memory leak getting out of control

So I was away for like 3 weeks from the game. Today I Play and I get the Memory leak not even using the debug tool within an HOUR!!!
and at only 30% Memory usage of my 16 GB ram?!?!

Sound cracks and fps go down into the Basement...

I have an i7 6700 a gtx 1080 and 16 gb ram etc.. top of the line rig build for Elite in VR... but within an hour or less I have to reboot which is just     !
So I was away for like 3 weeks from the game. Today I Play and I get the Memory leak not even using the debug tool within an HOUR!!!
and at only 30% Memory usage of my 16 GB ram?!?!

Sound cracks and fps go down into the Basement...

I have an i7 6700 a gtx 1080 and 16 gb ram etc.. top of the line rig build for Elite in VR... but within an hour or less I have to reboot which is just !

Hmm, the only people that ever talk of memory leaks are people that use VR... Seems like the problem is VR specific..
I managed to play for 2 hrs last night, mostly travelling to the galaxy core. When I quit, my ram was 90% full. Hope the devs get this solved soon.
I'm not seeing the same memory leak issue. I see RAM use go up, but I've never had a crash or serious frame-rate drops. I'm using a 1080GTX as well, and 16GB RAM too, with most nights 2-3 hrs. I am using the debug tool at 1.3x (and leaving the window up).

I'm heading back into the bubble but still 5,000LY out, so I'm seeing/generating a lot of planet textures (I'm scanning quite a few as well), which I would expect to increase RAM usage. I figure the game culls systems you've left behind (perhaps it only keeps the system you're present in in RAM anyway.

Most of my frame rate drops occur when WinAMP settles on a song with a video, so its decoding that at the same time, and I only see the judder when looking sideways and there's a lot of translation (either me or planets sliding past etc).
I'm not seeing the same memory leak issue. I see RAM use go up, but I've never had a crash or serious frame-rate drops. I'm using a 1080GTX as well, and 16GB RAM too, with most nights 2-3 hrs. I am using the debug tool at 1.3x (and leaving the window up).

I'm heading back into the bubble but still 5,000LY out, so I'm seeing/generating a lot of planet textures (I'm scanning quite a few as well), which I would expect to increase RAM usage. I figure the game culls systems you've left behind (perhaps it only keeps the system you're present in in RAM anyway.

Most of my frame rate drops occur when WinAMP settles on a song with a video, so its decoding that at the same time, and I only see the judder when looking sideways and there's a lot of translation (either me or planets sliding past etc).
Well the Sound always tells me it has happend the spund cracks are basically sooo bad in the rift that it is unplayable at that Point - the fps drop is the smaller issue...
good Thing is they identified it and are working on a fix but I wonder what to do to extend the playtime without it Happening so early...

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Hmm, the only people that ever talk of memory leaks are people that use VR... Seems like the problem is VR specific..
Thats why I post it on the VR board! smart huh? :D
Had low memory warning once a few week ago and ive got 32gb ram. Considering i do 5-6hr stretches most nights its not that bad. It seem'd to stop when i switch to all ultra in game and 1.5ss on oculus debug tool. Mem usage goes up and above 13gb in windows and around 7.5gb on card - no low mem warnings for weeks tho.
I would recommend perhaps to check on your other processes also. I have been running Elite VR on CV1 with a dual-1080 GTX SLI setup without any memory issues whatsoever. I do have 32GB DDR4 3200 Corsair Dominator RAM installed in an ASUS Maximus VIII Extreme Assembly motherboard, but I do not run any ASUS utilities other than the TweakUI OC utility for the 1080 ROG OC boards. I have also disabled all nonessential Windows OS processes not needed for gaming and disabled all Power Management profiles in Windows 10 (Pro/64-bit, build 1611).

My Nvidia driver has been downgraded to the previous release instead of the 368.81 (if I recall the current version correctly) according to the FDev Support FAQ instructions due to the SLI bug with the GTX 1080/CV1 combo. Hopefully this will get addressed soon, but the older driver works fine in the meantime.

Other than occasional disconnects from the Elite servers once in awhile others have commented on the forum the %Committed Memory leak bug FDEv had already acknowledged and is reported to be addressing in the 2.2 content release really didn't affect my system in any way and I do run 5-6 continuous sessions on some days when I can afford the time.

