Meta Alloy Ripe Barnacle sources

Been rather busy last 2 weeks with various things. Time i gave an update , since the cycle shifted into A on thursday, i've not had time to update.

Well observed,, fits into predictions perfectly for cycle A.

I'll update the cycle A locations shortly, but there has been a curious development regarding the latest barnacle system finds from last week.

Science - Barnacle anomaly
Shortly after many barnacle sites and systems were located around the Pleiades, various research bases had been built in systems with barnacles , supposedly to study and research them.
Nothing has ever been revealed by these bases. They ship out MA in convoys and any research is kept classified. Considering the placement of the bases they dont seem random either.
Alcazar's Hope, that was my mutant one, Currently ripe now in A cycle , the double clone that is, the main single barnacle of the triplet is 1MA and guarded, beneath the capship. Ripe cycles on this barnacle are strangest as the same barnacle has different ripe cycles for each part of the double. when the double to the side is ripe, it also itself doubles and is a triplet barnacle. As you can see in cycle A if you visit near Alcazar's Hope.

I'd like to think maybe the Empire have been experimenting in the new system from last week. Somehow they have managed to alter them to remain in a ripe phase. That would be a meta alloy dream, a 5 MA barnacle ripe all season!
Although i presume this is a bug due to a few reasons. Discovered the 3 barnacles in that system on the same day i believe they added the empire base to that system, and probably added the barnacles too.

First observation of something amiss, was scanning the barnacles, i did receive the scanned messages and nav targets for each, but appeared to be missing the intel data package for barnacle scans.
Strange but didn't seem too important at the time. Since the cycle changed however the barnacles in that system DID NOT change. They remain ripe still in cycle A.
Confirming that the cycle change did happen by checking other systems, they all changed as predicted, however this system did not and with the ripe phase remaining.

It would seem the intel barnacle scan data package is very important. On a regular barnacle it varies depending on the ripe or barren phase. More cash for a ripe one compared to barren , which gives half the cash.
With the intel barnacle data package missing and the barnacle remaining ripe, it would seem the barnacles in this system are not tied to the cycle changes.

Discovered in C, remaining ripe in A , and will continue to monitor this through to B and C again. I predict it they will remain ripe all cycles in that system.
Explored for several days more for further barnacles in that system on all planets but found no more.
Strange , only 2 on A6 , and even stranger only 1 found on B3 , none on B4.

Of the three, one is of major interest and study. The 5 MA barnacle , which may remain ripe until FD may fix a cycle to the barnacles there.
For now,, i present the best barnacle ever. ( cycle C not relevant now, C + A , will confirm B in 2 weeks )


Pleiades Sector RO-Q B5-0 4 -23.59 / 70.94 4 MA
Merope 2A 2.68 / 143.03 4 MA away from the guarded barnacle under capship. Nearby Alcazar's Hope

Pleiades Sector OI-T C3-7 A 6 -42.77 / -21.71 5 MA *
Witch Head Sector DL-Y D17 A 1 7.10 / -173.82 5 MA
California Sector Dl-Y D4 C 2 45.69 / -88.15 5 MA

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How do I know which Barnacles to harvest for the Meta-Alloys? I am currently at Pleiades Sector RO-Q B5-0 4 23.59 / 70.94 4 MA Unguarded double barnacle (should be -23.59 BTW) but all I am getting is sulphur etc?

Any help would be appreciated.
How do I know which Barnacles to harvest for the Meta-Alloys? I am currently at Pleiades Sector RO-Q B5-0 4 23.59 / 70.94 4 MA Unguarded double barnacle (should be -23.59 BTW) but all I am getting is sulphur etc?

Any help would be appreciated.

Aha,, that old typo on the RO-Q system. Had corrected that before, but just noticed the OP still had the error on . Thanks. Corrected that now.

When they are ripe? That was the hard part. Studied them for 6 months, most of that is this thread.

Barnacles go through phases. Ripe, then broken for some time. Studies revealed the change in the cycle happened on thursday, but not every week, fortnightly. There are 3 phases before they repeat the cycle.
Total of 6 weeks in the cycle, 3 sets of 2 weeks. Designated them cycle A,B and C. A barnacle will be ripe for 2 weeks during one of those phases , then for the next two phases it is broken. Simply the barnacles are ripe 1/3 of the time.

Researching each to find when it was ripe , studied 20 or so barnacles for 4 months to confirm they were predictable when they ripen. Since then applied the same method to identifying the rest of the barnacles cycles.

