PvP My First PVP Kill


It was a while a go now.

I had just upgraded from a Sidewinder to a mostly C rated Adder with 1 Medium pulse and 2 multicannons but most importantly, i had bought my first interdictor.

I was a couple of systems over from Eravate in one of the Ross systems.

I saw a hauler, pulled him out of Supercruise and just blew him up.

That was the beginning of my career as an Emergent Content Delivery Specialist

so how long till you ask to join your heroes SDC. Despite the wide range of activities really have nothing better to do than kill new players because it filled some void in their poor self-esteem. and seemed to try to drive away customers as a profession.
So OP you went to a system where new players start, killed a noob that probably had no idea what just happened.

I would say it probably had felt like winning Paralympics medal if I didn't think you were trolling haha


It's not a space combat game :)

It's in Space...... except for the real bored people out exploring, most things do try and shoot at you at somepoint.

Its definitely a Space Combat game.

Also tell the person in the Hauler at the rebuy screen he wasn't just in combat... in space....
It's in Space...... except for the real bored people out exploring, most things do try and shoot at you at somepoint.

Its definitely a Space Combat game.

And yet two of the three Elite ranks don't require you to even equip weapons, much less use them.

Odd that.

It's a game with combat in it. It's not a combat game.


Those other 2 weird activities are not developed almost at all while combat is 100% complete, as of today its definitely a combat game with minor aspect of exploration.
I was chugging along in my viper when I got interdicted by an eagle I deployed weps and melted it, then I alt-tabbed to the manual to find out what a hollow icon meant.
Killing a hauler is not a PvP kill, it's an act of mercy.

Kidding aside, you are proud of killing a Hauler, seriously? SDC will love you.


I still remember my first PvP kill.

Was back in the Durius conflict, and I saw a CMDR who I'd noted on the other side in the Conflict Zone prior trying to dock up (to hand his CZ bonds in, no doubt).

Immolated him before he got the chance to land.

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