Marine reptiles need a Ecosystem

1. Large, fierce marine reptiles can eat weak and small to supplement their hunting desire. Mosasaurus, Megalodon and Liopleurodoncan be used as the apex and can prey on plesiosaurs, ichthyosaurs, swordfish, ancient giant tortoises, sea crocodiles, ammonites and Cretaceous sharks .

2. The underwater environment decorations such as coral reefs, water plants, and dinosaur skeletons can be arranged to create a more realistic feeling.

3. Tourists can enter the undersea tunnel to see these marine creatures from various angles.

4. Pterosaurs can also prey on each other. However, pterosaurs such as Quetzalcoatlus and Pteranodon should mainly feed on fish. In a state of extreme hunger, large fish-eating pterosaurs will prey on small pterosaurs.

5.Mosasaurus can jump out of the water and prey on pterosaurs. (like JW1) So does other marine reptiles
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