May be it is time to add some new ships?

1000% Agreed! But I hope it isn't all Anti-xeno ships... the last three we got were oriented towards this role.
With all the recent Thargoid stuff.... I would go in debt for a Thargoid-Human Hybrid ship....An envoy vessel for inter-species diplomacy.


Just look at how much the Thargon Drone looks like a human ship!!
It would be awesome to see realized... could even have thargoid wormholes if they wanted to be extra detailed.
The weird thing is they've basically been releasing new ships every year, it's just as ship kits. I can't imagine designing a new ship kit takes much less effort than designing a whole new ship, and they've made ship kits for dozens of ships since they last released a new ship.
The weird thing is they've basically been releasing new ships every year, it's just as ship kits. I can't imagine designing a new ship kit takes much less effort than designing a whole new ship, and they've made ship kits for dozens of ships since they last released a new ship.
I think ship kits are a good way to produce the kind of variety that people want without upsetting the balance too much. I'd imagine balancing is the trickiest part of introducing a new ship, not necessarily designing it. Plus with ship kits they can actually sell them as cosmetics. I wish Frontier would do much more with them which would allow for lots of mix and matching (or not).

As far as adding ships without upsetting the balance, I'd be interested to know how many would welcome or not multiple variations of a ship with the Type 9 specs/internals but different chassis being introduced. I'd imagine some would say it's not worth it as it brings nothing new to the game and others would be fine with it as a purchasable item in the shipyard with it's own ship kits, as it would provide some greater variety and scope for different looks beyond what a ship kit can provide.

Personally, my own view on new ships vs balance is that it's best treated like how it would be in real life, it's not like a car manufacturer is necessarily trying to upset any balance, if they see a gap in the market, they will seek to provide a solution. Though I could understand how that doesn't always work for a video game.
I'd be interested to know how many would welcome or not multiple variations of a ship with the Type 9 specs/internals but different chassis being introduced.

I'd love to see fed and/or alliance small ships with impy courrier like specs. Like a small version of a chieftain chassi but the same specs (more or less) as the courrier. No balance cange just a different aesthetic and cockpit interior.
I'd love to see fed and/or alliance small ships with impy courrier like specs. Like a small version of a chieftain chassi but the same specs (more or less) as the courrier. No balance cange just a different aesthetic and cockpit interior.
That would be pretty cool actually. Expand on the idea of Fed / Empire / Alliance having their own set of ships. It would be good for those who want to stick with Alliance but want something that would fulfill the role of the Federal Gunship etc.. Obviously there are unlock considerations so to not upset that aspect I would be fine with having to rank up with the Alliance to unlock the Alliance Gunship at the same tier as the Federal Gunship. It could definitely help grow the overall ship roster.
Well, I think the title is self explanatory.
What about some new ships in a game about space ships?
There are loads of new Thargoid ships!
As to player ships, nah. I don't own all 38 (or however many it is) in every possible module and engineering configuration yet.

It's also not a game "about" space ships. It's about life in space and on planets, which is much more than just ships.

We need some more hand weapons first.
FDev could introduce a new lineup of ships that are designed for new activities. Not competing with existing ships, not affecting the current balance. Cmdrs could use the new ships for traditional roles (trade, combat, exploration) but from a min/max pov they would not be competitive. These new ships could be used in coordination with new game loops. Some of these might be best suited as short range ships deployed from nearby stations or fleet carriers.

  • Demolition Ship: short range clunky ship designed to strip down derilict ships for parts and materials.
  • Search & Rescue: Designed for assisting stranded ships, picking up escape pods, stranded people, medical assistance
  • Tugger: Designed to latch onto disabled ships and relocate them. Ability to hyperspace & supercruise them to new location. Possibly to stations for repairs or sale.
  • Surface Mining Ship: Designed to land on surface and drill for stuff.
  • Contruction: Designed to assist in the building & repair of stations. Missions & activities to support building stuff. (not personal base building)
  • Planetary Science Vessel: Equiped with specialty equipment and crew for studying gas giants and atmospheric planets.
There are loads of new Thargoid ships!
As to player ships, nah. I don't own all 38 (or however many it is) in every possible module and engineering configuration yet.

It's also not a game "about" space ships. It's about life in space and on planets, which is much more than just ships.

We need some more hand weapons first.
You mean it is not ONLY about space ships?
You right, however, when you play space sim, main thing will be sapce ships.
After all, it is a space sim. Not space opera like Mass Effect.
It is like with a car games, you want more cars. Very basic really, I would be glad to have other staff too, not only ships. It is just we havent seen ships in a very long time.
It is like with a car games, you want more cars. Very basic really, I would be glad to have other staff too, not only ships. It is just we havent seen ships in a very long time.
So you own all the ships already, in every configuration, with every possible module loadout and engineering modifications on every module?


If not, there you are, hey presto - new ships. Performance and function make far more difference than a slightly changed hull shape - but if you need that, I have good news for you, there are "ship kits" you can buy with Arx to alter the shape of ships.

Oh, don't tell me. You own every single ship kit for every single ship, too.
So you own all the ships already, in every configuration, with every possible module loadout and engineering modifications on every module?


If not, there you are, hey presto - new ships. Performance and function make far more difference than a slightly changed hull shape - but if you need that, I have good news for you, there are "ship kits" you can buy with Arx to alter the shape of ships.

Oh, don't tell me. You own every single ship kit for every single ship, too.
While this wasn't directed at me, I do have every ship, fully engineered, and I have at least one shipkit for every ship that has one. Loadouts and cosmetics do not make up new ships. No matter the configuration, the same ship still feels and handles like the same ship, regardless of it's current role.
As far as adding ships without upsetting the balance, I'd be interested to know how many would welcome or not multiple variations of a ship with the Type 9 specs/internals but different chassis being introduced. I'd imagine some would say it's not worth it as it brings nothing new to the game and others would be fine with it as a purchasable item in the shipyard with it's own ship kits, as it would provide some greater variety and scope for different looks beyond what a ship kit can provide.
While I agree that variety is nice, there are a lot of things that Frontier could be doing with their people's time other than introducing 3 new copy/pasted versions of the FDL that nobody uses, because why wouldn't you just use the FDL? (see Mamba for confirmation of this).

If you tweak functionality like they did with the Krait 2 (in that case by taking a Python and making it faster while adding a SLF bay), you end up with someone like The Pilot pointing out that "the Python is a beautiful ship... that nobody needs", because it has been replaced by something that is inarguably better.

It's tough, man. New ships that don't have new functions to suit new gameplay are a hard sell, because really, what's the point?
I would love new ships, what's it been 4 years?
Truth be told Frontier have no staff for creating new assets that's why we just get rebadged weapons and bits and bobs.
It's Tragic that they let the game get away from them (Odyssey).
As far as adding ships without upsetting the balance, I'd be interested to know how many would welcome or not multiple variations of a ship with the Type 9 specs/internals but different chassis being introduced. I'd imagine some would say it's not worth it as it brings nothing new to the game and others would be fine with it as a purchasable item in the shipyard with it's own ship kits, as it would provide some greater variety and scope for different looks beyond what a ship kit can provide.

New ship layout would be welcome, hardpoint placement is one of the main thing that some ship are good in combat and why some ship are terrible.

Also "balance" is pretty moot argument, why should there not be an fdl rival on par with the fdl.

Or even better ships in general, that old players could strive to get and engineer.
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