My desires for JWE 2

Ok. I know there've been a lot of wish lists for a possible JWE sequel. I've even commented on a couple. So, I've decided to put my own desires out there.

1. Grazing. I'm not sure why this isn't in the current game, but it would make things a lot simpler and more fun if the herbivores hunger level could be satisfied by simply grazing on the vegetation in their enclosures. Also, I really want my own self sustaining Dinosaur ecosystem, and that would go a long way toward that goal.

2. Breeding. The park of my dreams is equal parts theme park, and nature preserve (hence my desire for a self sustaining ecosystem). So this and the aforementioned grazing would be necessary features for that.

3. Better music. I feel bad saying this because someone clearly worked very hard on the current game score. But, it frankly doesn't evoke the sense of entering the Jurassic Universe.
I would honestly really like to see Amy Doherty handle the JWE 2 score as I love what she did for Battle At Big Rock. Or maybe bring Stephan Shütze back as his JPOG score managed to be unique and engaging, all the while invoking the spirit of the film score.
On an unrelated note, I think it would be really cool to have specific pieces from the film soundtracks play during the game.
Like you could have The Raptor Attack play when a Velociraptor is released. Then have Visitor in San Diego for the T. Rex, Coopers Last Stand for the Spinosaurus. A Tree For My Bed (my personal favorite piece of JP music) would be an awesome ambient track and The Hungry Raptor would be fantastic for a Dinosaur rampage.

4. More in-depth customization. My biggest complaint with the current game is that It's preoccupied with recreation the parks of the films, rather than the park of my dreams. For example, I'd really love to build a park with JW technology and attractions. But with JP theming and name.
It would also be really cool to have customizable logos. Like choosing the Logosaurus (T. Rex, Spinosaurus, other), color (red, yellow, blue, other), finish (classic black, TLW stone, JP3/JW brushed metal, Camp Cretaceous wood, other).
On the subject of customization, I could do a lot with more park decor. Imagine being a guest in my park. As you walk through the massive and iconic park gates, to the right, is a T. Rex skeleton based on the original Logosaur. To the left, is a Spinosaurus skeleton based on the JP3 Logosaur. Beyond/between them is the classic Visitor Center, as if the 2 mascots of squaring up to fight over the franchise.

5. Stuff from the Universal Studios theme parks. I already posted a thread about this. But I just think it would be really cool to have the various amenities, rides and decorations from the real world Jurassic Parks. Also, it would be fun to have Dinosaur skins based on their ride counterparts. We could even have a River Adventure raft tour, similar in function to the Safari and Gyrosphere attractions. Admittedly, this might work better as a DLC.

6. Victory roars. I just find it awkward how my T. Rex roars triumphantly after killing a Parasaurolophus, but just stands there after killing a Spinosaurus.

7. Guest Interaction. I'm sure you guys are tired of being compared to JPOG, but something I really liked about that game was the ability to interact with guests.

8. Mascots. Basically I learned about Gulpee Rex and thought it was weird that Planet Coaster had a Dinosaur mascot but not JWE. Also, in the case of a breakout, how cool would it be to see a cartoony Dinosaur character like Gulpee Rex or Barney get eaten by an actual Dinosaur? I think that kind of juxtaposition would be very fitting in a Jurassic Park.

I really hope I haven't seemed overly critical. JWE is an awesome game, these are just some things I personally think would be cool.
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Ok. I know there've been a lot of wish lists for a possible JWE sequel. I've even commented on a couple. So, I've decided to put my own desires out there.

1. Grazing. I'm not sure why this isn't in the current game, but it would make things a lot simpler and more fun if the herbivores hunger level could be satisfied by simply grazing on the vegetation in their enclosures. Also, I really want my own self sustaining Dinosaur ecosystem, and that would go a long way toward that goal.

2. Breeding. The park of my dreams is equal parts theme park, and nature preserve (hence my desire for a self sustaining ecosystem). So this and the aforementioned grazing would be necessary features for that.

3. Better music. I feel bad saying this because someone clearly worked very hard on the current game score. But, it frankly doesn't evoke the sense of entering the Jurassic Universe.
I would honestly really like to see Amy Doherty handle the JWE 2 score as I love what she did for Battle At Big Rock. Or maybe bring Stephan Shütze back as his JPOG score managed to be unique and engaging, all the while invoking the spirit of the film score.
On an unrelated note, I think it would be really cool to have specific pieces from the film soundtracks play during the game.
Like you could have The Raptor Attack play when a Velociraptor is released. Then have Visitor in San Diego for the T. Rex, Coopers Last Stand for the Spinosaurus. A Tree For My Bed (my personal favorite piece of JP music) would be an awesome ambient track and The Hungry Raptor would be fantastic for a Dinosaur rampage.

