Missing Bind File, Bizarre interaction

I don't even know where to start with this one. Downloaded Elite Dangerous after buying Odyssey last night. I set up my X56 again and loaded the game, only to realize that I needed to put my old binds back. Problem was that of course, my custom set for HCS was for Horizons (I used Voice Attack). I followed the guide to the letter about lost binds, but have made no progress. I spent over an hour making a new set of binds because even after changing the appropriate line in my old binds file, the profile never showed up in game. I've done everything I could think of, but when I go into the control options, my setup (named simply "HCS") is nowhere to be found. Looking in the appropriate folders, I can see the file is there, name and data changed appropriately, plain as day. I removed all of t he other .bind except for "Custom" in the folder just to make sure I still had SOMETHING in case the HCS profile didn't show up. Sure enough, loading back in, it wasn't there. I altered the startup profile information, it still wasn't there. I checked the start preference files after closing the game, and the changes had been reverted all on its own.

What's worse is that for some bizarre reason, using my throttle to slow down by any amount causes multiple things to happen: 1) galaxy map opens 2) landing gear is lowered 3) FSD starts charging. All of this happens at the same time when I pull the throttle back. I cleared all of the bindings in the other three categories in game (general, SRV, on foot) because I thought that I might have multiple binds in the different categories interacting with each other. No idea why I thought this because it makes no sense.

Long story short, Odyssey will not recognize my old control profile no matter what I do and it does not show in gamer, and the throttle causes three different things to happen simultaneously. I have no idea what's going on and found absolutely nothing so decided to ask here.

EDIT I previously thought that the bind files were responsible for the strange throttle issue, but it turns out that after re-binding the throttle to a elsewhere, I managed to land without issue. No idea what's going on with the actual throttle itself, but I'm going to keep testing if no one has any ideas.
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I'm using the new setup I created without issue. I found out that, for some reason, when I throttle down to reverse, almost every single bind I put on the toggle switches activates. FSD, Map, Landing Gear, all of them and others are on toggle switches on the throttle. No idea why but the ship itself moving in reverse triggers all of these. I can move the throttle all the way back just fine with no issue, but for some reason, t he game doesn't like it when my ship starts backing up. This didn't happen, however, when I re-bound the forward/reverse throttle to a on the same device, so I don't know what's going on at this point.
soz apologies that guide was written pre odyssey
for odyssey use the same method only the version 4.0.bind file will need to be named 4 times in its startpreset4 start file
so along with my renamed binds for ed horizons version3.0.binds
I created a new set when odyssey came out to address for the then new version 4.0.binds for odyssey
which I renamed PUPPYDOG CONTROL.4.0.binds
and it's startpreset4start file reads once opened (to cater for the new times 4 split menu that ody has)
just remember version 3.0.binds is for hor only ie STRONTIUM DOG CONTROL
version 4.0binds is for odd only ie PUPPYDOG CONTROL
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