Malayan Tapir

Hey Frontier
For the Malayan Tapir, can you add more Malayan characteristics to them, a larger nose, the hump at the rump, make them more stocky, just make it less like the Baird's, make it more unique, just because its a tapir, doesn't mean it should look exactly the same in body shape.
Just make a few small changes please
I'm Burmese, and I've seen Malayan tapirs up close at my local zoo

I can say they are at least 1/3 bigger than Baird's, among other distinct traits you've pointed which I can agree. Hopefully, within these 7 days to go, the model gets a least a bit of a fixer-upper. Still I'm glad they included the species for their roster, and I can wait for patches too even after release to give the animals a better look.


  • 20160401_135642 Tapir.jpg
    20160401_135642 Tapir.jpg
    157.4 KB · Views: 396
I love the actual skin, I think it looks great. The model could use some work to make it an actual Malayan tapir, rather than a Bairds with new paint. It needs a much larger trunk (thicker, longer, “Roman” style) and a more rounded body. The trunk is the biggest issue for me - I grew up with Malayan’s at our zoo and the trunk difference between them and the South American tapirs is really striking.
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