RCT 3 IOS Multiple user profiles?

Hello - I am thinking about buying this game, but I am asking whether there is an option for multiple user profiles? If I want to build my own park, and my daughter wants to build her own, can we each create separate user profiles? Thanks!

Support Vulcan

Customer Support
Hi bigdaddypdx,

Great question!

So there aren't different 'user profiles' as such, as that's not how the App works. It really depends on how you want to play:

If you play in Career Mode, each level can only have one current save before progressing to the next level. If you try to play a level that already has a save on it, the game will ask you if you want to overwrite what you already have.

Alternatively, in Sandbox Mode, you can have up to 3 saves at once - and can change the names etc to make them more personal, so you and your daughter could create your own parks! :)

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