More FOV for Ps4

Just wanna know if it would be Possible to get 30 % more FOV for the Ps4 Players (Cockpit). Sometimes in Combat you can't really see the Numbers of your opponent Ship (Damage) . Would be Awsome to have a bit more FOV. Yea👀
No way they will waste there time, the frame rate sucks as it is, 30% more detail to animate on screen, the cobra engine is unstable as it is on consoles...
Just looking at the left or right panel makes the engine crap its pants now...
Optimisation really needs to be done to that engine. Not knocking ED as I love it but its not exactly graphically demanding. A PSVR version should have been made too - look at NMS, Hello Games have not only pushed that game from "a third finished" to something thats beyond what I thought they would do (and I am so glad I bought the game back in 2016 and kept hold of it) and they're throwing in PSVR update this summer. I mean WOW. The game has space legs, the game has multiple galaxies (Ive stopped doing the galaxy jumps, got to my third and now Im settled), but the planets are BONKERS. Wildlife, buggy driving, submarines for crying out loud and now multiplayer (limited, but its there!). ED is falling behind real fast. NMS (next to RDR2) is my favourite game now. The base building - fantastic. Come on Frontier, get that engine optimised - a few optimisations here and there and it'll give the room for a bigger FOV as well as PSVR. It CAN be done.
🌑 ‹‹‹ See this little Moon here? If you Fly to the Dark side of it you will find a little Sign that says : NMS is Poop. lol
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I agree. I also think they should remodel the cockpit of the bigger ships so that you have at least some view of straight up, especially in regard to the Anaconda's flat, horizontal view cut-off at something like 78 degrees. (Even though the Conda's weapons are primarily belly oriented - you get the idea).

Would really like PSVR support for the game. Bought a PSVR about 2 months ago and there's far too little support for games. Had a blast with Ace Combat 7, but they only have 3 actual VR missions to play, where as Resident Evil 7 has full VR support for the entire game and has ridiculously gorgeous and even-more-creepy graphics in VR. Now NMS is going that route when it should have been Elite riding into that frontier (har har) first. (Now if only War Thunder could manage)

If they can't manage full VR support then starting small with at least a VR hangar viewer that lets us walk around and view our ships during the outfitting section, or give us station VR from the inside of any station, so we can see ships come and go, and watch the vehicle traffic on the roads leading around the stations in VR. Something to get a feel for the massive size of these stations and the scale of the small-to-jumbo sized ships. When you see just how big the top tier ships are (tiny pilots in the windows), it just doesn't translate as well, but would in VR. I'm sure VR PC users love it to death. :(
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