Sulpher will drop often, but its random, will be some rarer materials , all depends on which materials are on that planet, from the detailed scan info in system map.
Materials drop from the small spikes.
Meta alloy only drop from the large spikes with the MA pod. Shoot the large spike to get the MA to drop. Dont forget to scan the main barnacle body, to get the barnacle scan data, and the navigation marker for that barnacle.
Dont forget to scan the main barnacle body, to get the barnacle scan data, and the navigation marker for that barnacle.

Galloping galaxies ... you mean to tell me that if I scan a barnie I will get a marker I can drop on...?

Apologies for my ignorance but this is why I love this thread.
Galloping galaxies ... you mean to tell me that if I scan a barnie I will get a marker I can drop on...?

Apologies for my ignorance but this is why I love this thread.

It can be glitchy, they give nav targets yes,
Sometimes they are persistent for all cycles, including when barren.
Other ones sometimes only show when they are in that cycle you scanned them. I.e.. If you just scan the ripe ones. Nav targets for those only show when it's ripe but not when in the 2 barren phases.
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Uh this just in from Reddit.
Belongs Here:


I'm out in the California Nebula this weekend doing my bit for the Alliance.
So I'll Pop in on these sites just in case.

Thanks to CMDR PanPiper as always.
California Nebula Barnacle Sites: via CMDR PanPiper

  • California Sector BA-A E6 4 30.58 / -66.27 (This is the Mic Turner Base planet)
  • California sector LC-V C2-10 A 4 -9.71 / 138.80
  • California sector LC-V C2-10 A 4 -32.69 / 71.45
  • California Sector DL-Y D4 C 3 48.45 / 11.74
  • California Sector DL-Y D4 C 6 -34.46 / -44.43
  • California Sector DL-Y D4 C 6 -24.74 / -64.04
  • California Sector DL-Y C4 C 6 10.36 / -80.22
  • California Sector DL-Y C4 C 6 -29.43 / -54.33
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Oh My!.. Big news today. Been watching Videos of the Unknown ship over the newest 5 MA barnacle. Is it refueling? collecting data from it? 100% positive connection now for Unknown ship and Unknown Barnacles.
Alas off to work , but will be monitoring the incoming data on mobile. Big things a happenin' O7
Oh My!.. Big news today. Been watching Videos of the Unknown ship over the newest 5 MA barnacle. Is it refueling? collecting data from it? 100% positive connection now for Unknown ship and Unknown Barnacles.
Alas off to work , but will be monitoring the incoming data on mobile. Big things a happenin' O7
Hey does anyone have the answer of how to trigger the Thargoids?

I was out on the Ripe barnacle on Mic Turner Base with CMDR Curs0r last night, scanning and harvesting.

What do you have to do at the one in the Pleiades?
Scan all the things?
Harvest all?
Scan in a wing?
I hope this is an okay place to put in a reuqets for help vs a UA attack. One of small player groups that I do the admin for has had their home system hit. They are a casual drop in drop out group and are struggling as a result. The are independent, run themselves and I just do the admin of the inara page maybe once every month or two so any help would be appreciated.

System HIP 118213
Station Lorenz Hub

Faction details
I'll try to drop some MA over at Lorenz Hub later on.

Spaceflowers.. still not much known, but they returned this morning, and had my first encounter at the barnacles.
was a long weekend at work, but will catch up here later today.

Later update :

Returned for some repairs and changes. Stopped in at Lorenz Hub.

Still have my MA, there doesn't appear to be any affect on that station now. No demand for MA, no facilities are closed, and all looks well.
I assume others have already managed to cure the problem now.

Since i made the trip though, will drop these guys some exploration data, 1.7 M cartographic data delivered.

Also did sell 10 t of MA there, just to be sure.

Curious though,, the station was listed on the brink of closure on last weeks starport update. Now not sure if there was MA demand during the last week , or if things were shut down either.
Only visited today. No demand or any closures. Tomorrow is normally the starport update, tuesdays. Now will see with luck if its still listed or only becomes infected after the week.. Its one to observe anyway.
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Now that is odd. Starport update came out today.

Loreal Hub now listed as closed. Will drop more MA there later
I guess MA demand and closures don't show while on brink of closure, only once they hit the closed list.

Seems 9 closed stations, no new ones on brink, also no technical issues ones.
Now that is odd. Starport update came out today.

Loreal Hub now listed as closed. Will drop more MA there later
I guess MA demand and closures don't show while on brink of closure, only once they hit the closed list.

Seems 9 closed stations, no new ones on brink, also no technical issues ones.

I'd always assumed that at some point a defence against UAs would be developed and all ports effectively 'immunised' against them (while accepting that UA disruption does provide interesting gameplay). But perhaps it's just that many of the thousands of players hanging around Barnacle sites waiting for their own personal close-encounter have been harvesting MAs and then looking for a good place to sell them.... "hey, there's a list of starports looking for these things, they'll likely pay a good price".
OI-T system , more new barnacles found in the last few days. So far all these are remaining Ripe. Ripe all cycles system.