4. More in-depth customization. My biggest complaint with the current game is that It's preoccupied with recreation the parks of the films, rather than the park of my dreams. For example, I'd really love to build a park with JW technology and attractions. But with JP theming and name.
It would also be really cool to have customizable logos. Like choosing the Logosaurus (T. Rex, Spinosaurus, other), color (red, yellow, blue, other), finish (classic black, TLW stone, JP3/JW brushed metal, Camp Cretaceous wood, other).
On the subject of customization, I could do a lot with more park decor. Imagine being a guest in my park. As you walk through the massive and iconic park gates, to the right, is a T. Rex skeleton based on the original Logosaur. To the left, is a Spinosaurus skeleton based on the JP3 Logosaur. Beyond/between them is the classic Visitor Center, as if the 2 mascots of squaring up to fight over the franchise.

5. Stuff from the Universal Studios theme parks. I already posted a thread about this. But I just think it would be really cool to have the various amenities, rides and decorations from the real world Jurassic Parks. Also, it would be fun to have Dinosaur skins based on their ride counterparts. We could even have a River Adventure raft tour, similar in function to the Safari and Gyrosphere attractions. Admittedly, this might work better as a DLC.

6. Victory roars. I just find it awkward how my T. Rex roars triumphantly after killing a Parasaurolophus, but just stands there after killing a Spinosaurus.

7. Guest Interaction. I'm sure you guys are tired of being compared to JPOG, but something I really liked about that game was the ability to interact with guests.

8. Mascots. Basically I learned about Gulpee Rex and thought it was weird that Planet Coaster had a Dinosaur mascot but not JWE. Also, in the case of a breakout, how cool would it be to see a cartoony Dinosaur character like Gulpee Rex or Barney get eaten by an actual Dinosaur? I think that kind of juxtaposition would be very fitting in a Jurassic Park.

I really hope I haven't seemed overly critical. JWE is an awesome game, these are just some things I personally think would be cool. View attachment 238179
Ok. I know there've been a lot of wish lists for a possible JWE sequel. I've even commented on a couple. So, I've decided to put my own desires out there.

1. Grazing. I'm not sure why this isn't in the current game, but it would make things a lot simpler and more fun if the herbivores hunger level could be satisfied by simply grazing on the vegetation in their enclosures. Also, I really want my own self sustaining Dinosaur ecosystem, and that would go a long way toward that goal.

2. Breeding. The park of my dreams is equal parts theme park, and nature preserve (hence my desire for a self sustaining ecosystem). So this and the aforementioned grazing would be necessary features for that.

3. Better music. I feel bad saying this because someone clearly worked very hard on the current game score. But, it frankly doesn't evoke the sense of entering the Jurassic Universe.
I would honestly really like to see Amy Doherty handle the JWE 2 score as I love what she did for Battle At Big Rock. Or maybe bring Stephan Shütze back as his JPOG score managed to be unique and engaging, all the while invoking the spirit of the film score.
On an unrelated note, I think it would be really cool to have specific pieces from the film soundtracks play during the game.
Like you could have The Raptor Attack play when a Velociraptor is released. Then have Visitor in San Diego for the T. Rex, Coopers Last Stand for the Spinosaurus. A Tree For My Bed (my personal favorite piece of JP music) would be an awesome ambient track and The Hungry Raptor would be fantastic for a Dinosaur rampage.

4. More in-depth customization. My biggest complaint with the current game is that It's preoccupied with recreation the parks of the films, rather than the park of my dreams. For example, I'd really love to build a park with JW technology and attractions. But with JP theming and name.
It would also be really cool to have customizable logos. Like choosing the Logosaurus (T. Rex, Spinosaurus, other), color (red, yellow, blue, other), finish (classic black, TLW stone, JP3/JW brushed metal, Camp Cretaceous wood, other).
On the subject of customization, I could do a lot with more park decor. Imagine being a guest in my park. As you walk through the massive and iconic park gates, to the right, is a T. Rex skeleton based on the original Logosaur. To the left, is a Spinosaurus skeleton based on the JP3 Logosaur. Beyond/between them is the classic Visitor Center, as if the 2 mascots of squaring up to fight over the franchise.

5. Stuff from the Universal Studios theme parks. I already posted a thread about this. But I just think it would be really cool to have the various amenities, rides and decorations from the real world Jurassic Parks. Also, it would be fun to have Dinosaur skins based on their ride counterparts. We could even have a River Adventure raft tour, similar in function to the Safari and Gyrosphere attractions. Admittedly, this might work better as a DLC.

6. Victory roars. I just find it awkward how my T. Rex roars triumphantly after killing a Parasaurolophus, but just stands there after killing a Spinosaurus.

7. Guest Interaction. I'm sure you guys are tired of being compared to JPOG, but something I really liked about that game was the ability to interact with guests.

