I feel like it'd be better as an anniversary animal
Replace Mexican wolf with red wolf, and it's better. And I omitted the bear because I feel like it'd be better as an anniversary animal
In my experience, Mexican Wolves are far more common in captivity and, what more, they have that whole "conservation success story" thing, having been extinct in the wild once. And if we're dropping the American Black Bear, then I want the Alligator Snapping Turtle.
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I eventually settled on Greece... it doesn't seem to be on the list above (which FYI has Turkey listed twice, under Europe and Asia).

Mediterranean monk seal
Balkan lynx
Cyprus donkey
Glossy ibis
Beech marten
Ohia snake (e)

Next up: Luxembourg
I eventually settled on Greece... it doesn't seem to be on the list above (which FYI has Turkey listed twice, under Europe and Asia).
Turkey among other countries are listed twice due to continent overlaps on advice from others, but yeah thinking about it it could be confusing for others
Yeah that was me recommending to put Russia and Turkey in both Europe and Asia, since they have Territories on both Continents and excluding one could be regarded as Political. First they were in Asia, then both, now Europe only. What a journey!

Balkan lynx
This one is already in the game as Eurasian Lynx. It covers the entire Species.

Next up: Luxembourg
  • Roe Deer
  • Wildcat
  • Eurasian Otter
  • Western Polecat
  • Black Stork
  • Mute Swan
  • Mallard
  • Slow Worm (E)
3 Birds in a Pack. Fight me.

Next: Ukraine
Next: Ukraine
💙 In peaceful memory of a fallen nation. 💛

1. Bobak Marmot​
2. Eurasian Beaver​
3. European Bison​
4. Golden Jackal​
5. Great White Pelican​
6. Onager​
7. Western Capercaillie​
8. Common Wood Pigeon​
9. Eurasian Collared Dove​
10. European Turtle Dove​
11. Rock Dove​
12. Stock Dove​

And the next is: Namibia
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💙 In peaceful memory of a fallen nation. 💛

1. Bobak Marmot​
2. Eurasian Beaver​
3. European Bison​
4. Golden Jackal​
5. Great White Pelican​
6. Onager​
7. Western Capercaillie​
8. Common Wood Pigeon​
9. Eurasian Collared Dove​
10. European Turtle Dove​
11. Rock Dove​
12. Stock Dove​

And the next is: Namibia
1. Black rhinoceros
2. Chacma baboon
3. Black backed jackal
4. African civet
5. Cape porcupine
6. Serval
7. Common eland

Next: Venezuela
💙 In peaceful memory of a fallen nation. 💛

1. Bobak Marmot​
2. Eurasian Beaver​
3. European Bison​
4. Golden Jackal​
5. Great White Pelican​
6. Onager​
7. Western Capercaillie​
8. Common Wood Pigeon​
9. Eurasian Collared Dove​
10. European Turtle Dove​
11. Rock Dove​
12. Stock Dove​

And the next is: Namibia
Venezuelan Animal Pack:
  • Two-Toed Sloth
  • White-Bellied Spider Monkey
  • Spectacled Bear
  • Orinoco Crocodile
  • Crab-Eating Fox
  • Columbian Red Howler Monkey
  • Giant Armadillo
  • WE - Squirrel Monkey OR Maybe a Harpy Eagle if there's a bit of a barrier between the guests and the enclosure?
Also, did you all know that the economic crisis in Venezuela is so bad that some people are reported to have potentially stolen zoo animals to eat them? That's authoritarianism and communism for you.

Next country: Sweden
Country bookmark (will update on new page)

dont ask me how long this took, any mistakes let me know

Pick any of these countries:

  • Romania
  • Netherlands
  • Belgium
  • Czechia
  • Portugal
  • Hungary
  • Belarus
  • Austria
  • Serbia
  • Switzerland
  • Bulgaria
  • Denmark
  • Slovakia
  • Croatia
  • Moldova
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Lithuania
  • Lativa
  • Estonia
  • North Macedonia
  • Slovenia
  • Malta

  • Pakistan
  • Bangladesh
  • Vietnam
  • Myanmar
  • Iraq
  • Afghanistan
  • Uzbekistan
  • Yemen
  • Nepal
  • Syria
  • Cambodia
  • Jordan
  • Azerbaijan
  • United Arab Emirates
  • Tajikistan
  • Laos
  • Lebanon
  • Kyrgyzstan
  • Oman
  • Kuwait
  • Georgia
  • Armenia
  • Qatar

  • N*geria (just in case it flags anything)
  • Tanzania
  • Algeria
  • Sudan
  • Angola
  • Mozambique
  • Ghana
  • Cote d'Ivoire
  • N*ger
  • Burkino Faso
  • Mali
  • Malawi
  • Zambia
  • Senegal
  • Chad
  • Zimbabwe
  • Guinea
  • Rwanda
  • Benin
  • Burundi
  • Tunisia
  • South Sudan
  • Togo
  • Sierra Leone
  • Republic of Congo
  • Liberia
  • Mauritania
  • Eritrea
  • Gambia
  • Botswana
  • Gabon
  • Lesotho
  • Guinea Bissau
  • Equatorial Guinea
  • Eswatini
  • Djibouti
  • Western Sahara