I do not run the Oculus Debug tool as there is no incentive in my system. All ultra, SMAA and in-game 1.5SS is smooth and detailed. Increasing to 2.0SS produces no noticeable improvement but it does introduce an occasional jitter or drop in FPS nearby planetside bases or during docking maneuvers inside starports so I just leave it at 1.5.

The only potential operational risk I see with using the Rift to run ED VR has to do with the Oculus driver/firmware update model. Unlike Nvidia, Oculus updates are mandatory and they do not support downgrading or reverting back to earlier driver/firmware releases. Runtimes are supported a few releases back but that isn't ideal either. Hopefully, they will allow greater flexibility in the future as more and more game developers release content for the platform and sometimes their updates have been known to introduce issues for some apps.
It may be a texture issue although not with Elite itself.
People are complaining of memory leaks in other games apparently when they set textures really high using Nvidias drivers.
Could it be an Nvidia driver issue? or is the same thing happening with AMD cards?

Also, when your memory goes sky high quit the Oculus debug tool if you have it open and the system will recover and memory return to normal.
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Well the only time my memory went through the roof and nearly brought my computer to its knees, I quit the oculus debug tool and eveything recovered. Even Elite came back up and carried on from it's supposed frozen state.

The computer was barely functional with me struggling to make the cursor respond and move but eventually I got to the debug tool and managed to quit it. Everything returned to normal including Elite which had 'frozen' (with the hourglass showing in the headset) and I then carried on playing...
Well the only time my memory went through the roof and nearly brought my computer to its knees, I quit the oculus debug tool and eveything recovered. Even Elite came back up and carried on from it's supposed frozen state.

The computer was barely functional with me struggling to make the cursor respond and move but eventually I got to the debug tool and managed to quit it. Everything returned to normal including Elite which had 'frozen' (with the hourglass showing in the headset) and I then carried on playing...
doesnt work for me I have to reboot...

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Guy's it is a known issue, we just have to deal with it until the devs sort it out. I wen't to 32gig of ram to minimize the issue. @Y2K you bring up a good point, running everything on ultra does seem to help for some strange reason.

tried the Ultra Settings a while back doesnt Change anything for me... How Long can ypu Play with 32 gigs? with 16 its areound an hour for me plus/minus a bit... if its substantial i just get another 16 gigs...
How Long can ypu Play with 32 gigs? with 16 its areound an hour for me plus/minus a bit... if its substantial i just get another 16 gigs...

It's not about time in my case, I can stay in one system for hours and not have any issues, then I'll start doing hyperspace jumps around the bubble and the memory usage keeps building. If I am trucking then I have to restart ED after an hour or two.

This all started with the VR patch (Bank holiday before Oculus home released) On my return trip from Maia I noticed the memory increasing on every jump, by the time I landed at the planetary base the game was a slide show. On 16 gig, then 32gig, just delays the inevitable.

The game is not releasing the memory, it's a shame because prior to that VR patch the game was excellent at memory management. This rig is built for ED, In some cases I would leave the game logged in for days on end.

I posted this back in April
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So I was away for like 3 weeks from the game. Today I Play and I get the Memory leak not even using the debug tool within an HOUR!!!
and at only 30% Memory usage of my 16 GB ram?!?!

Sound cracks and fps go down into the Basement...

I have an i7 6700 a gtx 1080 and 16 gb ram etc.. top of the line rig build for Elite in VR... but within an hour or less I have to reboot which is just !
I assume you've posted a bug report, given them all the info you can including logs and any screenshots to support the case before posting here. Right? Right?
Nope, Win7

The leak seems to be being caused by Oculus VR Runtime Service on my system and carries on even in idle on the desktop until I get a low memory alert and have to reboot. However, I've just found out that stopping the service stops the leak and hands back all the committed memory.

Thanks Oculus!
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I assume you've posted a bug report, given them all the info you can including logs and any screenshots to support the case before posting here. Right? Right?
Yes I did when I got my new rig and encountered it! As I was advised here... I knwo they are working on a fix bt I had hoped someone smart had figureed out some kind woraround in the meantime :( well I guess not...
Yes I did when I got my new rig and encountered it! As I was advised here... I knwo they are working on a fix bt I had hoped someone smart had figureed out some kind woraround in the meantime :( well I guess not...

Yep, I was hoping the same. Seems like it started between ED updates and changing Nvidia drivers doesn't help. Maybe and Oculus update or are Vive users having the same problem?
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