8. Mascots. Basically I learned about Gulpee Rex and thought it was weird that Planet Coaster had a Dinosaur mascot but not JWE. Also, in the case of a breakout, how cool would it be to see a cartoony Dinosaur character like Gulpee Rex or Barney get eaten by an actual Dinosaur? I think that kind of juxtaposition would be very fitting in a Jurassic Park.

I really hope I haven't seemed overly critical. JWE is an awesome game, these are just some things I personally think would be cool. View attachment 238179
1) Based on today's announcement that seems likely. Herbs already had grazing behavior, it just didn't affect their hunger stat because JWE1 was assuming the Lycene Contingency was still effective. Seems like the theme of JWE2 is moving towards more natural dino survivablility.
2) Same as (1): the theme of JWE2 is moving in that direction and after Planet Zoo, implementation should be much easier.
3) Idk, I thought the score as it was great as it was. A better score would be welcome, but I guess we'll just have to wait and see.
4) I'm still tracking down where people are getting this, but Screenshots and a few feature announcements have been released along with the E3 announcement trailer. Allegedly building customization is among them, and there's a screenshot of some new buildings on a park mainstreet with (imo) questionable, off-scheme color choices.
5) I like this idea generally. But I have mixed feelings about the larger attractions: custom coasters a la Planet Coaster is on a lot of wishlists, but I'm axious about that additional system taking development time away from other features more central to JWE as a zoo/animal preserve.
6) Agree
7) Agree. I would add a comparison to Roller Coaster Tycoon 2 where guests had personal inventories that they would keep things they bought in. I.E. if they bought an umbrella at the welcome center they would open the umbrella when it starts raining or else run cause they're getting wet, or if they bought an ice cream cone at a vendor they were eating it while walking to the next attraction. Imagine night vision goggles being sold and those who bought it where them at night.
8) I'm picturing the cotton flying all over the place while a raptor tries to get at the person inside. It's a great way to crank up the violence without actual gore or risk a higher ESRB rating.
8.2) Going back to my point about guests buying stuff: Imagine selling those t-rex suits and people walking around the park in them when the actual rex gets out :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
Like I said in previous posts I’ll wait to jump on the hype train this time around. The first game was a good game but left a lot to be desired. This game seems to look like the first game with better graphics. Hopefully this game offers a piece by piece building system and dinosaurs can use deeper water. Hopefully missions are less repetitive and sandbox is a option from the start. I’m skeptical tbh. From what I’ve gathered universal hinders the game and what frontier is able to do with it. Not saying there’s credible truth in that but that’s what I’ve read and seen on various video posts and forums. I would have really liked to see frontiers version of a dinosaur game instead.
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These are great ideas. I overall like how this game is building up.

My only concern, albeit not a major one, is to see guests still phase through doors of the buildings and facilities. That, and I would very much appreciate the large carnivores not popping their heads through the fences.
To be fair, all said was you wouldn't be able to bioengineer juveniles, but that bioengineering wouldn't be the only way for Dinosaurs to appear in our parks. Maybe that's a hint at Dinosaur procreation. But I'd rather err on the side of caution and not hold my breath.
I agree. Breeding isn't completely precluded, but I'm assuming wild dinos wander into the park or something until further notice or clarification.
To be fair, all said was you wouldn't be able to bioengineer juveniles, but that bioengineering wouldn't be the only way for Dinosaurs to appear in our parks. Maybe that's a hint at Dinosaur procreation. But I'd rather err on the side of caution and not hold my breath.
Well thought out... now I was curious about the new way of introducing dinosaurs in maps...let's wait
I think although somewhat disappointed with some speculation so far this game can still be a great game. One letdown I would have is the building system. I was hoping it would have a planet series build system this time. It looks and sounds like a for sure thing this won’t happen. Disappointment but not the end of the world once you accept the fact it’s probably not happening. The solution? Imo the first game had rather underwhelming dlc. I was always hoping for foliage,objects,scenery,and more buildings. The only dlc that offered some great stuff in that regard was the 1993 pack. This is a must this time around. In planet zoo they offer this plus animals which some aren’t too fond of but it’s always nice to have more to customize with. Some more biome paints would be great along with more exciting dinosaur skins. Like I said the little details make all the world of difference and make good games great imo. And of course listening to customer feedback as obviously the fans of the game are your money. I know a lot of requested dinosaurs never made the first game which obviously happens but this will draw people in and helps make up for any games shortcomings. Last the breeding issue. Not a huge setback to me but others really want this so in a future update or dlc I’d hope frontier and universal could make it happen. Usually frontier try’s to implement requests if possible like when they looked into the water park request for Planco players. Anyway obviously there’s always some more things they could do which of course varies from player to player. But imo listening to feedback and some of these suggestions could improve the game from the first jwe.
I think although somewhat disappointed with some speculation so far this game can still be a great game. One letdown I would have is the building system. I was hoping it would have a planet series build system this time. It looks and sounds like a for sure thing this won’t happen. Disappointment but not the end of the world once you accept the fact it’s probably not happening. The solution? Imo the first game had rather underwhelming dlc. I was always hoping for foliage,objects,scenery,and more buildings. The only dlc that offered some great stuff in that regard was the 1993 pack. This is a must this time around. In planet zoo they offer this plus animals which some aren’t too fond of but it’s always nice to have more to customize with. Some more biome paints would be great along with more exciting dinosaur skins. Like I said the little details make all the world of difference and make good games great imo. And of course listening to customer feedback as obviously the fans of the game are your money. I know a lot of requested dinosaurs never made the first game which obviously happens but this will draw people in and helps make up for any games shortcomings. Last the breeding issue. Not a huge setback to me but others really want this so in a future update or dlc I’d hope frontier and universal could make it happen. Usually frontier try’s to implement requests if possible like when they looked into the water park request for Planco players. Anyway obviously there’s always some more things they could do which of course varies from player to player. But imo listening to feedback and some of these suggestions could improve the game from the first jwe.
I'm happy with your position. Solidarity with other players is very cool. Thank you!
Ok. I know there've been a lot of wish lists for a possible JWE sequel. I've even commented on a couple. So, I've decided to put my own desires out there.

