More Granularity in Notification Options

Please make it to where we can choose which notifications are considered critical during a race. You currently provide the option to slow the game down to 1x speed for critical messages, but we're forced to accept this for all messages. I suggest allowing players to determine which messages are critical. As an example, I want to be able to disable all tire temp warnings. It's extremely frustrating to receive 10 of these during a practice session when I'm just trying to get through it, both because I'm tired of hearing it (I already f'ing know the tires are cold, I'm slowing down their pace on purpose), and because I dislike how it jolts the pace back down to 1x.

I'm aware I could change the setting to not slow down the game, but I like that option at other times. Please make this more adaptable by letting is designate which messages are critical and being able to just turn off certain message types.

Thank you.
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