Mining - prospecting probability

Moved to Colonia.
LTD mining seems much harder here.
What is the normal spawn rate of asteroids with LTDs?
On three trips, two to LTD3 and two to LTD2 (different systems), I have fired-off 50, 40, 40 (is) prospector limpets finding only one or two asteroids with LTD in each case, all but two around 4% content.
My impression is that this is much, much worse than the bubble/ (Unless FD have tweaked something recently?).
Just checking, you are in a hotspot that you've found with a DSS in these systems right?

two to LTD3
I wasn't aware there was a triple hotspot in Colonia (is that what you mean?) The one in the bubble has to be landed at just the right spot where the Venn diagram of hotspots overlaps.
That is waaay worse than the bubble, unless it's changed since yesterday. At the ltd3 hotspot in Borann I'd guess there are LTDs in 33 to 50% of the roids.

I don't even bother with mining anything less than 10% content.
I usually find my own hotspots near the bubble somewhere, sometimes 1000ly out though. No double or tripple ones either, just the normal vanilla hotspots.
Usually I crack about 4 LTD cores per hour, and I'm being a lazy miner and taking my time.
Sometimes it's harder to find any, but usually I have about 60 in an hour.
Just checking, you are in a hotspot that you've found with a DSS in these systems right?

I wasn't aware there was a triple hotspot in Colonia (is that what you mean?) The one in the bubble has to be landed at just the right spot where the Venn diagram of hotspots overlaps.
From the 'miners tool'
Eol Prou HG-M c8-9 BC3 ring A (LTD3)
It is a little spread-out compared to Borann. I tried jumping-out and back a few times to check I was intersecting the hotspots.
I take a full load of limpets and in the bubble am usually discarding them to make space after 10 mins or so. Here I was running out !
Just need 700MCr to transfer the mining-clipper......and 2.5 days of patience. Could be a long, long time.
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