Mining Cutter for sale

Do not sell in big quantities anymore. Max 100-200t per transaction. That is why I am also scrapping the 'mining cutter'

The bigger mediums is where the sweet spot is now.
Depends on your outfitting methodology - if you are min-max meta-sheep then perhaps, but overall I would disagree.
There should be system tag uniqueness for all materials. Meaning a <Leesti> diamond would perhaps sell slightly better than a <Lave> diamond.

<Not Beagle Point> Diamonds...

Se where I am going with this? The less known origin and uniqueness, the possibilities increases.

Now what would a Raxxla diamond be worth?

That's actually not a bad idea.

Perhaps they could, at least, set it up so the game recognises where you mine any ore/minerals and then takes that into account (via the BGS) when you're selling?

If you're dumping, for example, hundreds/thousands of tonnes of LTDs mined in Imp' space into a Fed' market it will help undermine the controlling Fed' faction?
System Security ships might even take an interest in mining ships to try and prevent CMDRs from selling cargo obtained from a rival location etc.
Yes and no. You still had to find the motherloads or whatnot. Sometimes you'd find em one after the other, boom boom boom. Fish be biting! But then other times it's like 30 mins of finding absolutely nothing right?

The one thing I think they need to improve to mining is having different shapes be motherloads. It's always the same shaped rock, so once you see that specific shape plus the black grid lines, you know you found something. All the oblong shape rocks that look like they may have something, you know it's nothing. It'd be nice if there was more uncertainty about which shaped rocks might have a motherload.
there was no "no" about it... people boasting 300m per hour... My small ship limited Rick Sanchez could take his Cobra MK 4 out and easily pick up 100m credits an hour. If you wantedneeded money, there was absolutely no point doing anything else at all... stupidly unbalanced.

Even now with "only" 600k per tonne rather than 1.6kk you're making > 50M PER HOUR... which is still a bit silly.
There should be system tag uniqueness for all materials. Meaning a <Leesti> diamond would perhaps sell slightly better than a <Lave> diamond.

<Not Beagle Point> Diamonds...

Se where I am going with this? The less known origin and uniqueness, the possibilities increases.

Now what would a Raxxla diamond be worth?
Yes, micro materials should be sellable and unique materials brought back should fetch an awesome margin... Saggatarius Stones or Orion's Opals or the amusingli\y named Beagle's Boll*cks would be a fun addition to the game.
Still very profitable but just balanced a little better with the rest of the game. A 50% drop means instead of making 200Mcr/hr you're only making 100Mcr/hr. Still right up there with the best way to improve your credit balance. It WAS a little too easy before, wasn't it?

Mining is still as easy as it was, searching for yellow ice hasnt change a bit gameplay wize and people will still use EDDB anyway.

Massive payout changes overnight is the same trainwreck as having no more famine system for a year. A blatant display of FDev not able to tame their BGS. A simulation that fails hard.
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Best dope in the galaxy! Legalize it!
Wing assasination missions could be considered, I solo'd a couple yesterday, 48 mill in around 40 minutes in a couple of CZ's - even better, the 2nd (low) was only 14mm from the station, and broken, a never-ending supply of small ships to pop!

I also did a few 'trade' runs to the next system, so around 20 mill in 10 minutes for 3 cargo and a few data...

I have never made 100/200 million / hour mining... so not bleating about the 'nerf' :)
(mainly as I only mine for about 30 mins before I get bored...)
Normally I have better things to do, but I might take you up on that challenge. Mining becomes so trivial ;)

EDit: "It's just a game", and should I go slave trading, go selling Onion Head to kids or even kill noobs with my top notch engineered all frag T-10 just for "fun", that doesn't reflect any of my RL personality. Or does it? :unsure:
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Bottom line were all mitigated by time. Game time. And that reflects as to how we play. financial constraints for us mere noobs is first n formost in choice. So I opted for a python. I can fill it's 128 capacity hold in a few hours mining painite with lasers n abrasion thingy. The trick is gathering that plume of ore/mats quickly. Using 5a collector limpets and 3 bin refinery combo (wish I could stack more limpets but I'm multi role have a hangar lol) means quick filling. Don't mine below 20% after scanning ain't worth the loss of limpets to collect. But u can always make more if you have the mats.
I did 2 runs last night selling for 300k a ton grrrr but that's economics for you.
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