Discussion Menu Reporting

I, like so many ED players, use voice attack.

Traditionally, I created brute force commands to do what I wanted. Request Dock, Toggle landing gear, whatever.

Then I created more precise commands that leaned on the journal to get actual data states from the game. Docked? great, set landing gear status to deployed. Undocked? great, wait a second and lift the landing gear, get all pips to engines.

Then, in a attempt to get this sort of consistency and reliability elsewhere, I created more (very) complicated commands that literally tracked every status change on the panels/tabs/columns/rows. Why? So I could write a command that said, "if your not on any panel, but your left panel was last set to tab 2 , column 3; then open left panel, tab right once, " etc. This, however, inevitably gets messed up somehow, eventually. WHich is why I made "calibration" commands to easily reset and designate the current state. But I found myself calibrating by reflex before any command, just to make sure it worked!

So, Frontier, could you please report menu/tab/etc status changes such that we can tap into that information for our benefit? If not...I guess it's just brute force once again...
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