Most Interesting Find of the Day

I'm finally out of the neutron fields, past the hollow veil nebula, and picking up the occasional NS en-route to home. Lots of lovely untouched systems full of TFCs, WWs and strange configurations. As for the Neutrons, they are few and far between and only 11KLys from the Bubble, I rightly anticipated that most hereabouts would be tagged already.

So I like to add my own tag to any unscanned bodies when available and imagine my surprise when this rather grey blob of a planet turned out to be a water world orbiting Halle's Neutron.

I'm finally out of the neutron fields, past the hollow veil nebula, and picking up the occasional NS en-route to home. Lots of lovely untouched systems full of TFCs, WWs and strange configurations. As for the Neutrons, they are few and far between and only 11KLys from the Bubble, I rightly anticipated that most hereabouts would be tagged already.

So I like to add my own tag to any unscanned bodies when available and imagine my surprise when this rather grey blob of a planet turned out to be a water world orbiting Halle's Neutron.

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Wow, that's actually pretty neat - I didn't know water worlds could exist around neutron stars in-game. I had a similar case a few days ago but I didn't take a screenshot - a CMDR Statzy had scanned the main star in a system, but missed a TC HMC and WW.
(Forgive me if the pic doesn't come out.... I've not tried posting a pic in the forums yet.)
On my second mini-trip, I've made it to about 1000ly from sol. I found a few water worlds and one earth-like. Here's a pic of the binary system I hopped into. No harm done to my ship but it was the first sight that's made me say "Wow, that needs a screen grab!) Hmm. I can't make the pic appear, only a link. Drat.!328&authkey=!AOjAUntcdfYV70w&v=3&ithint=photo%2cpng

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Found my best system yet tonight. This is the kind of system that makes you feel like a 5 year old on xmas morning. It is the kind of system that just keeps on giving, and giving, and giving, until it hurts. It started with a Neutron. Easy money. The second star in the system was a class M star so it was nothing special but orbiting the M was a virtual mother load. The M was host to 2 terraformable HMC's, 1 terraformable Water World, and the best part was the not 1, but 2! ELW's. So all in all, one system netted me 1 Neutron, 2 ELW's, 1 terraformable WW, and 2 terraformable HMC's. wow... Just, wow.





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Only did one relaxed plot today on my way home to Sol and got lucky twice.

4 TC in a row, 3 of them WW:
An ELW and a TC as a binary around a NS:
Now THIS is a rare find, I KNOW you will agree:

Five teraforming candidates in a row, two of them are rocky moons. O.O I have never seen two planets in a row with teraformable moons before. Oh and that last one? She's 4.64 AU out from the star, well beyond a Class A's normal HZ. I guess it's thanks to the Class K in orbit with the A, but the K is 30k LS away.

Definitely a weird one.

Forgive the bad screenshot.
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