North America:
  • Guatemala
  • Hispaniola (Haiti and Dominican Republic)
  • Honduras
  • Panama
  • Carribbean
  • Belize
  • El Salvador
  • Nicaragua

South America:
  • Suriname (Dutch Guiana)

  • the polynesia or micronesia regions (including hawaii because why not)

  • Germany
  • Italy
  • Finland
  • British Isles
  • Poland
  • Iceland
  • Montenegro
  • Vatican
  • Spain
  • Albania
  • Norway
  • France
  • Turkey
  • Russia
  • Greece
  • Luxembourg
  • Ukraine
  • Sweden

  • Nepal
  • Japan
  • China
  • Philippines
  • Israel
  • India
  • Thailand
  • Kazakhstan
  • Indonesia
  • Iran
  • Bhutan
  • Turkmenistan
  • Saudi Arabia
  • Korea
  • Malaysia
  • Sri Lanka
  • Mongolia
  • Brunei
  • Turkey (joint with Europe)
  • Russia (joint with Europe)

  • Libya
  • Egypt
  • Ethiopia
  • South Africa
  • DR Congo
  • Somalia
  • Morocco
  • Madagascar
  • Kenya
  • Cameroon
  • Central Africa Republic
  • Uganda
  • Namibia

North America:
  • Costa Rica
  • Canada
  • Mexico
  • Jamaica
  • Greenland
  • Cuba
  • USA

South America:
  • Argentina
  • Colombia
  • Chile
  • Brazil
  • Guyana
  • Peru
  • Ecuador
  • Uruguay
  • French Guiana (since was covered in France)
  • Paraguay
  • Bolivia
  • Venezuela

  • Papua New Guinea
  • New Zealand
  • Australia
  • Vanuatu
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Venezuelan Animal Pack:
  • Two-Toed Sloth
  • White-Bellied Spider Monkey
  • Spectacled Bear
  • Orinoco Crocodile
  • Crab-Eating Fox
  • Columbian Red Howler Monkey
  • Giant Armadillo
  • WE - Squirrel Monkey OR Maybe a Harpy Eagle if there's a bit of a barrier between the guests and the enclosure?
Also, did you all know that the economic crisis in Venezuela is so bad that some people are reported to have potentially stolen zoo animals to eat them? That's authoritarianism and communism for you.

Next country: Sweden
  1. Wolverine
  2. Wild boar
  3. Mountain hare
  4. Harbor seal
  5. Pine marten
  6. Eurasian teal
  7. Western capercaillie
  8. Mourning dove (WE) - I love their calls, so yes, for me
Next up: Panama
  1. Wolverine
  2. Wild boar
  3. Mountain hare
  4. Harbor seal
  5. Pine marten
  6. Eurasian teal
  7. Western capercaillie
  8. Mourning dove (WE) - I love their calls, so yes, for me
Next up: Panama
  • Ocelot
  • White-Nosed Coati
  • White-Lipped Peccary
  • Lowland Paca
  • Geoffroy's Spider Monkey
  • Hoffmann's Two-Toed Sloth
  • Northern Tamandua
  • Common Basilisk (E)
Next Country: Gabon
Woodlands Animal Pack
1. Mute Swan
2. Wild Boar
3. Ring-neck Pheasant
4. Common Crane
5. European Hedgehog
6. Common Genet*
7. Coypu*
8. Rock Pigeon + Oriental Turtle Dove + Eurasian Collared Dove WE

Next Country: Tanzania
Woodlands Animal Pack
1. Mute Swan
2. Wild Boar
3. Ring-neck Pheasant
4. Common Crane
5. European Hedgehog
6. Common Genet*
7. Coypu*
8. Rock Pigeon + Oriental Turtle Dove + Eurasian Collared Dove WE

Next Country: Tanzania
  • Nile Crocodile
  • Black Rhino
  • Kirk's Dik-Dik
  • Serval
  • Bat-Eared Fox
  • Vervet Monkey
  • Marabou
  • Black Mamba
Next: Belize

I really want Gaboon viper for exibit or Turaco for WE 🤩
I do want Gaboon Vipers too! It was the reason why I picked Gabon as the Next Country. Even their Species Name is gabonica. But Captain didn't want one. :p

The reason why I recommended a few Species for Exhibits was you left it blank for Namibia. The ones I recommended was for Namibia. As far as I know, there are no Gaboon Vipers there. :D

  1. African porcupine
You mean the Brush-Tailed Porcupine? Because I think there are no Crested Porcupines in Gabon. A 2nd Monke would be great. It is a hotspot for Primate Biodiversity.
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I do want Gaboon Vipers too! It was the reason why I picked Gabon as the Next Country. Even their Species Name is gabonica. But Captain didn't want one. :p

The reason why I recommended a few Species for Exhibits was you left it blank for Namibia. The ones I recommended was for Namibia. As far as I know, there are no Gaboon Vipers there. :D

You mean the Brush-Tailed Porcupine? Because I think there are no Crested Porcupines in Gabon. A 2nd Monke would be great. It is a hotspot for Primate Biodiversity.
I just found a quick list that had African porcupine on it 🤣 . Yeah a second primate would actually be a better choice, my bad on the viper clearly I need to expand my west Africa animal knowledge
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