1. Grazing. I'm not sure why this isn't in the current game, but it would make things a lot simpler and more fun if the herbivores hunger level could be satisfied by simply grazing on the vegetation in their enclosures. Also, I really want my own self sustaining Dinosaur ecosystem, and that would go a long way toward that goal.

2. Breeding. The park of my dreams is equal parts theme park, and nature preserve (hence my desire for a self sustaining ecosystem). So this and the aforementioned grazing would be necessary features for that.

3. Better music. I feel bad saying this because someone clearly worked very hard on the current game score. But, it frankly doesn't evoke the sense of entering the Jurassic Universe.
I would honestly really like to see Amy Doherty handle the JWE 2 score as I love what she did for Battle At Big Rock. Or maybe bring Stephan Shütze back as his JPOG score managed to be unique and engaging, all the while invoking the spirit of the film score.
On an unrelated note, I think it would be really cool to have specific pieces from the film soundtracks play during the game.
Like you could have The Raptor Attack play when a Velociraptor is released. Then have Visitor in San Diego for the T. Rex, Coopers Last Stand for the Spinosaurus. A Tree For My Bed (my personal favorite piece of JP music) would be an awesome ambient track and The Hungry Raptor would be fantastic for a Dinosaur rampage.

4. More in-depth customization. My biggest complaint with the current game is that It's preoccupied with recreation the parks of the films, rather than the park of my dreams. For example, I'd really love to build a park with JW technology and attractions. But with JP theming and name.
It would also be really cool to have customizable logos. Like choosing the Logosaurus (T. Rex, Spinosaurus, other), color (red, yellow, blue, other), finish (classic black, TLW stone, JP3/JW brushed metal, Camp Cretaceous wood, other).
On the subject of customization, I could do a lot with more park decor. Imagine being a guest in my park. As you walk through the massive and iconic park gates, to the right, is a T. Rex skeleton based on the original Logosaur. To the left, is a Spinosaurus skeleton based on the JP3 Logosaur. Beyond/between them is the classic Visitor Center, as if the 2 mascots of squaring up to fight over the franchise.

5. Stuff from the Universal Studios theme parks. I already posted a thread about this. But I just think it would be really cool to have the various amenities, rides and decorations from the real world Jurassic Parks. Also, it would be fun to have Dinosaur skins based on their ride counterparts. We could even have a River Adventure raft tour, similar in function to the Safari and Gyrosphere attractions. Admittedly, this might work better as a DLC.

6. Victory roars. I just find it awkward how my T. Rex roars triumphantly after killing a Parasaurolophus, but just stands there after killing a Spinosaurus.

7. Guest Interaction. I'm sure you guys are tired of being compared to JPOG, but something I really liked about that game was the ability to interact with guests.

8. Mascots. Basically I learned about Gulpee Rex and thought it was weird that Planet Coaster had a Dinosaur mascot but not JWE. Also, in the case of a breakout, how cool would it be to see a cartoony Dinosaur character like Gulpee Rex or Barney get eaten by an actual Dinosaur? I think that kind of juxtaposition would be very fitting in a Jurassic Park.

I really hope I haven't seemed overly critical. JWE is an awesome game, these are just some things I personally think would be cool. View attachment 238179
This is all what I want in a Jurassic Park game especially Jurassic world evolution now hopefully this game Jurassic world Evolution 2 hopefully will have all of these features in the game and I hope that Frontier does add more depth into the game.😃👍
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