Monthly Battle Pass & 3rd person view

Dear FDevs,
-Give us a monthly battle pass that rewards engineering mats. This model would act as an optional subscription for those who don't have time to grind engineering.
-Add 3rd person flight/combat view to give us a reason to buy cosmetics. As it stands, I have no incentive to buy a ship kit if I seldom get to see my ship.
Ultimately, the reality is that games are about fun, and fun costs money. FDevs need a steady revenue stream to keep the game alive or further develop it, and there should be an option for those who don't have the time to grind for months on end.
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Dear FDevs,
-Give us a monthly battle pass that rewards engineering mats. This model would act as an optional subscription for those who don't have time to grind engineering.
-Add 3rd person flight/combat view to give us a reason to buy cosmetics. As it stands, I have no incentive to buy a ship kit if I seldom get to see my ship.
Ultimately, the reality is that games are about fun, and fun costs money. FDevs need a steady revenue stream to keep the game alive or further develop it, and there should be an option for those who don't have the time to grind for months on end.

Have you tried NMS?
And many don't enjoy the grind and neither getting billed multiple times to make a game enjoyable.
We have to face the reality that Elite Dangerous is a business, and if the developers can't turn a profit, it will shut down. A monthly optional battle pass is a reasonable solution for everyone involved.
We have to face the reality that Elite Dangerous is a business, and if the developers can't turn a profit, it will shut down.
Going by the fact the Arx store crashed within minutes of the P2 being on sale, it may be a reasonable assumption that a good cash influx is currently happening.

As far as I'm concerned, FD should be presenting their customers with any and every possibly way to buy game assets of any description, for a reasonable price.
Others disagree, naturally, as it will kill the game, allegedly.

ETA: It is ironic that, since the Arx store launched, there have been suggestion that we be able to buy "XXX" for Arx... Now we can buy a ship early for Arx, there are some talking about P2W coming to ED. Can't win!
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A battle pass, haha
Oh wait your not joking, so you want them to get rid of the 400 Arx a week and replace it with a battle pass system where you spend Arx to earn Arx back? Cus that's what will happen.
-Give us a monthly battle pass that rewards engineering mats. This model would act as an optional subscription for those who don't have time to grind engineering.
I think you misunderstand how battle passes work, they're just grind with FOMO attached where you miss out on rewards unless you grind hard enough during the limited time availible (or pay more to just unlock everything without playing). The aspect of having everything there unlockable via gameplay tries to mask the P2W nature of it somewhat.
-Add 3rd person flight/combat view to give us a reason to buy cosmetics. As it stands, I have no incentive to buy a ship kit if I seldom get to see my ship.
Ultimately, the reality is that games are about fun, and fun costs money. FDevs need a steady revenue stream to keep the game alive or further develop it, and there should be an option for those who don't have the time to grind for months on end.
An usable 3rd person gameplay camera isn't just cosmetic, it affects gameplay balance due to the increased FOV and by removing cockpit visibility from the equation. Also making a good 3rd person camera that translates the same sense of speed/acceleration with the increased FOV is hard.
As for cosmetics and not being able to see them, that's a bigger issue in 1st person shooters like COD. They hardly ever see their own skins they purchased apart from the lobby screen and maybe on replays, yet they have no issues selling them. Least we can get out and admire our ships from the outside.
I think you misunderstand how battle passes work, they're just grind with FOMO attached where you miss out on rewards unless you grind hard enough during the limited time availible (or pay more to just unlock everything without playing). The aspect of having everything there unlockable via gameplay tries to mask the P2W nature of it somewhat.
No matter how much we complain about Battle Passes, the fact remains that they are a successful business model because they work.
An usable 3rd person gameplay camera isn't just cosmetic, it affects gameplay balance due to the increased FOV and by removing cockpit visibility from the equation. Also making a good 3rd person camera that translates the same sense of speed/acceleration with the increased FOV is hard.
If I had to choose between fun and balance, I'd choose fun. At the very least, make it an option for private servers if PvP balance is a concern.
As for cosmetics and not being able to see them, that's a bigger issue in 1st person shooters like COD. They hardly ever see their own skins they purchased apart from the lobby screen and maybe on replays, yet they have no issues selling them. Least we can get out and admire our ships from the outside.
You have a point.
No matter how much we complain about Battle Passes, the fact remains that they are a successful business model because they work.

In the games designed to work with and around the battle pass concept

ED was not designed that way

And before asking, i do play a gacha game and also i do play World of warships and they both have battle passes - it works in those games, but i wont see it working in ED
If I had to choose between fun and balance, I'd choose fun. At the very least, make it an option for private servers if PvP balance is a concern.
I've not had a fun experience with 3rd person flying in space games - unfortunately a lot of games go with that as their first choice and have subpar cockpit implementations that have missing UI elements or just plain lack visibility to be viable.

And before asking, i do play a gacha game and also i do play World of warships and they both have battle passes - it works in those games, but i wont see it working in ED
I think the main reason we won't see battle passes in Elite is because it would take too much effort to implement the UI for. So if we don't see them in Powerplay 2.0 we're clear I think.
We have to face the reality that Elite Dangerous is a business, and if the developers can't turn a profit, it will shut down. A monthly optional battle pass is a reasonable solution for everyone involved.
The game is already monetised with mtx. How much more do you want to milk off players? The wallets do have their limits, you know?
The game is already monetised with mtx. How much more do you want to milk off players? The wallets do have their limits, you know?
A company can charge whatever they like for goods and services... FD can fill their store with averything in the game, engineering included, for Arx, after all.
The word "no" exists in every language, doesn't it?

How much have you spent on Arx, or earned playing, since they were introduced?
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