Cmdr's Malic , Klumpozyte , Mat2596 located 4 new barnacles on B4 the other day

Returned to document those and gather nav targets, found another on B4 , and a 2nd one on B3. Both 5 MA barnies. now 4 x 5MA barnies in this system

The Meta list grows nicely.

Collected 160 MA , while looking for any unknown ships return and had a long trip back to Lorenz Hub , some fun with NPC ships but were not a problem in the 'See how it pans out' python
They didnt visit this time though. expecting more interactions as we near the livestreams on tuesday and wednesday.


Starport issues with Cartographics , Crew lounge, Outfitting and livery.

Delivery was quite profitable .

Demand is high, will have to see how much it falls each daily tick.

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Those two new beauties,, was back there today .
Bored earlier so decided another MA run to see how things are going at LORENZ HUB

Was a great harvest, in many ways. another 145 tons delivered , demand has risen , but that is hard to judge. Most likely no results will show until the next starport update. Tuesday/Wednesday. ( Also a busy day - ED livestreams )

Spent a bit of time looking for new barnacles in OI-T C3-7 but no luck today so got to farming. Then they came , alas didnt record the first encounter as shadowplay glitched. Restarted PC just in case it would occur again.
Confirmed that the Alien harvest does occur on the new one on B3, so headed off to the other B4 one i found, see if they would return.
.. and they did. Recorded that one, and happily carried on collecting MA, till i was nearing full, and they returned again a hour later.
( this is Not a Chocolate Starfish )

Certainly more fun now collecting MA i must say , :)

2 good videos of the 2nd and 3rd encounter tonight. ( my 3rd and 4th encounter, first being a week back , 2nd didn't record )
Maybe they were refilling the barnacle with MA's as i'd harvested much. 1 hour apart on all 3 encounters tonight, 10 mins to the hour each time for me.
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No sightings today myself. But did see one Cmdr in the Canonn group during my harvest, he switched to solo, and BAM ,, had his visit from the aliens.

161 tons more MA delivered to Lorenz Hub. More out of curiousity and experimentation.

Demand continues to grow. Not a accurate measure really of how the progress is going on. Increasing perhaps due to they know they need more to fix it now.
So far 446 tons of MA personally delivered. Increased demand also is increasing the prices paid.. was 87k before, now 95k. Will rise more each day till tuesday/wednesday when i expect it fixed, fingers crossed.

Taking a break from the OI-T C3-7 system.

Have some new Barnacles to check up on in the Witch Head , discovered by Cmdr GRIMELINHO. 3 new ones found.

With all encounters with the Unknown ships at barnacle sites, occuring so far in Pleiades Sector OI-T C3-7 , if you want to help Lorenz Hub, and the Guardians of Harmony ,while looking for alien encounters , its a good place to do it.
Posted the 5MA locations in that system in the OP. under a Spoiler, for Ripe All Cycles Barnacles.
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As suggested I'm using this thread for yet another barnacle discovery.

Witch Head Sector DL-Y D17 A 1
Latitude 19.702206 Longitude 93.107475
As suggested I'm using this thread for yet another barnacle discovery.

Witch Head Sector DL-Y D17 A 1
Latitude 19.702206 Longitude 93.107475

Aha , Welcome and nice finds Cmdr. Rep'd for the earlier finds, but out of Rep for the further finds, else would give more.

Just visited the 4 new finds there, very nice. 2 ripe this cycle (B) . a 1 MA and a double with 5MA . other 2 not ripe this cycle , but will check on those in 10 and 34 days time, C and A cycles.
Life cycle data added to meta sheet for those.

I think this was the system i visited due to Obsidian Ant mensioning the system having undiscovered status, was claimed quickly after, but did suggest something added, and found those barnacles.
Glad more have been located there. Different sun positions , looks like theres a lot of areas which may have barnacles.

Checked the local Witch Head Science Centre asteroid base, no news. All quiet still.

Heading over to the California Nebula to check on things there. Still few systems known with barnacles even though many barnacles, and searches for more.
May spend the day later there checking what the Alliance is up to ,they have been very quiet lately , since Halsey's CG . They dont rest but they dont tell either.

also look for new barnys or fungus. Something must be brewing out there....

Bit of blue canyon snow,, what lies in it ,, nothing likely but the wonders of what could.

Not long though and want to be prepared for any developments coming Tuesday for the livestreams. Plan on being around the Pleiades area myself , just in case.
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